He dropped onto the ground in the fetal postion and was begging me not to shoot him. So I shot the ground next to his head and he freaked. He pissed his pants and began having seizures, a crowd of people started coming out of their houses, so I left him there and took off. |
Hope you're got good legal counsel on retainer. And that you don't live anywhere near anyone I care abt. |
she told the story of a teen-age georgian girl who spoke no russian or ukrainian and had just moved to kiev. she got really drunk at a party and left her keys there. she somehow stumbled back to her new apartment, realized what she had done, and didn't think she could find her way back to the party. so in the middle of the night, she knocks on her new neighbors' door and, though they shared no common language, she somehow explains the gist of her predictament, and they put her up on their couch for the night. and helped her get her keys back the next day. can you imagine going to some stranger's home in the u.s., not speaking english and getting a place to spend the night? as she told the story, I remembered hearing about a similar situation on the news a few years back. a japanese exchange student (in florida?) who did not speak english well was going to a (halloween?) party, and he went to the wrong house. the guy who answered the door for some reason thought this poor kid was an armed, drugged-up intruder and shot him to death. ukrainian vs. american hospitality. |
There's a guy here who quit his job & hitchiked across the country. With no $$. He was dfetermined to rely on the kindness of strangers. And it worked -- dozens people opened their homes to him/offered him meals & a bed fo rthe nite/in every state he passed thru. I saw him on Oprah -- he wrote a book abt it which shd be out next year/I think. The shooting of that exchange student (I dunno if it was here in FL) was all abt race & xenophobia. If he'd been White/I'm sure they wdn't have popped him. Not that that's any consolation. |
this was in an apartment complex in a capital city. I have to say, though, that if someone came to my door in middle of the night, speaking some language I didn't understand but gesturing that she wanted to sleep in my apartment for the night, I'm not sure I would welcome her with open arms. but I'm such a pushover for genuine-seeming, non-monetary appeals for help, I probably wouldn't just send her away. but I wouldn't leave my purse lying out, either. |
Cyst, I gather you are eastern european if not from somewhere in western russia. Have you by chance read anything by an author Ken Kalfus? He is an american born, russian raised write. I just finished one of his books and found it very interesting......just a thought |
You wouldn't get the chance to shove the gun up my ass. If you use a gun NEVER LET ANYONE GET CLOSE ENOUGH TO TAKE IT. Also I have three major scars from bullets...and I didn't loose that incident,but I can't talk about it for certain reasons. |
I'm american. I've lived in kiev, ukraine, since last fall and will be here for two more weeks. |
pussy. if you have three major scars from bullets, i wouldn't doubt they are self inflicted. |
I wd also have more sense than to confess to shooting someone on a msg. board. Some secrets you just have to keep. |
It always looks like Greek to me. But other folks here know how to figure it out. |
I was fucked up on Midol one day when I got into a fight with some guy, I whipped out my dick and he fell down into the fetal position and started crying, "Please, please don't piss on me!". So I pissed on the ground next to his head. Then all the sudden he started having seizures so I put a urinal cake in his mouth and took off. |
Wow those would go well with the 20 pound Platinum rods that I've been passing. Oops! gotta run I feel another one comming. |
i feel so stupid now |
RC So does this mean that you "love" having hard and potentially sharp objects through your rectum for days on end? |
If he were around now I'd ask him to brush my hair for me. I love that. Actually...I'm sure I'm not the only person (male or female) who thinks that's just swell, having someone brush your hair. I think I'd fall in love with a boy if he just picked up a brush (his. let's share hair.) and started brushing my hair out of his own free will. Without making me ask first. My needs are so simple. Keep your money and leave my nipples alone, just brush my freaking hair. Why are boys so thick headed? |