Losing contact with my friends when i graduate from high school

sorabji.com: What are you afraid of?: Losing contact with my friends when i graduate from high school
By Melanie on Sunday, April 12, 1998 - 07:17 pm:
    I'm really afraid of my good friends and i losing contact with one another when we graduate and go to college. will i still be talking to Cristina F., Vicky H., Tom M., Mike H., Corrine G., Mike B., and all the others when we're thirty, immersed in our jobs, wiping runny noses and going to PTA meetings? I'm afraid I will lose all these awesome people who I truly care about to time, IBM and biological clocks. there is no way to avoid it, i know. a good friend of mine said that he hasn't seen his high school buddies since his 10 year reunion, and they didn't even remember him!! i know you can make new friends all the time, but what about those who are supposed to last a lifetime???

By .-. on Sunday, April 12, 1998 - 09:39 pm:
    Priorities change Melanie...trust me -- you'll keep in touch with the friends you want to keep in touch with but you will also make new best friends.

    It's all a part of growing up....

By Christopher on Monday, April 13, 1998 - 01:35 pm:
    The one's that last a lifetime are the only ones that really count. I have one friend I've known since I was 13. I'll be 34 on April 16th, and he is still very much a part of my life, despite the fact that we live on different coasts. Trust me, you're going to be so busy with college, and life, and one day you'll realize that you are a completely different person than you are today. You might get lucky and have one really good friend that follows you throughout your life. One is enough!

By Skottey on Monday, June 22, 1998 - 10:34 am:
    Isn't it funny how we feel like High School is everything when we are in High School. Rather than worrying about maintaining your friendships (which you may or may not do) you should worry about getting out on your own and facing the real world. It makes me sick to see something like this, Grow UP!
    Remember, keeping food on the table while you support yourself is a hell of a lot more important then your stupid PROM.

By Chordata on Tuesday, June 23, 1998 - 01:06 pm:
    Very sensitive. Thank you. I'm sure it made her feel a lot better.

    One thing you seem to be forgetting from those high school days is how at that time, it was our whole world. Losing one's whole world on the threshold of adulthood is scary as hell. Her fears are legitimate and she shouldn't be scolded for them all because she isn't slaving away at a 50-hour-a-week job.

    To the original poster: hang in there. Things will be a little scary and sad at first. But you and your friends will keep in touch, and you'll see each other at every break. You'll also make a lot of new friends. You won't be lonely, I promise. Lifetime friendships do exist.. They just change form.

By Skottey on Tuesday, June 23, 1998 - 02:08 pm:
    Chordata- you are doing her no justice by babying her and telling her to fucking hang in there. Why don't you tell her the truth, things only get worse. My point was not to make her feel better, it was to shock her into reality. Like I said, her friends may or may not keep in touch, you are telling her they will. How do you justify telling her that they will? They may not, you don't know one way or the other. Why don't you tell it like it is? They may or may not be there for her, but putting that aside, why don't you focus on the real issues at hand, like your education, employment, etc.Melanie, now you need to focus on these things and build a life for yourself. Mommy and daddy are going to cut loose now, are you ready Melanie?

By Kelsey on Tuesday, June 23, 1998 - 03:20 pm:
    just curious- how old are you, "skottey"? i'm hoping that you're still young enough to excuse it, because you sure seem like a real ignorant asshole.

By Martin on Tuesday, June 23, 1998 - 03:28 pm:
    He's 23, according to one of his posts. Yes, he is an ignorant asshole.

By Blindswine on Tuesday, June 23, 1998 - 03:46 pm:
    i was wondering when the lynch-mob was gonna assemble.

    took ya long enough.

By Martin on Tuesday, June 23, 1998 - 04:17 pm:
    that was really funny..

    I was wondering too--so..

By Skottey on Tuesday, June 23, 1998 - 05:09 pm:
    Listen all you children, you can call me an asshole if you like, but looking back doesn't that seem like such a waste of a worry, worried about losing friends. Martin, Blindswine, and Kelsey, I don't know if any of you have children, spouse, mortgage payments, auto payments, etc... etc... but there is way more to life than "boo-hoo, I wonder if I will keep my friends"
    I wish somebody would have "shocked" me into reality when I was 17-18. You all seem to want to take the "Let her learn approach" well that is not going to teach her anything, in fact, you will probably make her life worse with that point of view.
    Do you want her to go on thinking, "I am going to have these friends forever and ever" when that may or may not be true. I don't think any one of you can say that you honestly think that that is such a big fucking deal and something to worry about. It isn't. "What is your BIGGEST fear?" was the question. If that is her biggest fear she is in for a rude awakening.

By Stiles on Tuesday, June 23, 1998 - 05:53 pm:
    Skottey is right. Maybe you people don't know there is a world around you. When I got out of high school, I didn't have any choice but to grow up. Now I live in the real world. That doesn't mean I like it, but it is reality. When I graduated, all my friends left me. You know what? Fuck 'em. There is nothing in life that is constant, and if there was, it sure wouldn't be fucking friends from fucking high school. I'm with him, don't worry about the past, move to the future.

By Blindswine on Tuesday, June 23, 1998 - 06:59 pm:
    actually, i agree with you.

    my post didn't have anything to do with the topic of this thread.
    it had to do with the fact that you're wearing a target on your head.
    from the "screwing with retards" thing (i didn't even bother reading that thread. i've got no tolerance for that shit) to calling demi moore a "whore" (where did that come from???), you're just inviting shit to be thrown in your direction...

    uh-huh, yeah i know, "i gotta be me".

    try being a decent human being.

    and for christ's sakes, if you're gonna start calling people names, at least come up with *some* kind of justification for it.

    anyway, i checked out your website. sounds like you've got a lot of static to deal with. best of luck.

By Kelsey on Tuesday, June 23, 1998 - 07:51 pm:
    listen, just because your life sucks doesn't mean that everyone else's does. yes, i have a child and blah de blah. i am still friends with most of those i really cared about from high school, and beyond. just because your friends are gone doesn't mean that happens to everyone else. maybe it's because you are a callous asshole and they got sick of your downer attitude on life. and one more thing, the question is not "what is your biggest fear", it's "what are you afraid of". that's what was on her mind at the time. cut the girl some slack. you're not the only one allowed to vent on these boards. i don't think she was asking for somebody to tell her how horrible the real world is where you have to pay bills and everyone abandons you. and anyhow, in her post it seems that she has a rough idea of what life is like beyond high school. and i don't recall any mention of the prom, much less the fucking prom. good luck with your attitude adjustment. it's going to take quite a while.

By Skottey on Tuesday, June 23, 1998 - 10:36 pm:
    Kelsey, first of all, she didn't have to mention the prom, I know the type, like I said she is in for a real shocker. I simply told her my opinion, she should be worried about a million other things beside her friends. Moving from high school to Adulthood is a major change in our lives, any respectable criticism like I gave her will help her whether that is clear to her at the time or not. Don't you wish somebody would have told you about the hardships of life before you found them out on your own, and if you say that they did, you are one of the lucky few and should appreciate what I am doing for this girl. Obviously she does not have her priorities in check.
    Secondly, I never said I lost all my friends. If you would like to know I moved to Florida 4 years ago and I still stay in touch with the better of the friends I once had, that is not always the case. When I go back to town to see my mom and brother I make it a point to get together with those special friends.
    Sure I may have a gotten a bum rap as far as my wife kidnapping my son but I press on. I press on and fight to get him back, I don't stop everything to deal with it. We all must press on and deal with the future. Over all I love life, I really do, in fact, I think that the fact that we have shitty things happen to us only makes things better when times are good. Think about it, if nothing ever goes wrong in your life, you must have a pretty boring life. When my xwife kidnapped my son that was the most painful thing to ever happen to me, when I get him back it will bring me the most joy I have ever had in my life. You see, it balances out, I realize that. I am only trying to help. Somethimes the truth hurts, sometimes it fucking kills you. I found out that my xwife cheated on me, that hurt, but it was the truth. As much as it hurts this girl needs to face up to reality and move beyond her friends, and start dealing with the real issues.
    If I would have stayed in my hometown with fear of losing my friends I would be nowhere today, I left and have a lot of things going for me. I have a wonderful son (even though he is not with me at the moment) and I have an excellent career. I have a great family, though it be sprawled out over a few states and cities. I moved beyond my friends and got busy on the real matters at hand.
    Blindswine, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, you really shouldn't. I already went through a long discussion with PJ over the name of the thread. The use of the word retard was out of hand. But the real issue to the thread is within my story. I had good reason to post this, the question was, what was the cruelist thing you have ever done, I was honest, go back and read it, let it be a lesson to all. I sure as hell learned my lesson..... repent, repent, I am sorry for what I did, but it is over now. I made a mistake.
    I am not an asshole, I just tell it like it is. There is no point in wasting your time posting if you are not going to tell it like it is.

By Kelsey on Wednesday, June 24, 1998 - 02:01 am:
    are you going to teach your son to be a misogynist pig like you? lucky kid!

By Pete on Wednesday, June 24, 1998 - 06:25 am:
    oh my god!!! is oatz back again?

    i'm staying out of this one....i haven't fully recovered from the last war.

By Skottey on Wednesday, June 24, 1998 - 07:06 am:
    You can call me a "misogamist" because of my experiences I now hate marriage, maybe that will change someday.
    You have no right to call me a misogynist, I have no hatred/hostility to women. I do have hostility and hatred to just one, and I hate her with a passion. She is my xwife Carisa. I am a very kind and caring person to the other women in my life, such as my mother, grandmother, sister, etc. Also, I was very good to my wife, probably to good, for obvious reasons.
    Don't get ahead of yourself Kelsey.
    A more logical question on your behalf Kelsey would be to ask if I were planning on teaching my son to be honest and lay it right out on the table, I would answer yes.

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Wednesday, June 24, 1998 - 07:16 am:
    Pete, Blindswine, Kelsey, Martin, et al:

    Overall Skottey here seems to be a big dumb jerk. However, I've chatted with him through emails and misc. postings and have come to realize that basically he's an ok guy that just does not know when to shut up about certain things. Skottey is far from being another Oatz. He might "open mouth and insert foot" from time to time, so I just had to chime in and defend him against being compared to that ignorant, racist, bigotted asshole Oatmeal Boy.

By Blindswine on Wednesday, June 24, 1998 - 12:28 pm:

    i've got nothing against skottey.

    i hereby disassociate myself from the lynch-mob.

    there are much bigger bastards out there to string-up.

By Dani on Wednesday, June 24, 1998 - 12:36 pm:
    I have been sitting back and waiting and watching for the lynch-mob to assemble also. My opinion is basically the same. The future is what counts. The past is gone and it aint ever gonna get you anywhere in life so why dwell on it. Looking and preparing towards the future will always get you somewhere. I still talk to about 5 of my high school friends but I dont make it a priority. I call them once in a while and they call me once in a while. Its great to keep in touch with them but I wouldnt go out of my way to do so. I seem to recall Kelsey getting on my shit for posting how I feel or think. I was always the bad guy in her eyes for being so open and honest and blunt. She also bitched at me a couple times for calling people names just because I didnt agree with what they said. Now, if my eyes dont deceive me, I could swear that she just called Skottey some harsh names. I agree with Jim...Skottey may be a little to open and blunt for some peoples liking but I also have talked alot with him via e-mail and ICQ and he's really a good guy. Ya know Kelsey, I have really kept my mouth shut to you lately but what you have said and posted to Skottey was totally un-called for. And you have had the nerve to say I am mean and cruel?? get off that high fuckin' horse your on cause your nothing but a mean, cruel, ignorant, self centered, little bitch. Thats why I have always called you Kelsey-Kunt. Like it or not cause I dont give two shits about your opinion but thats what you are. I just sat here and went through earlier entries and previous postings and read how you have bashed me several times for no reason at all and I need to tell you that you aint no fuckin' better than me. You feel this need I guess to pick on peoples postings just because miss high and mighty Kelsey-kunt may not like them...you outta either post nice to people and maybe give your opinion in a nicer way instead of taking it upon yourself to just call names. I would take the way that Skottey is or the way that I am over your way anyday. I dont post shit to get on someones good side or to look like the good guy..you do and thats sickening to me. And since fuckin' when is how Skottey may or may not raise his son any of your fuckin' business?? That was totally un-called for and you should be ashamed of yourself, Mother Theresa. Get out of that glass fuckin' house before you throw stones.

By Kelsey on Wednesday, June 24, 1998 - 04:09 pm:
    i kinda feel like somebody has to say something when the guy is throwing out all these words like, whore, bitch, cunt. i don't feel like i throw stones unless they are deserving. the fact that you are calling me a cunt right now says something about you. i have never referred to you with words like that. i did call skottey an asshole, as far as i can recall, that is the harshest word i used towards him. men who use words like that to refer to women are assholes, straight up. and, as you have noticed, dani, i have refrained from making any comments to you for quite awhile now. go ahead and defend some guy that is calling women cunts and bitches. that's fine with me. i am expressing my dislike for these types of mindsets, just as you are. i adknowledge your right to say what you want. please adknowledge mine. whose good side do i attempt to get on, anyhow? the people i like? wow, that's so odd! i don't feel like i am better than you in any way, and if you met me, you would know this isn't true. go ahead and call me a cunt, if that makes you feel better. it makes no difference to me.

By Dani on Wednesday, June 24, 1998 - 05:10 pm:
    Kelsey, come now..think good and hard of ALL the times you, Petey, and PJ used to bash the hell outta Wetfly and I for stating how we felt etc...etc..every time we turned around, you all had SOMETHING shitty and cruel to say and we were simply talking to one another. Just a couple weeks ago in fact, you made a comment to me about "Why do you always have to call people names when you dont agree with what they say Dani?"...short memory you have. Fact is, you just went and did exactly what I have done on several occasions only you were much more ignorant about it cause no one was referring to you directly. I was always defending myself...you were just cruel. Big difference. And if you knew me at all, you would also know that I am a very nice, fun, and caring person. I hang with Jim all the time on icq and I have also hung and chatted with Petey. We get along quite nicely now. I also complimented you one time on how cute your daughter was. I aint some fuckin' asshole that dont know how to be nice. I treat others the way I wanna be treated in return. See, if you knew the entire Skottey story, you woulda kept your mean comments to yourself but once again, Kelsey-Kunt took it upon herself to butt in OTHER PEOPLES business without knowing what the fuck is really going on. There is a right way and a wrong way to do/say things. Once again, you were very wrong. I have been wrong a million times I'm sure but like I said, I had to always defend myself against rude people and comments. Like yourself. I aint gonna make a huge fuckin' dilemma outta this but I felt the need to remind you that your more like me than you thought...hows it feel?

By PetRock on Wednesday, June 24, 1998 - 07:32 pm:
    Hey !!! Who you callin Petey??? Certainly not me!?

    What is that name again? Dan-NETTE??? LOL....and HeHeHe

By Dani on Wednesday, June 24, 1998 - 07:54 pm:
    LOL and HeHeHe and HaHaHa!!!! Hi Sweetie Petey!! I've missed you! I aint never gonna live that Dan-ETTE thing down am I?!?!?!? And I have that Kerri is sooooooooooo very RidinHoochieMama to thank!!!!! Hugs and kisses to you PETEY..good to see ya!

By Skottey on Thursday, June 25, 1998 - 01:28 am:
    To: Kelsey

    Are you saying that there is no such thing as a woman being a whore, bitch, cunt or slut. I know serveral in each catagory, lust like you think you know an asshole.
    I will give you an example of each.

    Whore- Demi Moore. (Many of you got upset that I called her that in a Showgirls post) The fact of the matter is she has been caught fooling around on Bruce Willis more than once. In fact, last I heard, they are getting a divorce because she won't stop fooling around and he is fed up. She deserves the name Whore because that is what she is.

    Bitch- My xwife was an extreme bitch and so was the lady at the 7-11.

    Cunt- Look in the mirror Kelsey. Leave me alone!- Just to make you feel better I will give
    you a second example- Hillary Clinton.

    Slut- I remember a girl in high school that fucked several guys in one night, the guys would take turns going into the bedroom with her. She was a slut if I ever saw one.

    If any of you disagree with my examples, let me know.

    I also know a lot of wonderful, caring, considerate, and beautiful women.

    Wonderful- my mother, my grandmother, several women I have met throughout my life.

    Caring- my mother, my sons doctor, my aunt, my grandmother, serveral other women
    I have met throughout my life.

    Considerate- many of the women I work with, interact with everyday.

    Beautiful- Just look around almost everywhere.

    Unfortunately, I probably lost the readers interest with the good names, most of you just care about the mean names. Imagine if I posted to one of the groups.....
    "My mother is so nice, she is so caring"

    Sorry, nobody cares.
    Obviously somebody cares that I think Demi Moore is a whore, I have gotten emails about this and read a lot of posts where people think I was wrong or bad for saying that.

By Kelsey on Thursday, June 25, 1998 - 01:45 am:
    i disagree with all of your definitions. asshole is not a word that degrades a gender. it is just a character observation. i'm sorry about your son, i truly am. but i don't think it was kosher for you to rip into that high school girl for saying what was on her mind at the time. she's probably seventeen years old, for christ sake. it's normal to have thoughts like that at that age. i think you took her just a little too literally. just because she didn't say she is worried about having responsibilities when she graduates from high school doesn't mean that those thoughts have never entered her head. you really went after her with a vengeance that was unwarranted. in my book, that reads as "taking your mood out on someone else." that's all.

By Kelsey on Thursday, June 25, 1998 - 01:59 am:
    dani- i only recall bashing you in earnest when you started throwing your used condom comments around all over the wayd board. in the beginning, if you recall, i simply asked you in not so harsh terms to cool down the sex chat on mark's page. there are other places for that. you guys were glutting the boards. i know you know this to be true. to my recollection, the only people i have ever bashed here on sorabji were oatmeal boy, a racist sexist homophobe; and skottey, a sexist homophobe. he was even fucking with your friend jim? how can you defend this guy?

    can you recall anyone else? if so, please refresh my memory. i seem to recall you and ridin really ganging up on a girl who had had a rough experience with some fucked up guy that she met on the internet. yes, that girl was dumb for going about that the way she did, but you guys ripped her a new asshole for no reason. she wasn't hurting anyone by telling her story. i would have never been as nasty to her as you and ridin were. this is why i don't think you and i are anything alike. i don't think i am better than you, i just think you have a serious mean streak that i don't have.

    i'm sorry that you hate me so passionately, i wish it didn't have to be that way. i am actually a really nice person, which is why it pisses me off so bad to hear people like oats and skott throw their hateful messages all over this page. it's such a nice forum, people like them bring everyone down. i'm sorry if i hurt your feelings in the beginning, but come on! i only started the ball rolling, everyone else picked up where i left off. i was obviously not the only one who was tired about reading yours and wetfly's posts. and your wrath was far more scathing than anything i ever said. i wouldn't compare you and i, but i wish we could make peace. i don't want to fight with you. i really do feel bad that you and i got off on the wrong foot. that's all i have to say. peace.

By Skottey on Thursday, June 25, 1998 - 07:19 am:
    You are now calling me a a sexist homophobe? You just keep coming up with more hatred don't you. Asshole doesn't degrade a gender but bitch, cunt, slut, and whore do?
    You would not be so concerned with what I call "women" if you didn't fit at least 2 of the names I used, bitch and cunt.
    So you don't agree with my descriptions, ok, so you are a fucking idiot too.
    Clearly Kelsey is an idiot, bitch, and a cunt. And for the record I am an asshole. Oh yeh, I am a sexist homophobe too.
    Bitch, can I call you that?, do you really think it is OK for you to open your mouth and call me those names? Do you really think it is wrong for me to call you names?
    Why don't you take your nice person ass out of hear, we don't need your type here. It makes me sicker every time I read your fucking posts.
    Somebody tells you something you don't like (Dani) and now you are giving her shit too. Why don't you just keep you bitch, cunt, idiot mouth shut.

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Thursday, June 25, 1998 - 08:06 am:
    My goodness!!! Sticks and Stones.... Yeezy Peeze Weeze folks! WHOA!!!!!!!!!

    Hillary Clinton is not a cunt. SHe might very well have one, but she's not one.

    If Demi Moore is a whore, so is half of Hollywood.

    Skottey is no homophobe. Trust me, I would know if he was.

    GUYS: Why can't we all just get along? Or atleast refrain from the vile language?

By Ridin on Thursday, June 25, 1998 - 10:17 am:
    Kelsey: In my defense.....that "person" who had the bad "internet" experience was a fake. She came into WAYD and tugged at everyone's heartstrings, with a boggus story, and some of us caught on, that's all. She didn't get "bashed" or "ganged up on" for any other reason than that. I really don't want to re-live the crap that has happened in the past, so, let's just drop it and move on.

    And to give the original poster my 2-cents worth: The people who I consider my best girlfriends in life are, 1.) a woman I grew up with, literally, we've known each other our whole lives, and 2.) a woman I have known since I was in the 8th grade, and I am now soon to be 35. We have had our ups and downs, periods of not speaking, but these are the two people who know me like no other, and these are the two people I go to when I'm down, when I'm up, when I just want to be myself, when I need a reality check. I trust their judgement, their opinions, and other than my mom, I would trust them with my life.

    One of my biggest disappointments when entering adulthood/real world, was that you never ever meet friends like the ones you had in school. You meet new people who you think are your friends, only to find out they are stabbing you in the back, etc. That was when I was 18. Now that I am much older and wiser, my skin is a little thicker, you WILL meet people who are good, who are true friends, who will be your friend for life.. And, having been to my 10 year high school reunion, I was able to see some of the friends I lost contact with, and to tell you the truth.....IT WAS FOR THE BEST!!! In the big scheme of things, people get on with their lives, and some don't. We ALL had the best of intentions with our lives when we graduated, not everything works out like we planned or envisioned. Everything happens for a reason, and you will keep the friends who will enrichen your life and who are always there for you, emotionally, mentally, but maybe not always physically. You won't even have to work at it that hard....the friends that are meant to be in your life, will always be there....it just happens that way.

By Ridin on Thursday, June 25, 1998 - 10:17 am:
    Kelsey: In my defense.....that "person" who had the bad "internet" experience was a fake. She came into WAYD and tugged at everyone's heartstrings, with a boggus story, and some of us caught on, that's all. She didn't get "bashed" or "ganged up on" for any other reason than that. I really don't want to re-live the crap that has happened in the past, so, let's just drop it and move on.

    And to give the original poster my 2-cents worth: The people who I consider my best girlfriends in life are, 1.) a woman I grew up with, literally, we've known each other our whole lives, and 2.) a woman I have known since I was in the 8th grade, and I am now soon to be 35. We have had our ups and downs, periods of not speaking, but these are the two people who know me like no other, and these are the two people I go to when I'm down, when I'm up, when I just want to be myself, when I need a reality check. I trust their judgement, their opinions, and other than my mom, I would trust them with my life.

    One of my biggest disappointments when entering adulthood/real world, was that you never ever meet friends like the ones you had in school. You meet new people who you think are your friends, only to find out they are stabbing you in the back, etc. That was when I was 18. Now that I am much older and wiser, my skin is a little thicker, you WILL meet people who are good, who are true friends, who will be your friend for life.. And, having been to my 10 year high school reunion, I was able to see some of the friends I lost contact with, and to tell you the truth.....IT WAS FOR THE BEST!!! In the big scheme of things, people get on with their lives, and some don't. We ALL had the best of intentions with our lives when we graduated, not everything works out like we planned or envisioned. Everything happens for a reason, and you will keep the friends who will enrichen your life and who are always there for you, emotionally, mentally, but maybe not always physically. You won't even have to work at it that hard....the friends that are meant to be in your life, will always be there....it just happens that way.

By Dani on Thursday, June 25, 1998 - 10:54 am:
    My postings never concerned you in any way shape or form so that alone says it all. This is now played so I'm done with it too. Bigger and better things await. Truce Kelsey.

By Skottey on Thursday, June 25, 1998 - 12:11 pm:
    Actually, now that this is all said and done, do you think Melanie will ever come back and see what a riot she started? I bet she never thought she would turn everybody against somebody, I will bet she never thought she would get such a mixed bag of responses to her fear.

    Thank You all for being honest, I am officially finished posting to this thread, it has been a lot of fun. Now lets see if we can find something to agree on.

By PetRock on Thursday, June 25, 1998 - 12:55 pm:
    I need a drink now....we can agree on that, can't we?


By Kelsey on Thursday, June 25, 1998 - 03:05 pm:
    i'm sure melanie fled long ago. she was scared away.

By Kelsey on Friday, June 26, 1998 - 04:14 pm:
    ridin, how did you find out she was a fake? what was her name- eggplant or something? hmmm. interesting,.

By Chordata on Friday, June 26, 1998 - 11:37 pm:
    The woman who wrote the internet story several months ago was me. I used the handle "Eggplant." The story is not fake. I felt so terrible about the way I was treated by several users on this board, who I will leave unnamed, that I left for a month and came back under a new name. During the time I was gone, at least 10 people wrote me apologizing for these particular people's behavior, saying that they were not representative of sorabji-ites. They convinced me to come back.

    Just thought you might like to know.

By Underwater on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 01:02 am:
    since nobody else has the nerve to do it, or since noone else knows how to view sourcecode, i thought id point out danis visit into split-personality hiding tirade:
    cast your uglyness with care or it might hit you back some day
    1/11/98, 12:50 PM <!--ts1ppp8.magiccarpet.com-->
    <DD>got to this page this morning and saw what Dreamgirl wrote. So, I went back and read all the earlier entries trying to figure out who and what she was talking about. To my surprise she was talking about 2 people that are in very normal everyday situations..Dani & Wetfly I mean. You give a cool page like this a bad rep with your cruel and insensitive memos. I agree with Dani, most of you commented on things that had absolutly nothing to do with any of you. That was between them and I for one dont blame them for not coming back here and taking abuse from total strangers. But, thats just my opinion. I know this much : I have only been coming to this page for a few days and I really enjoyed it. Today is my last time visiting here. I really dont want nothing to do with such mean people who intentionally hurt someones feelings. Sorabji...keep up the good work on your page. If only you could clean up the trash it would be an excellent place to visit.


    <EM><FONT SIZE=-1><a href="mailto: dk_28@hotmail.com"> dk_28@hotmail.com </A></FONT></EM>

By Ridin on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 02:09 am:
    <yawing> Bravo David Copperfield.....next trick please.

By Dani on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 02:18 am:
    I must have SOMETHING to say..so, here it goes..

By Dani on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 02:41 am:
    Uh, gee Underwater..next time you try and fuck me in the ass, be sure to grease that little thing up. Or perhaps your strap-on, depending on your gender. See, everything I have ever posted has been true and factual. Was I the one that posted a message about meeting some guy off the net who uh, lemme get this straight..laid in my bed and jerked off and came on my sheets then cried? Nooo that wasnt me...Was I the one that failed to tell all the so called facts unil the some of us started to question her story? Nooo, that wasnt me either. (more to come)

By Dani on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 02:48 am:
    See, I simply told the truth. That I met, fucked, and loved every minute of it with some guy off the net. Then met him again and fucked him again too. See, I tell the truth WITH all the facts. (more to come)

By Dave on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 03:16 am:
    This is all so useless. What is it about written words as opposed to spoken that make people so fucking defensive. It's like having the words written (typed, whatever) makes them, I don't know, fact or something. Haven't any of you heard of an offhand comment? To me, this whole medium is about commenting on others comments. If you all were face to face would you start swinging everytime someone called bullshit to something you said or did? I suppose you would if you were a pea-brain. I've criticized people here for one thing or another but I'm the first one to say, "who gives a fuck what Dave thinks anyway" so I always say stuff with a smile. Knowing that smile doesn't translate (unless I type *smile* which I never bother to do) makes me smile even more. All you thin-skinned types are better off somewhere else. Maybe whatsitsname, uhhh, chickadee could start a site that was all LOL's and you could hang there. Fire away if you must but I've said all I care to say about this recurring nightmare and I won't be responding to any name-calling or attacks or whatever. Because I'm right and you're all wrong.

By Ridin on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 03:37 am:
    Dave, you ROCK. Will YOU be my BIG daddy?

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 08:40 am:
    Ridin', darlin', you are on an eternal quest for big daddydome aren't you honey?

By Ridin on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 09:16 am:
    what makes you say that Jimbaby?

By Ridin on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 09:17 am:
    LOL. oops!!! I mean, el oh el.

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 09:31 am:
    Ridin' Why aren't you on ICQ BABE????? Smoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooch!

By Dani on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 12:48 pm:
    Hello friends. I am posting this on behalf of Dani. So I will use her name. Signed Jim aka PajamaBoy.....

    Uh, gee Underwater..next time you try and fuck me in the ass, be sure to grease that little thing up. Or perhaps your strap-on, depending on your gender. See, everything I have ever posted has been true and factual. Was I the one that posted a message about meeting some guy off the net who uh, lemme get this straight..laid in my bed and jerked off and came on my sheets then cried???? Nooooooooo that wasnt me...Was I the one that failed to tell all the so called facts unil the some of us started to question her story?? Nooooooo, that wasnt me either. See, I simply told the truth. That I met, fucked, and loved every minute of it with some guy off the net. Then met him again and fucked him again too. See, I tell the truth WITH all the facts. And for future reference, I'll save you the trouble..</B>:</FONT><!C-1cust194.tnt1.new-port-richey.fl.gt.uu.net...thats my new little split personality ISP..Yeah Chordata, we uh, knew that LONG ago. Leave it to you pathetic fuckin' people to bring shit THAT old up. Ya know what I would just love to know Chordata??? Were those 10 people that e-mailed you the ones that are living in your head?? or was it reallt just MAYBE 1 e-mail. Or maybe none?? If you were as smart as you were pretending to be, you would have ummmm...checked out those e-mails too. Duhhhhhhh....And Underwater, your shit is like really really old and very lame. And by the way Underwater.....if you would have used half of that very small brain of yours, you would have noticed that at the end of that posting you seem to think you busted me on, I used MY ACTUAL e-mail address: dk_28@hotmail.com. Everyone knows thats MY e-mail. And you idiots just NOW figured out that was me? What was your first clue Sherlock??? Stupid ass mother fuckers!!!!!!! If I was REALLY trying to hide my identity, would I have posted my ACTUAL e-mail???? Nooooooooo, I think not. Next time you wanna play with me, be sure it wont come back and bite YOU in the ass.

By Blindswine on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 01:04 pm:
    ha! i always suspected that jim and dani were the same person...
    must be a real bitch getting all those genitals straightened out.

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 02:44 pm:
    Laughing out FUCKING loud at the Swine... you are TOO funny dude!

By Dani on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 03:36 pm:
    I think I can post now. It wouldnt work for me so I asked Jimbabe to post it for me. You figured it out Swine...Jim and I are the same person. I am so busted it aint funny. I hang my head in shame.

By Kelsey on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 07:06 pm:
    chordata, i am glad you came back. not taking sides here, i just dig her and the things she has to say, and thought she should know.

By Chordata on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 09:28 pm:
    10 people did e-mail me.. Including some of your near and dear friends, Dani. If you have a problem with more people wanting to support me than rip me down, I'm sorry. If you don't want to believe it, I don't care. I slowly released the facts about my incident in several sections because I was embarrassed and afraid I would be attacked. And I was. I will never be that open on here again. I learned my lesson.

    For crying out loud, I don't want to fight with you. I came back under a different name so this would all end.

    My participation in this thread is over. So is my participation in any fights with any of you.

    I use the internet for fun, not frustration. I have better things to do with my time than get pissed and tell off strangers. I came here to make friends, not enemies.

    See you somewhere else..

    And truce?

By Dani on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 09:45 pm:
    Most defidently a truce. I dont wanna fight no more either. Done deal K? If I could shake your hand right now I would...and besides, we'd probably get along quite well.

By Chordata on Saturday, June 27, 1998 - 10:49 pm:

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Sunday, June 28, 1998 - 12:22 am:

By DemoHater on Monday, February 12, 2001 - 12:47 pm:

    Hillary is a cunt whore!!!!! Both the Clintons should die of old age in prison (if they were'nt shanked first). Chelsea is the ugliest first daughter since Amy Carter! Fuck all democraps!!!

By semillama on Monday, February 12, 2001 - 04:39 pm:

    Leave off, Dubya, you won, remember?
    Go jack off your daddy some mo'.

By pez on Monday, February 12, 2001 - 04:43 pm:

    haha! y'ain't seen nuttin' yet! wai'till 2004!

By Cat on Monday, February 12, 2001 - 04:58 pm:

    It's nice to see Trace hasn't totally deserted us.


By Rhiannon on Monday, February 12, 2001 - 05:21 pm:

    Wow, what a stupid fight up there. I'm sorry Agatha had to be drawn into the mire like that.

By agatha on Monday, February 12, 2001 - 10:43 pm:

    That's a pretty funny thread, no? I had forgotten all about that.

By semillama on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 10:13 am:

    That ranks up there with some of the most ridiculous things I've read here.

By J on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 10:29 am:

    Dani sounds interesting,and I miss Jimbo aka PajamaBoy,what happened to him? Who pissed him off?

By TBone on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 10:59 am:

    This inspired me to dig back and find my very first sorabji post ever.

    I think I found it... March of 1998.

    And it was stupid.

By Nate on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 01:55 pm:

    Yay!!!!! LOL! LOL! LOL!

By semillama on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 02:15 pm:

    Who here had a first post that wasn't stupid? Mine was for sure. I think it was back around then too. but maybe 1999? Naw, 1998.

    Three years! Jeezis.

By Platypus on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 02:22 pm:

    I think my first posts were eclipsed by the brilliance of Lucy Phurre.

    But they were stupid all the same.

By moonit on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 03:15 pm:

    One of my first posts was about my addiction
    to 1970s tv.

    there was much 'lol'-ing.

By Rhiannon on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 03:26 pm:

    I have never LOLed. My conscience is clean.

    Not that I haven't typed equally stupid things...

By pez on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 03:36 pm:

    i've ROLFed.

    i remember my first post was that stupid 16-or so stanza poem. just bad.

By TBone on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 04:13 pm:

    I was doing the math after my Apparissus told me that I've been blabbering about sorabji since before 1998... (He also says I Sorabji a _LOT_)

    I do think that was my first board post (or close) but I had been WAYD'ing for a while and lurking on and off for at least a year before.

    And we found the payphone project in 95 or 96 and lost it again.

    It's weird. It seems like a year, tops.

    I've also noticed that people I thought had only been around for a couple months have been posting for a year or more.

    I tend to time-travel while sorabjiing. If only I could go backward too.

By Nate on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 04:37 pm:

    i have no idea what my first post was.


    actually, i have some idea.

By Nate on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 04:39 pm:

    By Nate on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 10:23 pm:

By semillama on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 04:52 pm:


By Nate on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 04:54 pm:

    i'd been wayd'ing for awhile. maggie invited me in to the boards.

    i just had my 3rd birthday. how odd.

By Dougie on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 06:01 pm:

    My first posts here, I railed on against rap. I believe my very first post was, "There's a reason rap rhymes with crap." For which I was immediately taken to task.

By Nate on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 08:24 pm:

    that's because you're a bitch.

By agatha on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 08:50 pm:

    i shudder to think of what my first post was. i know it was with my real name, kelsey, and it was probably totally stupid. that was probably almost four years ago. yikes.

By agatha on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 08:51 pm:

    yeah, dani hated my guts. jim is still around, we play scrabble.

By Dougie on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 08:55 pm:

    Is that why, Nate? I figured it was because of everyone's fervent belief in rap as a valid art form.

    Why doesn't Jim post anymore, Agatha?

By Cat on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 08:55 pm:

    My first post was a momentous occasion on WAYD about 8 months ago. I remember being disappointed no one responded to me. If only I'd known, I would have got out while the going was good.

    Funny how WAYD sucks them in, and then before you know it you're mainlining on the boards, snorting it up every day like your life depended on it.

By Sorabji on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 09:40 pm:

    does anyone remember the boards before these boards?

    they're gone now, but they're backed up to tape somewhere on the shelves in my bedroom.

By dave. on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 - 10:17 pm:

    i remember agatha posting to an older bbs style thing. back when the place of general happiness was IT. she kept trying to get me to look at the face server and the receipts. it was really annoying.

By agatha on Wednesday, February 14, 2001 - 01:31 am:

    i would like to see those again, someday. i liked that bbs. that was where i experienced my first sense of belonging on the internet.

By patrick on Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 12:49 pm:

    my first post was on the female genital mutuliation thread....among the conversation with cyst, margret, and RC. I think i was slightly at awe with Cyst and margret for various reasons. i don't recall exactly what i said, and I don't care to go dig it up but Im sure I sounded like an ass talking out of his ass, wearing ass socks and an ass hat.