I am usually more attractive than I am today, I swear! I look like I haven't slept in 3 days or something, but I *have* slept, and very well at that. I'm not under particular stress, I haven't changed my eating habits... Yesterday was a bad face day too. I wonder what's going on. And I wonder how long it's going to last. Does this happen to you? |
i have come to recognize that on some days i just look horrible and associate this with my self image rather than how i really look. |
Who knows. |
it's either something you're eating, a nutrient you're not getting enough of, or one of your internal organs is not doing it's job properly. that's my theory. |
There are portents in the sky. Unspeakable changes are occuring all around us. Or Maybe you need a moisturizer. |
There were only two things that I noticed changing around that time in my life: 1. my hot flashes stopped 2. people stopped carding me for booze. I wonder if it isn't something hormonal. I dunno. Unfortunately for me, things haven't changed much. I still get mistaken for a 12 or 13 year old, but I think it is because I am so small and I have the chest of a 12 year old. |
ArachnaSorabji? |
I got my hair cut last night, too. I look cute, if I may say so. |
let's see a picture. |
though i suspect i will have a scandelous dream tonight now that this has been layed out. |
matters of the heart and loins need not always sound like an Anais novel. im definitely having a dream now. |
i sometimes scan people on the subway, trying to determine who got some the night before. if there is any scientific base between looks and sex, id say so many need so much. every now and then you can spot someone with that glow, a bit of beam from the eyes. you can see the mind wandering, see them replaying bits and pieces of the night before. sometimes they smile, possibly not even knowing they are smiling. i know i do sometimes, catching myself smiling while replaying details. Maybe all of this is in my head, but thats ok, i like it. |
Anyway, I've been having the bad face syndrome again in these past few days. Agatha was right. I've also noticed that I'm getting lines on my forehead, but only on the right side. That's strange because my left eyebrow is the only one I can raise by itself, so it's not like the right side is doing more work than the left. It's a mystery. |
In the last year I've noticed that I am starting to get crow's feet. And sometimes after I stop smiling there is this very deep crease that forms around my mouth, almost like it should be the outline of clown make-up. If I see it happening, I'll stand in front of the mirror and rub my cheeks until it goes away. |
It's hard to describe. Basically, it is as though someone is pulling at the sides of my eyes, nose, and lips. But at the same time nothing at all that. |
do you think it's because you slept funny? or maybe your mirror is warping from humidity. |
Is there anything (activity, music, place, food) you still enjoy that you can use as a reward for slogging through X amount of work or doing Y task? How much longer until you're finished the school year? |
the past 3 days have been very numb like i described above. i spilled a bit, though, here and to some friends and to my journal. i've sort of started working on my paper again. i dont really need a reward, just getting things done and being productive would be satisfying i think... but okay. back to work. |
I finished yesterday. After my last test, I honestly didn't know what to do with myself. I'd spent the previous weeks working on projects every spare moment I had. Neither of them got as far as I wanted, but I know I was trying to do too much. Now I need to figure out how to be a social human being again. |
maybe i'm cut out to live in a hole. |
I know i'm swinging back and forth today... it sort of depends on who i've been talking to and whether i've been productive or not. i better shut up and go do calc while i've still got the drive. i'll probably come back when i get mushy-brained again. sorry, not explaining this too well, not very well thought-out, but i want to sieze my short moment of mental clarity. (read: gotta go before the ritalin wears off again... i'll rant about that someday soon) |
i know that no one has a truly symmetrical face, but today I became painfully aware of how asymmetrical my face is i look like the sad boy-child who falls in love with Salad Fingers in episode four how come no one told me this before? |
There's no way out of this tarpit, gentlemen. Just back away. Back away! Especially you, sem... :) |
developed my first wrinkles. I now have fine lines under my eyes. They weren't there a few days ago, but they have remained there for a few days, so I guess they're there to stay. The line above my right eyebrow comes and goes, so it doesn't count. Just thought you should know. |
I'm 28, and you have known me back when I was a baby- faced youngster, and now you know me as I get wrinkles. This is blowing my mind a little. I wonder if we'll still be here in 10 more years. |
Scary. |
Until Lucy comes back to drive me off, that is... |
spider - if you're still collecting "hard times" tunes, i found a new one for you: "hard times (no one knows better than i)" by ray charles. |
i don't have a problem with being 36, but i have a problem with what i didn't do between 18 and 35 it is *something* that kids think they will be old by 30 i at least thought i might know something by now and i know less *annoying? *relieving? *funny? *sad? |
last month was my 11 year anniversary here. i think my first post was on WAYD, something like, "wondering if i'm pregnant." hah. hah. hah. spider, getting lines around your eyes is cool. don't be afraid of 28. the best is 30. 30 is cool, because you're young enough to be vibrant and energetic, and old enough to be taken seriously. |
The only part I'm not liking is the grey hair and the thin skin around my eyes. And I think I have been posting here for like 6 years now, off and on? |
I have been here, more off than on, for something close to 10 years. |
hi BIGKev. |
Your sentence structure is just so unusual. |