* * * three at war, throwing talk talk bombs at oneanother. caught in the middle, ears abcessed. all is night. run. be a refugee in slippers and short sleeves. cry for a lost home, lost hopes. cry for future: happenings now, next year? cry. no place to go, attacked by semis, near-assaulted by cars: all blind to lone refugee. peacekeeper returns homeless to war. all calling for vanished. try to fly. wings clipped. |
Moving What inspired you to write it? |
repsonse numero un: than-q. real-life experience, at age 16. response numero deux: fuck off nate. the day i have even one kid is the day i start being responsible, and who'd want that? |
i used it to turn a sXe christan metalhead on to bjork. heheeheeee!!!! |
"telegram" is perfect hyper music. i listen to it more than i do "post". i know a guy who once got hugged by bjork. he told me the last day of finals. |