geesus, how come every couple months Pat Robertson makes a gaffe like this, and it's never ruined his career? How come the other CBN team hasnt tried to get him off the air and run with what he's built? I mean his kids old enough now... I think Pat Robertson might be made of stone. He can say pretty much anything or do anything he wants, and he still has networks to syndicate his program. One day he's going to strip naked and masturbate all over his desk, call Jack Van Impe a b-string motherfucker, declare himself King Shit of Fuck Mountain, and the next day he'll still be on the air, beautific smile and an unreal, completely made up and set up to acheive 30,000 dollar goal to meet by the end of the broadcast. God loves this man. |
but only if by "God" you mean "JHVH-1, Alien Space God of Wrath, who so enjoys toying with the puny organisms of this toilet earth" |