spent all day trying to catch a minnow in one of the cold ponds. well, I spent like half an hour trying to catch this minnow. I was eight years old at the time, so it felt like all day. finally got it in a styrofoam cup. showed mom and dad, told them I was taking it home with me. they said no you're not. I said yes I am. no you're not. I cried. still no. I wanted the fish to be my pet - I caught it, you see. they would not let me keep it, so I threw it into the boiling-hot spring, where it turned brown and shriveled up and died. my mother told me I have a mean streak. |
Second thing, was a stray cat and 2 kittens. The mommy cat got run over n killed, and the 2 wild kittens hid under the house and wouldn't come out for anything, were terrified. Everything i tried couldn't bring them out. Finally, I cleaned up the mommy cat, poised her as if she were ok, tail up in the air, head in a bowl of milk, then I hid behind the wall and stared meowing like a happy mommy kitty, and sure enough the 2 kittens came running out all happy smelling their mommy and the milk n hearing me meowing, then I grabbed them both just about the time they got to her. It was the only thing I could think of doing to get them out, and they wouldn't come out or eat or drink or anything, but it still felt cruel to use the dead kitty to fake them out - even though it was to save them in the end. |
Damn, that story made me smile. It wasn't mean AT ALL. |
I wd've just left a can of cat food & a dish of water out for them. If they refused to come out & eat/they woulda been 2 little starvin'-assed kitties. |
Oh, and right now I'm chewing the tip of my sister's pen, which should gross her out considerably! hehe! Go me!! I think I spelt "considerably" wrong... |
Now for my confession: I was moving last year during the winter. Trying to get rid of most items that I could. I couldn't pawn my iguana to anybody. He was a viscous lil' shit. This was due to my neglect of handling him during his formative years. Instead of moving him, along with his massive 6x4 cage, almost the perfect habitat for any lizard. I decided to end his life. I regret this everytime I see a reptile or think of him. I put him in the homemade gas chamber in the trunk of my car. Filled of what I thought was a very lethal dose of potassium-cyanide mixed with hydrochloric acid. This was a most definite death for him. So I thought. I don't know if my "lethal" mixture was off or if the reagents were old and expired, but it didn't work. He was still alive after 10 or so minutes. Then the killer in me uprooted. I put him in a plastic bag with much trouble--he gave me the last, deserving open slice of the thumb...bled all over, not even pissed at him. Then I did it. The cruelest death imaginible..............I snapped his neck. It was the worst feeling in the world. Here I had raised him, tried to tame him with my lame approach and ended his life because I didn't want to deal with him any longer. To this day I feel like complete shit. His life was no less a dog's, no less a dolphin's, no less a child's. But I took his life thinking he wasn't that worthy of an existence...he was "only" a lizard, cheap when I purchased him, having the best itentions of raising him. I still have very bad dreams to this day. I still confront my own demons about his wasteful death. I had no right to kill an amazing creature like him. None. |
But that must've been awful -- killing a pet you'd raised. With yr own 2 hands, no less. I dunno -- after he survived the gassing/I don't think I would've had the heart to continue. I'd just have set him free to fend for himself... He was obviously quite a hearty critter. He'd probably have made it on his own. |