I don't recommend that you do this with your cat, as he or she will never forget it and will likely hate you for the rest of it's life. Anyway... I put tape on my cat's paws. This really confuses a cat. My cat would not put his paws on the ground. He'd tap the ground, but could keep his paws on the ground. It must feel strange. Then he tried to remove the tape with his mouth. That didn't work. Then he flapped his paws, first the right then the left, then back to the right &c. Finally he gave up and tried to put his paws back on the ground. He did, but for some reason it confused him so much that he forgot to stiffen his front legs and his face hit the floor. At this point I felt a bit ashamed and took the tape off. Of course, I did it a few times more since then. Eventually he caught on, and now just kind of looks at me with a tired and stoic expression which seems to say, "when will you tire of this game?" He doesn't do anything funny anymore. Another time I spun him around on an office chair. When I finally stopped it and he jumped off, he fell over. He then started to walk away, but walked sidewise and hit the wall. Poor kitty! I know this sounds like the kind of thing a child would do, but I got the cat when I was 20. I have no explanation for my behaviour. I do regret it, but I still can't help laughing... I must be a sicko. |
Retribution will occur, most likely in the form of cat tuckus in an unappropriate place. |
i felt like yelling at her, "thats because i don't give a flying fuck about horses!" I hate it when people tell me i'm quiet. like it's a bad thing. seems like the ones who say that are those people who just absolutely never fucking shut their bleeding trap for an instant. also seems that i had a dislike for those people long before they said anyting about my being quiet. |
then I took it off him. |
They run around with a second silver tail and no-one has the guts to pull it out? Once in a while, I'll stick a piece of tape to my dog. She's such a weenie that she usually give's me the "Why do you torture me?" look. I feel bad and I'll pull it off. the best is sticking some tape under her chin - she holds her neck out at a really uncomfortable angle, but doesn't really know what do to about it... |
Last night my cat ate the tail of his toy mouse - just muched it up until there was no tail left. |
For the record, the little silver things are very bad for feline intestines. So I wouldn't find it that amusing. But I'm also very protective of my cats. Bell tried to eat my shoelace this morning. I was mortified. But what he really, really loves is pasta. He'll go nuts over it, and it's the funniest thing to watch him try and eat it... |
It is under the heading of the cruelest thing I've ever done, which, all things considered, no one died, and my cat still loves me, isn't all that bad. Once a christmas bow got stuck to my cat's tail, near his bum. Everytime he tried to sit, he'd feel something weird and get up. When I figured out what he was doing (it was Christmas, after all, I wasn't paying 100% attention to my cat), I took the bow off. It was funny, but I still feel bad for laughing. I don't think cats feel humiliation in the same way people do, but that doesn't make the tape thing any less mean... I'm just sorry someone told me to fuck off, I guess. So much for sharing. |
I've done it. I've also put bags on their feet. I've also layed them on their sides on a hardwood floor and spun them. I've also made them two-step with me to the music for the country music awards. I've put the entire heads of kittens into my mouth. |
me too! plus i also used to put ella (when she would still fit) into my front overall pocket then we would party all around! remember, sem?? plus, i also used to chase andy's cat around the house. squealing "are you a bug? can i put you in a cart? cats like it. it's all true |
I don't think they feel humiliated when their human decided to do something that makes them look "stupid" because they don't have a sense of that. They may have a sense of not being able to do something, but not of "looking stupid" exactly... well, not when it's clearly the human doing something to them. One final cat torture story... I thought a christmas bow on my cat's head would look nice, so I put a shiny silver one on. I guess he could sort of see it (maybe I put it too close to his face) and it was scaring him and he started to walk backwards. He nearly fell down the stairs before I figured out what was going on. I didn't think he could hurt himself with the bow, or I certainly wouldn't have done it. Despite the fact that these memories make me laugh, I do regret having done them. My only consolation is he never did get hurt (well, the chair spinning might have made him uncomfortable... but he wasn't supposed to sit on that chair... and the spinning experience hasn't really stopped him from sitting on it since) and he seems to not care. I have one last question - wouldn't fucking the horse I came in on be more cruel than tape on a cats paws? Just curious... |
We were driving behind a car that hit a cat tonight. It made me really sad that they didn't even stop to see if it was ok, or to attempt to locate the owner, or anything. It was just like "thump" and floor it. Ugh. Makes me sick. Stopping to deal with roadkill seems like common decency, especially when it's someone's beloved animal. Ugh. |
And I wouldn't have called it "cat torture" if I thought my cat enjoyed the tape. He certainly didn't. As for humiliation... when they feel that they haven't accomplished something (like jumping on the bed, or making it to the litter box, even though they are ill) they do seem to get embarassed. But they don't think, "gee, my human looks so stupid tonight, I hope my hip cat friends don't see me with her." Maybe I'm not making myself clear. I'll try harder. When I put the tape on my cat's paws, he probably was annoyed and uncomfortable and possibly dissapointed that I wasn't helping him fast enough. I don't think it humiliated him because it wasn't his own personal failing. That's just what I think. |
never a cat. i probably wouldn't do that. for one, she's like my kid, and two, she'd probably eat my eyeball in my sleep. but i have no problem taping people up. nope. get over here. ive gotta roll of duck tape. |
it's just so dumb----- sem, maybe you should field this one. you have my permission to reveal all.... |
I'm not even disagreeing with anyone. I agree that cats feel humiliation and all sorts of more complex emotions (which is why I REGRET having put tape on my cat's feet - that's why this thread is called "Cat Torture" and not "Fun things to do to your cat"). At least I take the time to try to explain my perspective. I could call you names or tell you where to go, but I choose to be a bit more open-minded and conversational. Maybe that's what makes me a jackass? Go figure. |
thixon, people laughed about cats having tape stuck to them because IT'S FUNNY! if you want to argue, argue. i'm here to party. where's the duct tape? i've got the polaroid and some new panties!!! |
the bobsled!! the coffeepot!!!! |
And Thixon, check the PMS thread where Willy refers to shoving things up her vagina. I think we can conclude that Willy is a she. Or a hermaphrodite...in which case, I want to see pictures. |
willy- all new people get fucked with. it's a rule. |
crowns are good too, but mine won't wear them for more than 3 seconds. i will try booties next...maybe i should host a kitty pageant this evening??? |
I appoligize for calling you a Jack Ass. I am sorry. We all find different things funny, and just because we laugh about it does not mean we do not regret them. |
i am mavis. sometimes i am a jack ass. willy is willy. i don't know if she's a jack ass. czarina-- i love the idea of an online kitty pageant. i need a little time to sew costumes though..... |
as I recall Sem has a cat,J has one,and I think Isolode,and probably others.We'll get a head count,then determine a deadline for picture submission, and maybe Cyst or Agatha would be in charge of posting the pics.I'm puuuuring just thinking of the possibilities. |
prettiest toughest funniest weirdest most supersonic fluffyest puffyest |
who are used to the limelight.... look out!! |
as for being fucked with - I guess I just like to know WHY. The tape on the cat's paws is hillarious. It's also mean. It's a shame it can't just be hillarious. I'm not a hermaphrodite. Also, I don't like having photographs taken. Sorry to disappoint. |
Anywho, I e-mailed it to you. |
If you think it's necessary, though... yes, you are forgiven. |
to see my cute pussy, knock on my door and ask nicely!!! |
what do you think we were doing when i stayed at her house? clipping coupons? ha ha ha. and why do you think she excluded me from her liner note thank yous? she was pissed that niku and i slept together as soon as niku got home from belgium. who's there?? |
Of course, i spent a lot of time then shitfaced with the likes of Justin, Kiko, and Nik de Dik, not to mention Adam and Shawn and that whole class of substances. |
But how many kittys can i enter. I bet troll would win evil bitch kitty hands down. |
agatha@uswest.net http://www.torturechamber.com/agatha by the way, everyone post on the pitas page. it's fun!!!!! really, it just makes me feel popular. go here: http://www.torturechamber.com/agatha/weblogtell.html |
so thanks guys! |
As this is our contest,I suggest we can do anything we like.What does everyone think about the idea of posting the pics,and everyone voting on who we think the kittys belong to? Mavis suggested some CATergories: prettiest toughest funniest weirdest most super-sonic fluffyest puffyest I would like to add: shortest longest Patrick wanted to add: most glamourus I think we should by all means have a "dress your kitty" category Cat,as this is a kitty contest,[we don't discriminate against color,race,religous belief,or zoological classification], might I suggest you "disguise" your pooch to resemble a feline,and then I think the "judges" shouldn't have a problem with your submission. I also suggest that all enteries should be accepted,and we should not limit ourselves to only 1 entry each[if thats okay with Agatha,as she generously offered to post our pics]. If anyone has other CATergory suggestions,please feel free to submit them. I guess we need a deadline for submission: I have 2 suggestions: August 15 or August 30 [some of us might need time to get our costumes ready] What does everyone think of this plan? |
i also think there should be a "naughtiest" category |
Maybe the kitty contest could be a 3 tiered structure. PART I: guess the human who submitted the picture PART II: submissions get voted on PART III: submit CAPTIONS (like for a highschool yearbook or society page) for the pictures. |
Note to Dougie----you better start feeding, if you want to stay in the running with Margrets puss! |
i don't own a cat so you guys should make some portion of your contest appealing to me. |
No offense, butif you don't own a CAT why whould a CAT contest interest you at all?????? |
besides i'm just intrigued with everything poop. |
Half a cat!! |
it's classier. |
But then they all are. |
Or, is that another cat I'm thinking of? Great to see you're back cat. |