i've gone hungry several times... about a year ago, when i moved out of my parents' house, i lived in this really shitty trailer with two deadbeat roommates... i was the one stuck with all the bills 'cause they didn't have jobs (this was supposed to be a temporary problem; they were _supposed_ to pay me back). and there was a time that i was working only fifteen hours a week... at $6.50/hr; that's not much money coming in. there were stretches of two or three days that i went without eating anything, and drank nothing but water. but, eventually (thank the gods), i moved out of that house (_*hah*_) into another with a roommate who had more financial stability. those two jerks haven't even thanked me for my sacrifice (i had $1000 when i left my parents' humble abode; they drained all that and then some), or even tried to pay me back for any of it. i've learned my lesson; only move in with friend who already have jobs... and then there are the times i've gone hungry due to depression, but that's another story...