You all mentioned many reason for doing so, and that doing so would be better for me in the long run. That my life was partialy being wasted on my continued concern and worry for things I could not affect, with the life of a person who although I cared about never got to be around. She was suppose to come up and visit me this weekend, she called on Friday to cancel. 4th time in a row she's suppose to come see me and calls maybe a few hours in advance of when she's suppose to be here and cancels on me. I gave up. AND IT FUCKING HURTS. I think most of the pain I'm dealing with is my own fault. First of all I broke one of my major rules in life. We broke up over the phone. WHY you might ask, was Hal such an asshole to do something so horrible and decrepit that he should be drug out into the street only to be stoned, shot, driven over by a large truck, and then hung naked by the ankles? Because I was tired of it all, thats why. Sure I could have waited 2 more months till the time when I got to finally see her and then do it, but what fucking good does that do either of us? I mean sure yeah, I'd have been a better person for doing it that way. But for christs sake, I was tired of dealing with a long distance relationship months ago, I don't want to wait and deal with the pain of one for a couple more months knowing the eventual outcome. So I am an ass, I know I'm an ass and I don't need to hear anymore about it. Right about now, I feel like crying, hitting things, and just general not feel goodness. So I guess the only question I have to ask is why the fuck did I let her go? |
Or if you feel really really B-A-D, try actually reading some of his poetry, especially from "See A Grown Man Cry". Then write some of your own mimicing his style. That's some catharsis there. Or you just be like everyone else and say "Dude, Rollins is GAY. Don't be a loser." |
You did the right thing (in my opinion anyway) by doing it now, over the phone. I do not know anything about he situation other then what you wrote in the string, but you let both of you go instead of dragging it on and making you both miserable (she must have been if she kept cancelling) for a few more months. I know it hurts |
2. Thank you Trace. |
"And so it was written, if you point your flashlight up in the clouds and flash it just right...the aging alternative icon will fall from the sky!" and when he describes having to go out and buy a futon |
And it was the right decision. It was good of you to say it now, not in two months. And if you'd waited two months, you might have replicated my most infamous breakup and had a white trash brawl in a Safeway. The liquor aisle, no less. |
Didn't you say that she has cancelled AT THE LAST MINUET 4 times? I would have dumped her the second no show.Thats just plain inconsiderate.[unless she had REALLY good excuses,like major deaths in her family,etc] Don't beat yourself up over this.I know it hurts.Thats the downside of love. But a long distance romance,where there is only one active participant,well,thats just not much of a relationship. Its painful now,but it will get better.I'm sure there is a lovely young miss out there just waiting to find you.An active participant. And,for what its worth,I'd like to see you hanging naked by your ankles,[but that could just be the lech in me talking :)] You're not an ass.You made the right choice. |
It will get better,it just takes some time. |
What I need, is some good sushi, a few good beers, a game of pool, and some sleep. Fuck, I'm poor. Damnit. |