*wink* Anyway, Jon, that's too bad. Drugs are fucking alot of people up. There's this guy on my Grandmother's block who used to play with my younger brother when they were little. He was smart, with it, and great to be around. Somewhere around the middle of high school, he began using crack cocaine. He OD'd and nearly died. Now he's ok physically, but mentally he's about 6 years old. Runs up and down the block at all hours of the day and night cussing and swearing. Then the next second is telling you how much he loves you. Quite tragic. And to top it off, the other day I saw him at the liquor store buying a bottle of Colt Malt Liquor. *sigh* Thank God, Marion Barry has only three more days in office. What a non-role model for anyone. Ugh! |
*Jon nervously backs away from Chell, making no sudden moves that could be interpreted as threatening* |
You said it! |