Monumental What does it look like where you are?: Monumental
Jim aka PajamaBoy on Thursday, January 7, 1999 - 08:55 am:

    From my window, ok so it's not MY window-- I'm only sitting in this office while the intern is on holiday, but anyway from THIS window, I can see to my left the Statue Freedom which sits atop the dome of the U.S. Capitol. To my right, the very tip of the now scaffolded Washington Monument. Straight ahead I see the U.S. Department of Labor, and the Monica S. Lewinsky/Kenneth Starr Federal Courthouse.

    From my desk, well not MY desk-- you get the picture, I see a wall of placques and kudos to my boss. Most are kind of old. Makes you wonder where the more recent ones are, if there are any.

    The phone sits not on the desk, but instead IN the upper lefthand drawer, which is pulled out. Odd.

    So, in a nutshell, that's what it looks like where I am.

By Semillama on Tuesday, January 26, 1999 - 03:38 pm:

    In general: WHITE. White sky, white ground, white people. Oh, there are some other colors, some brown, black, tan and yellow folks, plus a lot of green trees where there isn't white on top, but mostly white. If you're looking for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), this is the place.

    Specifically, my office is in a poorly ventilated brick building. There is one small window here. I share my office space with our departmental graphics lab, which means I generally have three computers at my disposal. My desk is obvious: it's the one with all the crap piled on it, plus the really weird stuff plastered to walls above it.

By Pink Eye-full-o-shit on Saturday, January 30, 1999 - 10:11 am:

    My cat, Jave ( ha-va(long A )) doesn't care. *by boy* He lept from my seat without abandon.