second floor of an old (say mid-19th C.) house in Brookline, MA, with three other people. My room is very small, with just enough room for a bed and a thin table, but I'm going to try to squeeze in two bookshelves somehow. I was feeling rather trepidatious about moving into an established household with its own dynamic, having to learn their systems for doing things. Then, last night, I watched Hitchcock's "Rebecca." (The book is one of my favorites.) You know how Mrs. De Winter's biggest problem is that she was much too sheepish when she arrived at Manderly, being too afraid to assert her personality in the slightest way? This inspired me to be bolder than usual when I moved in to this new place -- for example, going through the cabinets and closets without asking for permission, as I would normally do, because I reckoned it was my house now and I needed to know where things were. I moved my things in around 2 pm and then I was out until it's 10. I don't feel at home yet, but I expect things will be better by Tuesday, when school starts. I'm lucky in that my mom lives about 7 blocks away, so I'm fairly familiar with the area. My mom is actually out of town until Sept. 21, so I can use her apartment as a second base if I need to. I also have the keys to one of her friends' apartments, which is equipped with a grand piano -- very nice. My friend MH called me from NYC yesterday -- she's trying to find a place to live before her job starts on Tuesday, and so far she's seen a dozen places but they're all either too dirty or full of dirty hippies and/or cats. (Her words.) I'm so glad I can post if only my wireless signal were stronger. I know this place is dead on Saturday nights, but I just wanted to put this out there. |
Thanks, you. |
I just watched Little Miss Sunshine. |
Library School Boston New Old Funky House New Roommates/Potential Friends Spidertude Give them hell, girl! | Jenna is the bomb. |
Agatha, I just got excited -- we'll be like sisters in arms, or something. The other day, I was thinking about the state of the world...thinking about the New Yorker article I read that said certain Cabinet members were prepared to use nuclear weapons on Iran to stop their uranium know, how close we could be to Armageddon. And I asked myself if I could stand to be a librarian in a time of nuclear holocaust, or would I wish I had some other job, like a nurse or someone who would treat PTSD in bomb victims. But, no, I would be really happy to be a librarian after the apocalypse. It would like Fahrenheit 451...we'd be preserving humanity in a very important way. |
I had my orientation today -- I think I'm going to be very happy here. I wasn't the least bit nervous, either, which was amazing. I slept very well last night, and I was truly excited to go. These are my people -- we are all library geeks. My first class starts on Saturday. (I have classes on Tuesdays and Saturdays, and I'll get to have an internship this semester. Did you know that Boston has more libraries than any other US city?) |
*i don't actually know if this is true. |