religious solicitation What are you afraid of?: religious solicitation
By Squee on Monday, September 14, 1998 - 04:45 pm:


By Quidam on Monday, September 14, 1998 - 09:44 pm:

    I know. There's a pack of Jee-SUS freaks who live in my neighborhood somewhere. I assume. I actually have no idea where these white, inbred CHUDS come from. In any case, they hang out where people have to stop for a while, like bus stops or street corners.

    Screw your God man, I just want to get on the bus. Now get your papers out of my face before I kick your ass.

    Ah. Much better.

By Slacker on Tuesday, September 15, 1998 - 09:12 pm:

    hey quid
    take some 'cid and hop on my band wagon.
    i've started a little religion of my own. i solicit funds for the care and feeding of me.
    perhaps you would like to be our false idol.

By Quidam on Tuesday, September 15, 1998 - 11:27 pm:

    Just let me know where to make the donations :)

By Those pews are too hard on Wednesday, September 16, 1998 - 12:04 am:

    it doesn't sound like anyone is afraid of religious solicitation. i am. i'm afraid some nice person in my neighborhood will show up and want to talk to me about Jesus and what a great soccer team their church has, and how welcome i am... and the next thing i know, i'll be there on sunday with stockings on and heels, listening to the dreadful organ music.

By Starchy on Wednesday, September 16, 1998 - 10:03 am:

    The organ's the good part.

    It's the man-eating lions ya gotta watch out for.

By Lucy Phurre on Friday, December 11, 1998 - 04:05 pm:

    Religious solicitation is an opportunity for fun.
    I know more Bible than most proselytizers and it's really entertaining to ask them if they've heard of this or that piece of apocrypha.

    If they really piss you off, memorize
    I Corinthians 13 and recite it at them.

    I once dated a hardcore X-tian and I recited that particular passage at him in the middle of an argument. We ended up breaking up b/c
    A. I knew more Bible than he did.
    B. I called him a Pharisee.
    (the guy would do things I wouldn't do, which is not easy, but he wouldn't have coital sex. He also wouldn't drink coffee, but he popped caffeine pills like they were candy. If that isn't straining out gnats and swallowing camels, I don't know what is)

    I would sooner be damned with honest folk than saved with Pharisees!