Charlie (name not changed) was the guy listed in Webster's under dork. He wanted to hang with us, but didn't know how to play poker, he had no stories, he snorted when he laughed, his glasses always fell down on his nose, you get the picture. To give you an idea, we would usually play dealers choice. Occasionally, someone would chose to deal a few hands of blackjack rather than deal a poker game. On MULTIPLE occasions, Charlie would get the deal and create a $20 or $30 "bank", then forget how the hand ends. We would tell Charlie that he had to keep dealing until the pot was gone, and he would do it. The guy was asking for it constantly. Anyway, one night in the midst of a blow-out combination all-night poker and 101 shots tournament, one of us got the grand idea that Charlie would drink anything we gave him. Since we normally concocted odd drinks to alleviate the boredom of beer, cheap whiskey and rot-gut tequila, introducing Tomato Schnapps shouldn't be a problem. After several hours of solid drinking, several of us left the room, and put together the 1st ever Tomato Schnapps cocktail. Ingredient List: - Beer - Pepto-Bismal - Spit - Vodka - Urine - Tomato Juice We shook it up and dumped it in an empty schnapps bottle and returned to the party room. To add to the effect, my buddy Dan and I put our thumb over the opening of the bottle, lifted it to our mouth and took fake swigs. (The Bait) Charlie of course was intrigued, and wanted to know what we were drinking. (The Bite) "Tomato Shnapps, Charlie, want some? It's good stuff" (Set the hook) Of course Charlie took a few swigs, and he seemed to be so drunk that we just let him hold onto the bottle for the rest of the night. We were laughing so fucking hard we couldn't see for 10 minutes. Not a proud moment, but a memorable one. |