Need advice for a first-time. When is the last time you had sex?: Need advice for a first-time.
By Scott on Friday, July 24, 1998 - 03:11 am:
    Hi. I'm Scott. I posted way earlier on this board as never
    having had sex. (It generated quite a discussion too. I
    appreciated the comments that were written honestly.) It's
    true. I'm 28 and stil a virgin. Now, I think I'm ready to give
    it a go. I really feel okay about trying it.

    The problem is, I've surrounded myself with puritanical
    influences and friends, and I have nobody whosoever that I
    would like to, or could, have sex with.

    Can any of you give me suggestions? Do you know anyone in
    the Salt Lake City area who would be nice and kind and
    patient with me for a first time? I'm not a grossball. Or do
    you think that's the answer? I want it to be a good

    Talk to me here. I'll be checking back.

By PetRock on Friday, July 24, 1998 - 12:48 pm:
    Planning on being in the DC area anytime soon? I might be able to help you out ;-)

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Friday, July 24, 1998 - 02:20 pm:
    I'm WAY glad PetRock his back to his old self! *smile*

By PetRock on Saturday, July 25, 1998 - 07:46 pm:
    oh, I do try Jim-babe. *smooch*

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Sunday, July 26, 1998 - 11:20 am:

By Chordata on Sunday, July 26, 1998 - 03:27 pm:
    Scott, don't go on a mission intending to have sex. It doesn't work. Especially for your first time, you need to do it the traditional way. Sex is really dull unless there is some type of mutual respect, which is hard to find in someone you've just met.

    You are going to remember losing your virginity very vividly for the rest of your life (unless you get really hammered first). Make sure the memory you are making is one you will be happy to recall for years. Make it special.

    But that's just my opinion.

By Skottey on Sunday, July 26, 1998 - 10:10 pm:
    You should go to the local bar and find the drunkest woman you can, that way if you cannot find the right hole or slip up somehow she won't remember and laugh at you.

    I don't think I made any real mistakes my first time but then again the girl I was with was as stupid as stupid is and wouldn't remember anyway. She wasn't drunk and didn't need to be. That first fuck of mine became my girlfriend and we went out for about six months. I spent the next couple years going back to her for more. Strange thing is she was the best fuck I have had, nothing since has even come close. It is very sad, it has only gone downhill, I am sure it will get better.

By Antigone on Thursday, July 30, 1998 - 12:09 am:
    This may sound strange, but it'll take out alot of the stress of your first time.

    Save up alot of money (about $500 should do it) and hire yourself a good, classy prostitute, the ones executives hire. If you go for a cheap one you probably won't have an enjoyable experience. That way, you can get the first time out of the way with little stress and it'll be less of a hang up, and you can relax with a real girlfriend and not have to be uptight, thinking "Am I gonna get it?" and the like, or worse yet, end up forcing some girl into doing something she doesn't want to do.

    Get it over and done with. You'll feel much better once you do. Then you can relax and get into a real, fufilling, mature relationship. Trust me, it's much easier to do if you're not constantly trying to (or hoping you will) get into a woman's pants.

By Dongus on Thursday, July 30, 1998 - 12:32 am:
    Bud, I have some suggestions for you:
    Fetter, friggeder, fucked her, and forgot her. You'll do the same. Fuck who you want, you will believe me afterwards. Bitch.

By Summer on Thursday, December 24, 1998 - 08:21 pm:

    I think you need the right person. I, like others, thought I knew what sex was. When I found the right person(she also "thought" she knew wheat sex was) It was dynamite. It takes a while but believe me, waiting for the right person is worth it. I also have one fantastic suggestion, read up on oral sex techniques. Any one can get it right with a little advance study. In fact most can probably get it right without any knowledge. I think oral sex is instinctive, more so even than "straight sex". Have fun.

By Squeezable Scottish wild child on Tuesday, April 6, 1999 - 11:06 am:

    Well, your 28 and you have never had sex, well I think that is very admirable, I was 13 when I lost it, now I wish I hadnt, I think you should wait for the right girl, I mean you sound like a nice straight up guy, and you deserve a real girl who doesnt want you just for one thing, you deserve it man! Plus you are a whole lot safer not to concidering the whole, AIDS HIV thing. So dont rush it, and wait for the right girl.

By Semillama on Tuesday, April 6, 1999 - 11:31 am:

    Why are people still giving advice to a guy who never responded after his first post 9 months ago?

    Just wondering.

By Guru Gee on Wednesday, April 7, 1999 - 08:31 am:

    People love to give advice.

    Join us. Bask in the warm glow of our advice-giving love.

By Squeezable on Thursday, April 8, 1999 - 04:57 am:

    OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRR oh yeah, well I think it is nice that people are giving advice, perhaps you shoud try it sometime mate

By FunnyFunny Gee on Thursday, April 8, 1999 - 05:53 am:

    It's not nice to shoud.