By XYZ on Saturday, December 20, 1997 - 03:01 am: |
By Valerie on Saturday, December 20, 1997 - 10:21 pm: |
By P on Monday, December 22, 1997 - 01:58 pm: |
Why did you do it? |
By Kelsey on Saturday, December 27, 1997 - 11:32 pm: |
By PutschUp on Saturday, December 27, 1997 - 11:57 pm: |
By Got my hand up teacher on Saturday, December 27, 1997 - 11:59 pm: |
By B. on Thursday, January 8, 1998 - 03:52 pm: |
By on Monday, January 12, 1998 - 05:28 pm: |
I once had a small pair of tropical terrapins who caught some horrible disease which caused their tiny bodies to swell up inside their shells. They looked absolutely gross and, unable to bear their suffering any longer (and they being too small to waste time with a vet) I put one on a metal biscuit tin lid and applied 240V to its back leg and shorted it to the tin lid. I felt like Hannibal Lecter. Needless to say, the poor thing frizzled to a frazzle in seconds and I guiltily buried it in the garden. However, I had so many nightmares about this bloody terrapin trying to claw its way out that I chucked the other one in the river where it no doubt died or mutated..... Life's a bitch when you're a terrapin! |
By Kelsey on Tuesday, January 13, 1998 - 01:38 am: |
By Jicotea turtle authority on Wednesday, January 14, 1998 - 12:08 am: |
By Kelsey on Wednesday, January 14, 1998 - 01:02 am: |
By Jicotea on Wednesday, January 14, 1998 - 02:34 am: |
"Jicotea," by the way, is a Taino indian word for land turtle. Because I live where there is an endangered species of turtle, there is no development around my house, which has thick woods on three sides. So in honor of a little black fella called _Clemmys muhlenbergi_, I call myself jicotea. Ed Hoagland years ago when he worked for the Village Voice wrote a wonderful essay on turtles. I can't find the book or its title just now, but it's in one of his several collections..... |
By Slacker on Wednesday, January 14, 1998 - 04:01 am: |
By Fredescu on Wednesday, January 14, 1998 - 09:08 pm: |
By Stone on Wednesday, January 14, 1998 - 09:33 pm: |
By Jicotea on Thursday, January 15, 1998 - 12:09 am: |
Fredescu: A Serious Question. Reptile specialists will give you structural differences. I can only do behavioral ones. I recall that you are in Australia and don't know North American beasties. We have tortoises in semitropical and desert areas, high-domed shells, stumpy legs, generally good burrowers. They like warm weather, and water they drink but don't swim in. In temperate N.A. we have turtles equally at home in and out of water, genus Clemmys, very appealing turtles running as adults from five to ten inches in length, sometimes a little more. We also have Box Turtles (genus Terrapene) which look vaguely like tortoises but somehow aren't, and which are incompetent swimmers, bobbing on the surface like corks. And of course there are lots of water turtles, including some large, bad-tempered types that one handles with care (Snapping Turtles, genus Chelydra). Those are abundant and successful, seeming notto care how foul the water may be. There has to be a turtle website with pictures. I'll try to find it and report back.. |
By Fredescu on Sunday, January 18, 1998 - 09:40 pm: |
Tortoises are creatures that seem to instinctively know where the middle of the road is. |
By Slacker on Sunday, January 18, 1998 - 10:04 pm: |
By Fredescu on Monday, January 19, 1998 - 04:56 pm: |
By Slacker on Monday, January 19, 1998 - 05:02 pm: |
By Christopher on Monday, January 19, 1998 - 06:08 pm: |
By Slacker on Tuesday, January 20, 1998 - 03:32 am: |
By Deeboh on Tuesday, January 20, 1998 - 05:55 am: |
By Christopher on Tuesday, January 20, 1998 - 02:43 pm: |
By Scrunch on Tuesday, January 20, 1998 - 10:48 pm: |
By Slacker on Wednesday, January 21, 1998 - 01:53 am: |
the cruelest thing i ever did. i put a circus midget in my ass. |
By Nasty Bitch on Wednesday, January 21, 1998 - 03:10 am: |
Want to be a Ninja Turtle hey? Then some other little cock sucker and his friend can come and destroy you with their fence posts. Now THAT'S pretty whacko isn't it. |
By Slacker on Thursday, January 22, 1998 - 01:23 am: |
how could you have possibly known about such an obscure reference from my childhood. unless,perhaps,you have mysterious secret powers that allow you to extract excerpts from my previous entries which i have posted for all to view? although i don't recall anything about sucking anyones must have received this information from an unreliable source,or your dad. |
By Golden Boy on Thursday, January 22, 1998 - 11:22 am: |
By Slacker on Thursday, January 22, 1998 - 03:47 pm: |
By R.C. on Thursday, January 22, 1998 - 07:25 pm: |
By Jicotea on Thursday, January 22, 1998 - 10:10 pm: |
By R.C. on Thursday, January 22, 1998 - 11:37 pm: |
By Slacker on Friday, January 23, 1998 - 01:09 am: |
i'm a bad influence on everyone. but it works for me. |
By Jicotea on Friday, January 23, 1998 - 09:51 pm: |
By Le Cabbie. on Saturday, January 24, 1998 - 01:04 am: |
By Wolf on Saturday, January 24, 1998 - 01:25 am: |
By InSCHOOL and loving it on Saturday, January 24, 1998 - 01:32 am: |
By R.C. on Saturday, January 24, 1998 - 02:24 am: |
By Slacker on Saturday, January 24, 1998 - 06:46 pm: |
By Slacker on Sunday, January 25, 1998 - 10:40 pm: |
oh ya,i'm high. |
By Bad girl on Wednesday, February 18, 1998 - 01:00 pm: |
By Christopher on Wednesday, February 18, 1998 - 01:06 pm: |
By Pete on Wednesday, February 18, 1998 - 01:56 pm: |
By Scrunch on Thursday, February 19, 1998 - 12:08 am: |
By Chrashtopher on Thursday, February 19, 1998 - 02:10 am: |
By Pete on Thursday, February 19, 1998 - 09:10 am: |
By Golden Boy on Thursday, February 19, 1998 - 09:15 am: |
maybe that is why i got good at running..... huff pufff wheeeeezz gasp.,...cough.. |
By Zoomzoomboom on Tuesday, April 14, 1998 - 10:22 pm: |
Western PA is abso-fukin-loutley beautiful...especially in the spring. |
By CarrieAnn on Friday, April 24, 1998 - 06:02 am: |
By Christopher on Friday, April 24, 1998 - 01:13 pm: |
By CarrieAnn on Sunday, April 26, 1998 - 06:42 am: |
By Bart on Sunday, April 26, 1998 - 02:37 pm: |
By Wayland Smithers on Sunday, April 26, 1998 - 02:49 pm: |
By Plaid chad on Sunday, April 26, 1998 - 06:00 pm: |
I'm glad I don't have to live with the cat or turtle cruelty! I wouldn't be able to stand myself! |
By CarrieAnn on Sunday, April 26, 1998 - 10:03 pm: |
By Chrashtopher on Monday, April 27, 1998 - 01:37 am: |
By Markus on Monday, April 27, 1998 - 09:26 am: |
By Pete on Monday, April 27, 1998 - 02:10 pm: |
A couple of weeks ago, I'm coming home from work and see a kid outside my apt. complex with a ferret and a big stick. I thought the ferret was his, but now I'm not so sure...the ferret was dragging his back legs as if he couldn't walk on them. I now imagine that this kid was using the stick to break the ferrets legs...god I hope that wasn't what he was doing. Future serial killer on the loose....(and why didn't anyone protest Valerie's posting up top? That is one seriously sick girl...) |
By CarrieAnn on Monday, April 27, 1998 - 05:52 pm: |
Moi? Beating poor little kittens with sticks? For shame that you even suggest a thing! I did however used to pull the legs off those spiders, 'daddy long leg's ' and watch the legs continue to wriggle even after detached from the body. And we'd also take hairspray and a lighter and go find a spiders web... and then there was the time...... |
By Doves on Tuesday, July 28, 1998 - 12:45 pm: |
Can we recommend a counselor for your mental problems. |
By Zoophile on Tuesday, July 28, 1998 - 03:19 pm: |
By Carrie on Friday, July 31, 1998 - 01:12 pm: |
By Carrie Ann on Wednesday, August 5, 1998 - 03:06 am: |
By Hugh Jass on Thursday, August 6, 1998 - 02:28 pm: |
The worst part about it is that almost straight after they broke up (not because of me. It stayed a complete secret) she came and asked me out. I couldn't be with her because I felt so bad about breaking them up (which wasn't really my fault. I just thought is was and it kinda was. She left him for me but not because of what happened. She just said she fell in love with me). Then later when I got over it I begged her to take me back but she said that she didn't feel the same way about me because I'd used her before (I didn't mean to. Honestly, If I've ever been in love, this was it) and that she didn't want anything to happen because I'd hurt her like I did before. I suppose it doens't count at the nastiest thing I've ever done, although, doing it to her behind my friend's back was pretty nasty. It's more of the stupidest thing I've ever done. |
P.S. There's some weird server lockout thing happening btwn AOL & Mark's domain -- sometime I can access the boards/other times I get a big "ACCESS FORBIDDEN" msg. So if you post something to me & I don't get back to ya/it's not becuz I'm being a bitch. GOOD LUCK IN THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR! |
So anyway, the e-mail address I usually use is See ya! |
Thanks for the explanation. I thought maybe the voices were hitting the net to torment me. Cause they do ya know! Damn voices. Bugs good! Vioces bad! |
Has any woman ever done this and if so...why???? I just want to know what goes inside your head. Please Email me your response. Thanks |
So where was I? Oh yeah - my freshman year roommate, uhmmm....defecated on the bed of his roommate that next year, on the last day of the school year. So you can see why I didn't want to room with him again. All he did to me (well, not really "all", but this one stands out in my mind) is projectile vomit all over my dresser one night. When I woke up, he was drunk out of his mind and dancing around in the vomit. I think he loved how he could slide around in it on the tile floor. The vomit ran down the front of the dresser and got into all the drawers. So I used HIS towels to clean up while he went back to being drunk, stupid and passed out in his bed (with vomit on his feet). |
K. |
What you did was give that girl what she had coming to her....I wonder though if either of you ever talked about that again? Liam -- yeah, it was pretty disgusting having to clean up the dresser (remove all the drawers, wipe them out, wash everything that had been tainted by the projectile vomit, mop up the floor, etc. and all at 3am or something like that). When I asked him why (after he had sobered up so it was probably a week or two later - heh-heh) he did it on my dresser, his answer was that he sure wasn't going to do it on his! Bastard.... I told my mom about it in passing, she told a neighbor who then told her daughter, who was at the same school and same year. Jack ended up chatting with this girl and she asked him if he knew who my roommate was because she had heard the vomit story from her mom - she didn't know yet that Jack WAS my roommate. So I got a little bit of revenge (and Jackie didn't get to 1st base....hehehe) |
K. |
That fat bastard used to do what he called "flying hip rolls" or some such crap. Basically it meant jumping on me while I was asleep in bed...I used to call them flying hippo rolls. He wasn't really fat....he was supposed to play hockey (Clarkson is a very good hockey school) but he was kicked off the team in the first week for stealing a jersey. So he ended up drinking (lots) and puking (lots). Of course I did my own fair share of both.... Karia -- you just ruined my image of you. In two short years you went from kicking scabs off of a poor crippled scarred girl to hugsies at the birthday party. Please tell me that after the party you stomped on her feet or pulled her pigtails or something.... |
and i think i got cooties |
And later is life (13+) I kicked a bloke in the bollocks who was in a frog frame (broken both his legs) and the teachers just laughed because they disliked him so much (had bullied other kids since he was 8 or something). I leave my adult antics unspoken I know people who read these board and although I use an alias they would soon work it out. K. |
Bollocks? Frog frame? Tinman, Scarecrow, Lion and me are still skipping our way to OZ. Please translate to Canadian. eh |
they're my cooties, GIVE 'EM BACK! you said you just wanted to borrow them. liar. |
i love you |
I love you too |
It comes from a Freak Brothers comic, where they have turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, and Freewheelin' Franklin decides to kill it humanely by giving it an overdose of reds. Let the little critters die happy. Maybe you could give them an o.d. of coke. (Would a tweaking turtle move faster?) |
Well, going out with Jenny consisted of sitting on the bus with her in the mornings and afternoons. Sometimes, she'd hold my hand. After a week, her friends came over to tell me it was all over because I was "weird." Jump forward to the 10th grade. Jenny sits across from me in English class. She's the most popular girl in school. I'm a typical lower-caste almost-nerd. I feel this irresistable urge to fart, so I slip it out slow and silent. It horrendous. I sit, calm and collected while a cloud of death rolls over the class. Jenny Martin is the first to encounter it. "EEeeeeww. Someone far...ACK!" and she gags. I made the most popular girl in school gag on a fart. The foul emission swept through the rest of the room and generally disrupted the class. I got away scott free. It's not really cruel, but it's a cool story, eh? |
Oh well... another day maybe... |
It's 8th grade. There's this really good-looking, well-developed (for a 8th-grader) girl named Jamie that I walk home with every day. I'm in band with her - she knows that I like her. She knows that my best friend Rus likes her. She teases us mercilessly and plays it to the hilt. So, one fine afternoon, Rus and I go over to her house to talk with her. We're standing in the kitchen chit-chatting with her and her mom. Everything's going fine. Then. I needed to fart. So I hold it. Everything's cool. The conversation seems to be wrapping up, so I can wait. But the conversation drags on. The pressure builds. Rus (that moron) keeps bringing up things to keep us there. I REALLY need to fart. The door is just out of arm's reach away, but we just can't seem to get out of there. So I decide to let it out slowly, silently. I relax and BRRRRRRAAAABBBBBBPPPPPPPPPTTTTTT - it's like a sonic boom. Everyone's gaze locks onto me. Her father, in the living room, fixes me with a steely glare across the couch. What do you say? I didn't say a thing. I started for the door. Her sister, waaaaaay back in the farthest reaches of the house yells, "Did someone fart?" "Yeah, Dave did!" Jamie answers. We make our escape. Rus is striding across the yard. He's furious with me. I try to say something and he hits me "I can't BELIEVE you did that!" "Hey" I say, "I could've said 'I didn't do it, Rus is a ventriloquist.'" He's not impressed. (note: there's a debate, to this day, as to whether I said that outside, or that's what I said right after I farted.) I continued to hang out with Jamie. I continued to go to her house and chat with her and her mom. Her dad never seemed to like me. Her sister took a major dislike to me (she was in band too, 2 yrs ahead of me). They brought up that story whenever I came over, often when family or friends were there. About 5 years later, the story comes up again. Jamie's mom tells it to her brother while I'm there visiting. I say something about being mortified. They're surprised. It seems that when they were younger, her mom's brothers used to fart really loud to try and impress guests. They thought I was doing the same thing on that fateful day. So, for 5 years, her mom never realized that the fart day was one of my most embarrasing moments (up to that time). Kinda weird. |
my boyfriend hates it when i fart, but its okay for him to do it and pull the blankets over my head... what is it with guys and they way they do that huh? huh?? |
i guess i have issues..... |
i'm sitting here idle while our network guy reboots the print server. |
i bet it was. don't let PCness get in the way of a good laugh. |
I once painted some tent caterpillers purple to make them pretty, they hardened up. :( One time my friend was trying to kill a swallow cause they had nested on the side of their house and were shittind down the side of the house. She kept missing like 8 or so times, and I was like gimme that. Shot it the first time. I felt horrible. Friend shot it again just to make sure it was dead, put it in the bush. Few hours later her brother comes in, "Hey look what I found, maybe we can help it." I was like My GOD. I felt even worse. But I love my fish Mr. Fishy. |
at least the little bastard won't be serving as a host for deer ticks. |
You DID eat it, didn't you? |
you strap the carcass to your car and take it to be butchered. they will usually make steaks, deerburger, sausages, stew meat, some may cook it or make jerky. then you take it home and start fobbing it off to everybody you know so it will stay in their freezer for months until they eventually throw it out. you don't leave it there. |
Besdies, something's gonna eat it no matter what, be it humans or ravens and maggots, so I don't see what difference it makes. I blame the whole incident on manray 19, who I was listening to on the tape deck at them time. |
Look both ways before crossing the street, also bush and floss after every meal. |
Enjoy! p.s. if you want any other serving suggestions or new recipies please email us at the address given :) we will reply...honest. |
but people who are cruel to animals really piss me off. Don't people have anything better to do than torture defensless creatures? |
like TRICKO & COSMO, JEFF etc. ! People with no remorse should be tortured even more than how they torture helpless animals ! You don't deserve to live on this earth ! Please do the world a favor and kill yourselfs, or the very least, have someone escort you to the mental institution, where you can live happily ever after among your evil peers. At least you're out of the way and can't hurt any poor screaming soul anymore,... GET IT !!! |
Which is why I'm redirecting the conversation back to farts. (That and I almost peed myself reading Dave's posts) When I was in fifth grade I had this teacher named Mr. Casey. He was my favorite. He had a pet tarantula and always wore leather elbow patches on his jackets. He was a complete nerd. I loved him. Fifth grade is around the time I started to become a huge unpopular dork as well. One day Mr. Casey decided to read to us. So we all sit in a half circle around him and he starts reading. I was sitting with my legs sprawled out in front of me. Suddenly, in the middle of him reading, it came from nowhere. The worst fart of my life. I remember faintly the feeling of falling backwards while this machine-gun like fart spit forward from my body in rapid succession. Directly towards Mr. Casey. The whole class moved away from me...cries of "Eww" and "Oh Gross!" surrounding me. And the fart wouldn't was like one little one right after another. I think I'd been saving up for years.... I still remember it. That's how mortifying it was. I let one quietly in class the other day too. Kid next to me started curling his nose. (Silence just made it much more foul.) I pointed to the old guy in front of me. Scott free baby. |
Thank's for agreeing, we animal loving people must stick together !! ;-) But hey, why did you post your story in THIS column, "The cruelest thing you ever did" ? There should be one for "The funniest thing I ever did" ! *giggle* Well anyway, I found your post quiet amusing :-) On the other hand, one can see it either way - cruel or funny... I wouldn't have wanted to be your classmate then ! LASSIE |
god damn, i just would'nt shut up back then. |
and people still used upper-case regularly and rc was here and i never talked how's everything by the way? |
Just,praytell, exactly what kind of a monster is it that you expect to fall in love with you and worship the torturous path of cruel and painful activities you have left strewn in your wake? Please tell us that you are not only dense,but infertile,too. |
I suggested that once. But, was told it was cruel and inhuman. And, besides we tried that ages ago. It didn't work. |
and the dense never see themselves as part of the density |
Hmm. That's possibly the most interesting thing you've said. If you ate the animals you killed then OK, but apparently that's not why you offed them, it was for your own pleasure. Bad girl, no oral sex performed on you, for you. |
Oh, damn. My goat is still alive. LS |