Killed baby chicks What is the cruelest thing you ever did?: Killed baby chicks
By Thixon on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 - 05:07 pm:

    I did not mean to do it, I had no idea it would happen.

    My grandma was raising chickens. I was feeding the baby chickens, just hatched a few days ago. They beat eachother up as each one tried to eat. I took the most aggressive chick, and held onto in by its legs, and spun around in a circle until it's eyes rolled up in it's head. I then stopped, and it staggered around a bit. I put it back in with the other chicks. Later, that afternoon, I came back to check on the chicks, and saw one dead. I am not sure, but I think that the dead one was the one I spun. I never did that again, and felt so bad I puked

By Cat on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 - 05:36 pm:

    Um are you the same person who threw rocks from an overpass onto cars? And are you the same person who called someone a "jackass" for putting tape on a cat's feet? I'm seeing some hypocrisy here.

By Thixon on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 - 05:40 pm:

    I was much younger when I did those things.

By patrick on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 - 06:47 pm:

    its still moronic fuckface........(insert halo)

By semillama on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 - 08:26 pm:

    And just where did you want that halo inserted, patrick?

    (it falls to me to say these things , in lieu of the normal wiseacre remarks from swine and Nate)

By Jay on Thursday, July 27, 2000 - 08:20 am:

    the first thing i ever posted on here was about how i killed a baby chicken when i was about four. i took it and put it under a suitcase on our couch. i then jumped up and down on the suitcase for a bit. when i took the suitcase off the chick was all whacked out but not dead. i lived in canada at the time and we had an uninsulated room that housed our oil furnace in the basement. i threw the chick in there and later that day my mom found it frozen to death. i acted like i didn't know shit about it but i think she knew. I'm going to canada in about a week for a family reunion type thing. i think i'll ask her about it.

By Thixon on Thursday, July 27, 2000 - 10:30 am:

    I was about 8 when I did this. I wanted to teach the chickens not the beat eachother when it was time to eat. There was this little runt that was cowered in the corner, hungry because it was afraid of getting beaten. I was protecting them.

By Czarina on Thursday, July 27, 2000 - 12:14 pm:

    Jay,it might be best not to bring the "chick" thing up at your family reunion,I mean,you do have to cross an international border and all,and with extadition laws------

By Satan on Thursday, July 27, 2000 - 04:02 pm:


By Hal on Saturday, July 29, 2000 - 08:11 am:

    I once went on a hunting trip with my father...

    Yeah I know thats the great one liner that leads to all great "what the fuck did you do wrong stories" but anyway.

    When My father went hunting (birdhunting) he always carried a .22 Cal pistol as a side arm. Don't know why he just did, any way one day returning from hunting he screeches to a halt on the side of a road. He leans out the window of the truck and fires of a round from the pistol. He then tells me to go out and finish off the rabbit he just wounded.

    I'm like "ok whatever"... I'm carrying a 410, .22 Over under. Now when I go to shoot this poor defence less bunny, I look into its cute big eyes.
    made me want to cry. I shot the bunny. And my father told me to leave it for the cyotes(sp). Now against my better judgement I did so, I didn't want to piss off my father. (Remember he had a gun.)

    I never went hunting again.