controller for some reason decided to go into my field (mental health) and work at my job. Why he chose to work in a field that pays less was beyond me (who knows, maybe he was an ex. convict). I was in charge of a specific project for a year and a supervisor set me up. She had the schmuck go with me to the site where I was doing my work. He observed how the "job could be done better" and behind my back told our boss he thought he was better suited for the job. He replaced me. My boss gave me a raise as "hush money" when I protested. He told me to never complain to him again about this injustice. I wasn't satisfied. I blew off the company fundraiser by not going,but paying the cost of the ticket anyway. When someone told me I had to go to the fundraiser, I told them I would go only if they paid me my money back. When they insisted I go I told them they could sue me if they wanted to. Then I found out that the schmuck was calling himself a licensed clinician without having the appropriate credentials. A co-worker tipped me off about it. I called the licensing board and they searched their records and there was no record of him being licensed at all. I got a certified copy of the "no record". I complained to our boss who said they would do an investigation. They never did. Then, out of nowhere, while I was on vacation, the schmuck was fired, and so was the schmuckette who let him get away with it. Am I satisfied? Hell no. |
Some guy gets your job, because you got a promotion (In my books, a change of job description and more money=Promotion). You sand-bagged the guy who got you the promotion, and had both him, as well as your boss, fired. You're going to roast in hell for eternity. Do you know how long eternity is? Imagine a mountain the size of Mount Everest. It is made out of steel. One day a year, a crow flies to the top and pecks it. Once. Every year the crow returns and pecks that steel mountain one time. When that mountain has completely eroded from the pecking, that is the FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF ETERNITY. Hope you enjoyed your vacation. |
LS |