Me, I voted in a middle school. Lots of kids exhorting the folks in line to vote for Kerry. I arrived at 7:45 to a line with at least 50 people in it and waited an hour and a half to vote. The length of the line had not changed in the hour and a half I spent in it. How about where everyone else is? |
LOTS OF YOUNG FOLKS! They laughed at P.Diddy & his gangster 'Vote Or Die' campaign -- but it worked! All those rock stars & movie stars telling folks to get out & vote WORKED! In all my life, I can never remember seeing so many 20-somethings lined up to vote on Election Day. Very cool. I always feel good after voting, but today I felt esp. energized. I think Kerry's gonna win -- hopefully by a sizable margin. But when I called my Mom, she advised me that Florida is up to it's usual tricks. She heard about one woman who said that after selecting the full Democratic ticket on the touch screen, all her votes suddenly changed to Republican candidates. She tried to change each one back but they wouldn't budge. Luckily, she knew better than to press the Cast Your Vote button. She demanded a lawyer & one was on site. The lawyer had the Elections officials check the machine &, lo & behold, there was a 'glitch'. The offending computer was removed from the premesis. But who knows how many votes the 'glitch' may have changed before someone caught it? Still, I'm glad to see such a magnificent turnout. I heard on the radio on my way to the polls that in 2000, Maryland had 280,000 registered voters on the books. As of yesterday, that number had swelled to 3,000,000!! Maybe there really is hope for this country yet. - RC |
I voted fairly early, so there weren't a lot of folks--by the time the 90 year old lady with the poll list had found my name, several booths had opened up. Here we have optical scan systems, so it's like filling out a scantron test. You also don't get a receipt for your ballot. Good times. Everyone there was older, although as the day has worn on I've seen more and more young folks out voting. And arguing. The streets are seething with political arguments. We had a long ballot in California so it took awhile to fill the whole thing out. Lots of interesting props. According to the early news reports, turnout is huge. I'm really amazed by all the waits you guys have been reporting, and I'm also amazed that people have been willing to wait three hours to vote, that's awesome. In a few hours I suppose we shall start seeing the results--I'm having a little follow the results party which starts in a little while. Storm brewing over the ocean, which will hopefully hold off until the polls close... |
i showed up a bit later, after the police and news cameras (all the networks) showed up. the machine she wrecked was for a district other than mine in my the lines were long for that district..but not for mine, although turnout was very good. |
I wasn't asked, but it is legal for them to ask you for I.D. here in Maryland if you don't have your voter registration card with you. However, I heard on the radio earlier today that in Ohio, where it is NOT legal to make voters show id, cops were hassling van-loads of Native American voters on their way to the polls & asking the ones who made it there for I.D. So I guess we can expect more election-related lawsuits in Ohio starting tomorrow. - RC |
RC, I don't know if it's legal in California or not--I didn't get asked for ID and I don't have a voter registration card (they never mailed it to me). I do think it's a little wierd that you don't have to identify yourself at all. You could totally memorize another name and vote again. There was a bit of a brouhaha at our polling place when someone asked for a receipt, too. He ending up just being mumbly and leaving, and I was kind of disappointed he didn't make more of a stink. I know I'm not the only one who's not so cool with not getting a receipt for my ballot. |
One of my co workers lives in an African American neighborhood, so I am keen to hear what she has to say about her polling place tomorrow morning. |
you could fill out another form. And there were lots of options for the kind of ID you can show. I voted at a local school. School was cancelled for the day. I waited an hour and a half, which isn't bad. Mostly 20-something to 30 and 40 something middle class white crowd, a few African Americans and a few older people. There were several people who weren't on the "books" because of how many people registered last month. They just went to another desk and I'm not sure how they resolved that since it didn't affect me. When I left there was virtually no line. I was part of the pre-work crowed. There was no backup at the computers, the movement between check in and booth was smooth. I made friends with some folks around me. It was funny, people were talking about voting, but no one was really talking about who they were voting for. It was Diebold, no reciept voting which sucks, but I knew it was coming. People were confused as to where their vote was counted, either in the computer or on the keycard but otherwise there weren't any problems. |
i checked, once i removed the card, to see to it the right god damn number was inked, and it was. |
We had paper and ink ballots too but you filled in the bubbles. |
at first i was looking at the 'pen' or puncher thingy and wondering how it was going to fit in the allocated holes then i touched the endpoint and realized it was ink. |
He wanted to stay up all night and watch the results come in. Awwww, it's like he's waiting for Santa. You DONT have to show I.D. in some places?? That's scary. |
"I heard on the radio on my way to the polls that in 2000, Maryland had 280,000 registered voters on the books. As of yesterday, that number had swelled to 3,000,000!!" that's got to be a typo: you mean 2.8 million (2,800,000) in 2000, right? i thought, from these boards, that you were in sarasota. you're in maryland now? |
I hate to say this, but Right wing america's hatred of gays and their desire to keep them second-class citizens is what made the difference for Bush. IF bush wins, it's because they stuck things like Ohio's Issue 1 on the ballot to mobilize their base of haters. We're so fucked. here comes the oil drills, here comes endless war. Goodbye land of the free, home of the brave. |
and I guess, a little bit, for us. |
Think hard about this. "(1) All exit polls had Kerry ahead in in FL and OH. (2) All Democrats were completely confident, based (I'm sure) on internal polls. Kennedy said Kerry won. He was sure. So was the DNC chair, who referred to Kerry as president-elect. (3) Canadian TV (CTV) said it will be an early landslide (their word) for Kerry. They had inside information. (4) Exit polls have always been correct -- until they pulled FLorida away from Gore, and Bush took power by force. Since then no exit poll has ever been any good. Coincidence? (5) In the midterm elections, the VERY SAME thing happened as tonight. Polls nationwide favored Democrats, and then the GOP won every state -- and the exit polls vanished!!! Pollsters had never been so wrong. IT WAS THE FIRST TIME MACHINES WERE USED. (6) We all know who owns the Diabold (Diabolical) voting machines. And it ain't the Democrats. (5) Every historical predictor pointed to a Kerry victory: the large turnout, Bush's approval ratings, the economy, and the fact that he consistently polled under 50 or even 48%. No president had ever won with such low numbers. And then magically everything reversed itself and Bush wins. Do you guys believe this is for real?" something is definitely fishy. very fishy. |
face it. the general populus of this country are assholes. look at allll the election results nationwide. all the propositions, all the gains made in the Congress by the right. Its disgusting. People are sheep. People are scared. People suck. Lets not try and litigate crumbs here. best birthday ever! 4 more years of the fundamentalist idiot, daughter screamed going to day care ripping my heart from the door all the way to work, said goodbye to my roaring 20s. not that that means anything but its something to get all squishy about for whatever reason. this train wreck of an election is what it is. Democrats had it in hand and blew it. Abu Ghraib? Gitmo? Halliburton? 380 tons of Explosives? DOOD! if you cant get your man in office in light of those fucking criminal mishaps by the incumbant, you're fucking retarded! Perhaps i should go squeeze some tears and get this shit over with. fuck dodi. fuck nichole. fuckitall |
be suspicious about. plenty. fuck the sheeple. fuck the democrats. fuck the media. fuck anyone who didn't vote. fuck the republicans who can back this facist criminal. FUCK FUCK FUCK nothign good can happen today |
I'm reading mixed reports--I've seen a couple saying that Kerry ceded to Bush, others that he is still fighting. I *knew* this was going to happen, I just knew it. Something fishy is certainly afoot, but I don't know if we're going to find out what it was. Ohio, certainly, is obviously in trouble. What troubles me is that given current info, Bush won the popular vote. What is wrong with Americans? I so want a big bowl of something hot and steamy. fuck dodi. fuck nichole. fuckitall |
fuck dodi. fuck nichole. fuckitall. |
fuck dodi. fuck nichole. fuckitall |
I'm just so annoyed that something is afoot and we don't know what it is, and we probably never will. However, it wasn't 17% of 18-29 year olds who turned out, actually. They comprised 17% of the people who voted. I'm having trouble finding statistics dealing with percentage of elibible population. And I would really be interested in seeing them. |
who do they tend to vote for ;) |
What are you talking about? |
YIPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! I'm wishing you all a fabulous Bush day! |
move to swing states, theres nothing to be gained by sticking around Austin |
The issue is that the right mobilizes in mass numbers, as seen in this election, especially when other issues (such as gay marriage) are on the ballot. I think that it's easy for people outside this country to tell us how this election could have or should have gone, but from the inside it's a little bit different. It's a big country, and there are a lot of people in it who have opinions which are polar opposites. I'm more concerned about voter fraud and intimidation right now than the apathetic left, and I'm interested to hear reports from the international monitors, who apparently saw nothing amiss, since you'd expect it to be fairly smattered across the news right now. |
goodnight democracy. the only question now is fight or flee? |
Fat lot of good it did. And I was living in Sarasota until Sept. Then I moved to Balto. My Mom's here too now. But really, guys -- please, help me sort this thing out. Because I really don't believe this exit poll, "We voted our moral values" crap. In the middle of a war that is bankrupting the nation, with unemployment on the rise, no new jobs being created (outside of shit-wage service jobs), decent-paying jobs being out-sourced to foreign countries, I don't believe that "moral values" were the top issue on the minds of Christians. If they were, they couldn't have convinced themselves to vote for a liar & deceiver like Bush. Issues like our young people dying in a phony war for oil & the widening gap between the rich & the poor qualify as "moral issues" -- how come THOSE issues weren't on the front burner for all these so-called religious conservatives? Stem cell research was a non-issue -- the REAL question was why none of these 'sanctity of life' liars have shit to say about all the extra embryos being created by fertility doctors EVERY DAY that end up being destroyed once some infertile couple manages to get their healthy baby or twins. No one gives a rat's ass about destryoing those so-called new lives. And neither Bush nor Kerry EVER discussed why provisions aren't being made to allow couples to donate those frozen embyros for stem cell research -- because they were BOTH scared of offending the Right-To-Lifers by showing what hypocrites they are on that particular 'moral issue'! When it's their asses that are infertile, all talk of what is 'natural' & 'as God intended' goes right out the fucking window -- they relegate that for their anti-gay diatribes. And they conveniently shut their minds to what becomes of all those 'extra' embryos they gladly let the doctors create. BUSH SAID ON 10/26 THAT HE DISAGREED WITH THE REPUBLICAN PARTY ON DENYING GAYS THE LEGAL RIGHTS MARRIAGE CONFERS & THAT HE SUPPORTED LETTING THE STATES APPROVE CIVIL UNIONS. So all these co-called conservative Christians who were so indignant at the thought of gays being allowed to marry were FULL OF SHIT if they still supported Bush -- HE FLIP-FLOPPED! But his final position was the RIGHT one -- marriage as a religious sacrament is diffrerent from marriage as a social contract. And there's no sane reason not to allows gays to protect their familis & their rights by forming civil unions to guarantee those rights. We allow them to adopt kids (in most states) & do everything else straight couples do. Referendums gave several states the chance to dispose of the gay marriage issue completely separate from their pick for Presidnet. So WTF happened? That can't have been the issue that caused all these mofos to vote for Bush -- he proved to be more liberal than his 'conservative' base! Then what was it? Really? - RC |