alexis has made some new friends now, so i'm in trouble. it's not like i'm a total geek, i mean, i like myself and i think i'm pretty cool. i listen to awesome music, i like my hair, i have some awesome clothes (okay, so maybe they're not what everyone else is wearing, but isn't unique supposed to be GOOD?), i like my voice a lot. i'm not beautiful, but i guess you could say i'm cute. but for some reason NO ONE talks to me. i don't think that i should ALWAYS have to initiate conversation... so i refuse to. i'm too shy anyways. but will it always be like this? i mean, it's been a month, i thought that after a month it would be better, but it's not... do you think it'll take longer than a month to make some friends? because as long as i have the hope that eventually it WILL happen, i can do it. the only sad thing is that THIS is what i've looked forward to my whole life... i mean, this is IT, it's university. and look what i'm doing... sitting in my room. *sigh* |
love, sister |
There were some days during my first year where I literally only said 2 words all day, those being "thank you" to someone who held the door for me. I know how much it hurts to be alone. The first few months of college were like raw agony for me because I missed my friends and family so much. And I was/am really shy, too shy to strike up a friendship with someone who already is settled into the social life. I wish I could give you some advice on how to deal with, but I don't know if I can. I only know what worked for me. And it did work, because now I don't even notice that I don't have someone to have lunch with or go into town with. I just go by myself and it feels fine. Well, here's what helped: keeping a journal (so I could get out of myself all the things I wanted to tell someone), prayer (so I could talk to someone as I walked around, even if it was just in my head), frequent letter writing to my old friends at other schools, music, studying, and reading Henry Rollins (who is the loneliest man in the country and has plenty of things to say that will comfort you). Also, things just get better with as the time goes by. And this may be the Rollins influence, but I think that sticking with hard times makes you tougher. Like he says a lot, scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue. One of my distant friends gave me this poem/psalm to help...I think it's by Leonard Cohen(?): Blessed are you who has given each man a shield of loneliness so that he cannot forget you. You are the truth of loneliness, and only your name addresses it. Strengthen my loneliness that I may be healed in your name, which is beyond all consolations that atre uttered on this earth. Only in your name can I stand in the rush of time, only when this loneliness is yours can I lift my sins toward your mercy. I hope this helps. |
if so, get a job at the ubyssey. they seem like they have a lot of fun. |
I have to admit I went to school with a3 of my closest friends and two of my others moved to town regardless, but then again we had a band and we all were rather slack in school so it wasn't hard for all of us to get in. However, we all have times likme this, YOU WILL MEET FOLKS, take this time like Rhi said and turn it internally in a Taxi Driver kinda way, start pumping lots of iron, read the dictionary, hang around her for some sort of interaction, the grass is always greener on the other side, or so it seems, ther are too many people in college for you to go thru it alone, trust me......Cyst had a good idea in the sense that a small part time job at some place cool (some place likely to attract people like you), like a record store, clothing shot, bookstore, quirky gift shop, local pizza hang out etc etc etc ....good luck |
There is always the radio. If your school has a radio station go check that out! |
Ah, high school. We were little snots then. I remember when everyone called Doc Martens "docs" we had to call them "Martens" and when everyone started saying "Martens" we would say "docs." That's what we wasted our time on. That and our image, because we were outsiders and had to struggle to keep on the right side of the line between "cool rebel outsiders" and "sorry un-athletic dork outsiders." We knew we had made it when we were told in 11th grade religion class that we had "problems with authority." That validated our existence. We were so silly. We started a little 'zine called Martian Sunburst where we wrote about music and clothes and how lame everyone in our school was (except for us, of course) and it was fun until this scary girl got involved and made us distribute it at shows and stuff, and we didn't want it to be that serious. Her name was Christina...I've seen her on some home-made commercials for a music store in my area since she graduated. I remember she kept carrot sticks in her glove compartment for masturbatory purposes. She was scary. See, that's one benefit of having a rough time in college...your memories become sweeter. Even the bad times during my adolescence (and there were an ass-load of them) seem charming now. |
The thing is, it took me about 2 years to reach this state. I had major depressions in freshman/sophomore year. Hopefully, you won't. (I'm prone to them myself, but if you're not, don't worry about it.) But, you know, just last week I was realizing I haven't been depressed in like 2 years. Because you just get better inside. By the way, I'm serious about the Henry Rollins. Saved my life. Get yourself to the nearest bookstore and buy a copy of "The Essential Henry Rollins," which is a collection of all his books. Because, boy, if you think you have it rough...that man...I love that man. Here's a taste: "It can be found. It is somewhere in the night. It is lurking past midnight and you have to be alone to find it. You can be absolutely sure that you will not find it in company, no matter how intimate it is. The darkness on the edge of town can only be articulated alone. "In the black heat of this summer night, I have found it. The beautiful, sonorous pitch of exquisite loneliness. Not saddening. Not alienating. It is friendly and lets you know that you have been, are, and will be. "Right now, I am alone with my memories and the sound of my breathing. Traffic sounds have died down. My mind is full of tree-lined streets and the sound of thousands of insects. All the burnt nights, all the wasted time, the humiliation and failure of my life cannot take these images away from me. "And what is the "It"? Your true self. You. The one who comes out when the coast is clear. The one who cannot stand up to scrutiny. The one that is so pure that it cannot defend itself. It knows nothing other than itself. It is only understood by one. The one outside the window at night when you are with someone. It is as close to perfection as you will ever come. It is the one who keeps us ever so slightly apart. "It is now I can think of my invisible family. The dead and the unknown. Those who feel what I feel. I never meet them. I don't want to talk about this with anyone. Ever." You may not be as angry as Henry is (and not many people are), but like you said yourself, it's good to know someone has it like you/worse than you. And it's true, what he says. Things will get better, and you'll get better. Don't worry. |
Straight and narrow? Is that like when you won't even take aspirin or drink caffeine? Then no. We never really bought into the straight edge "scene," it was just a stance we took in reaction to the people at our school. Hell, how do you rebel against the rebels? By being straight. That's all we were doing. |
And, I went to an all-girls school, so it was more like "became victims of date rape" least I would *think* so, but who knows what those girls did on a Saturday night? I wouldn't put it past some of them if they did get a little rough in getting their own way. Some of them were nasty people. |
he was walking down the street. on his backpack there was a homemade button that said "SxE means better than you." I drove up to him, stopped, and said, "get in and let's go get margaritas." he got in. he was wise. he didn't tell me "I'm straight-edge" (I would have had no idea what the fuck he was talking about). and he didn't say, "I can't. I'm underage." instead, he said, "I'm not drinking right now but I'd like to go with you anyway." but he took to drink after I left him. |
You guys would click. I know that meeting the friend of some random guy on the internet is beyond a long-shot, you oughta try anyway. |
send me his photo. but skydiving does not impress me. I'm not excited about all those white-guy sports you need expensive equipment and long journeys to go do. like golf, bungee jumping, scuba diving, sailing, windsurfing, etc. yeah, they're probably fun and all, but so the fuck what. |
Rollins is awesome because a0 he lets you know that other peole can feel just as empty, or even more so thatn you and B0 you can say to yourself, "At Least i'm not Rollins!" Seriously, when I thought I had it bad, I just had to read the parts about Joe Cole In "Watch a Grown Man Cry" and knew it could be much worse. on a lighter note, His spoken word albums are the shit. They are among the funniest and sometimes the saddest things I have ever heard. Sister:As far as making friends, from my own distantly remembered experience, I didn't have any friends until a couple months after I started college either. I think the trick is to go to parties and at least amke acquaintences. It's through people whom I can barely remember now that I met the people who became my best college buddies and whom I'm still friends with today. and if all else fails, we'll be here to chat. It's funny, I can actually relate my own life right now as a post graduate to sister's experience as a new undergrad, in that I don't have any real friends down here, aside from work friends, which is not the same. |
And the thing is, like he said in that passage I quoted, he knows he helps people, and he allows us the dignity of our privacy, even though he doesn't allow *himself* that dignity. You have to admire somebody like that. That's true self-sacrifice. Even if he does get ugly sometimes. But you know, that's what makes him good. Because he *is* ugly inside and doesn't deny it. And he'll never change. He'll never have a good relationship, he'll never be happy. And he knows it, God bless him. |
she's cool and beautiful and smart and funny and so depressed she has a hard time leaving the house. |
Maybe he's already there. Loneliness can be sweet, but often it's the almond sweetness of cyanide, bitter beyond what you think is barely acceptable. |
you had an awful stutter, as did the dj before you. I caught the words "parallel universe" and went to sleep. |
1. Do things for yourself. Take yourself to the store and get little things for yourself: handmade parfume, makeup (I don't use much but it's good when you're in a negative mood), truffles, hair cut, that always feels good afterwards when it's clean and your hair smells great. Takes away your security blanket too, if you have long hair. When I'm alone, I usually sink in thought to myself about myself, try to find that stranger within, and get inside, sort things out, sing in the car. I was lonely sometimes in high school, small hick town. Small horrible hick town. I had friends, but they were not best friends. I thought two of them were. It's hard getting an actual real life best friend in high school because you're only friends because you're in the same norm, not because both of you dig Art Nouveau. (Mucha) |
mucha is moravian. I saw an exhibit of his at hradcany in prague once. mucha would never tell a girl to cut her hair. I tried to distract my friend a. with a book of mucha postcards on saturday. but he insisted on staring at the espresso girl. "she is exactly my type," he said. he talked to her about the trivia question. "tell me," he said to her. "I must know. and I promise I won't come back and try to get the free drink." "ok," she said. "william henry harrison." |
they should still be available on quarterstick records, or try imago for "the Boxed Life" which has a really funny story about him answering letters and getting advice from Tom Waits. His new one, think tank is pretty good too. I think the album you were referring to is the above, although I could be wrong. I really like Sweatbox and Human Butt, as well, and there's Live at Mccabe's and Big Ugly Mouth to consider. |
it is now the eastern half of the czech republic. that's where mucha is from, though he did most of his work in paris. |
Thanks for trying... I was under the impression that everyone here had supercomputers. I was talking about a parallel universe though. Sister forget about college groups. Try to meet townies. |