October Something or Other...Maybe It Was September

sorabji.com: When is the last time you had sex?: October Something or Other...Maybe It Was September
Jon on Tuesday, December 29, 1998 - 02:37 pm:

    Actually I'm pretty sure it was September. Anyway, it was with my ex-fiance who has since left me to go back to her original lover, Crystal Meth... on which she has overdosed twice since. Needless to say the experience has left me a little cold on the subject of sex and relationships in general and drugs specificly. Casey was lovely and talented but staying with her would have meant me immolating myself and I'm just not into martyrdom.(Plus you really start to wonder what kind of person you are- how much you can bring to a relationship, when this sort of thing happens to you. The self-doubt really racks up.)Since then I've developed a healthy appreciation for the good folks who make Softsoap, have quit using drugs in any form, and have committed myself to a year of celibacy. All I need is a healthy dose of religion and I'll end up in the priesthood. (Ha!)

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Tuesday, December 29, 1998 - 04:30 pm:

    Or on another "team." You do know what they say about priests and monks.


    Anyway, Jon, that's too bad. Drugs are fucking alot of people up. There's this guy on my Grandmother's block who used to play with my younger brother when they were little. He was smart, with it, and great to be around. Somewhere around the middle of high school, he began using crack cocaine. He OD'd and nearly died. Now he's ok physically, but mentally he's about 6 years old. Runs up and down the block at all hours of the day and night cussing and swearing. Then the next second is telling you how much he loves you. Quite tragic. And to top it off, the other day I saw him at the liquor store buying a bottle of Colt Malt Liquor. *sigh*

    Thank God, Marion Barry has only three more days in office. What a non-role model for anyone. Ugh!

By Jon on Wednesday, December 30, 1998 - 01:08 am:

    I reread what I wrote earlier and hope I didn't come off as too self-rightous, self-pitying, or humourless. Actually I'm sorta glad it came down the way it did. I still respect other people's right to alter their internal landscapes- I just can't do it myself anymore. And the celibacy thing (this was after all, supposed to be about the last time I had sex) is just a self imposed effort to teach my greedy body some manners. Answering to it's constant demands for food, sex, drugs, entertainment, etc., has put me in some very tight spots over the last few years. I guess I'm sort of a reformed satyr...

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Wednesday, December 30, 1998 - 08:33 am:


By Elizabeth on Wednesday, December 30, 1998 - 05:56 pm:

    Jon, I don't think you sound self- righteous at all. You just sound sane. I would take a year to be celibate but most years it is that way - no one I want to sleep with comes across my path. Hah! Seriously, you are very mature to recogise that you had to get away from the situation with your ex. It is horrilble to have to choose between love and self-preservation but so many choose the former it makes me sick.

By Me......... on Wednesday, December 30, 1998 - 05:58 pm:

    I know THAT'S RIGHT !!

By Chell on Wednesday, December 30, 1998 - 06:03 pm:

    EAT HOT DOGS!!!!!
    EAT HOT DOGS!!!!!

By Jon on Wednesday, December 30, 1998 - 10:05 pm:

    Thanks, Elizabeth... and Chell. I think.

    *Jon nervously backs away from Chell, making no sudden moves that could be interpreted as threatening*

By TheGoddess on Thursday, December 31, 1998 - 01:57 am:

    Hey Jon.... hmmmm maybe i should try that abstention thing... let's see... no sex.... no drugs... no alcohol.... oh boy... I dunno if i can do it!!!!! I really do need to learn some, what's the word...SELF-CONTROL?? hmmm yes i think that's it....

By Me.......... on Thursday, December 31, 1998 - 10:59 am:

    Just try living with your mother for a while....

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Thursday, December 31, 1998 - 12:11 pm:

    Ain't THAT the god honest truth, Me.......!

    You said it!

By Me.......... on Thursday, December 31, 1998 - 12:15 pm:

    Can I move in with you, PJ ??

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Thursday, December 31, 1998 - 12:18 pm:

    now THAT would be interesting. Shit. We'd be fighting over the same men probly. *grin*

By Me.......... on Thursday, December 31, 1998 - 12:21 pm:

    Yeah !!! *g*

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Thursday, December 31, 1998 - 12:28 pm:

    Unless you like skinny little hairless runt men like Leo DeCaprio. Then we will have no fights.

By Me........... on Thursday, December 31, 1998 - 12:38 pm:

    As a matter of fact.......I DO like Leonardo DiCaprio.......But he's my son's age........I don't THINK I'm THAT perverted..........maybe......the youngest I've gone with was twenty years younger than me......that's bad enough !!!! But, then I like all kinds of men.......Sounds silly, but it is what's in their heads ( not THAT one) that usually causes the attraction-or maybe what's in their hearts......................