been there... done that... Have you ever gone hungry?: been there... done that...
Magickality on Thursday, July 15, 1999 - 03:43 pm:

    i've gone hungry several times... about a year ago, when i moved out of my parents' house, i lived in this really shitty trailer with two deadbeat roommates... i was the one stuck with all the bills 'cause they didn't have jobs (this was supposed to be a temporary problem; they were _supposed_ to pay me back). and there was a time that i was working only fifteen hours a week... at $6.50/hr; that's not much money coming in. there were stretches of two or three days that i went without eating anything, and drank nothing but water. but, eventually (thank the gods), i moved out of that house (_*hah*_) into another with a roommate who had more financial stability. those two jerks haven't even thanked me for my sacrifice (i had $1000 when i left my parents' humble abode; they drained all that and then some), or even tried to pay me back for any of it. i've learned my lesson; only move in with friend who already have jobs...

    and then there are the times i've gone hungry due to depression, but that's another story...

By J on Friday, July 16, 1999 - 11:10 am:

    With God as my witness,I will never go hungry again!!!

By Pink on Monday, July 19, 1999 - 10:06 am:

    Right on, Scarlett O'J!

By Page on Thursday, May 18, 2000 - 01:30 am:

    Hey Magickality. I hear ya. My roommate was this crackhead bitch who who spent all her money on dope. She actually held down a pretty stable job, but she was incredibly selfish and when she did buy food she would hide it in her room. She wouldn't give me money for bills on time because she didn't trust me with it. So I had to cover her share and then bitch at her for the rest. It worked sometimes. But when it didn't I would be down the street asking for money for the phone or bus or whatever. Didn't want anyone to know I was trying to scrounge up enough change for a loaf of bread. That seems like it was soooo long ago, even though it was only last year. Things are so much better now. She is in the same apartment smoking the same shit with her boyfriend. I learned a lot from that, too. I don't trust people as much anymore. Don't know if that's a good thing.