It's that soft, icky-sweet voice that really sounds like it's gotta be psychotic. and the unnatural way it moves. Like Chucky with fur. I keep expecting it to show up with an icepick or a chainsaw and say "Hi. I'm the Snuggle bear. And I'm going to kill you" *shudder* |
Ah, Shit! That's me............I'm scared of the bear, too............. |
[2] The Welch's GIRL? The Welch's boy TICKS ME OFF to no end...let us pray they never mate. [c] Who's The Doughboy? |
The three most ominous words plus giggle ever uttered in the history of vocalizations. That pucker welch's girl and that down home daddy's little man welch's boy are not quite as evil as Snuggle. Snuggle could eat them for breakfast and still have a hunger for the downfall of civilization. The Pillsbury Doughboy, however, is cool. When I was little, Maria Pullini from next door had a doughboy doll and I COVETED it. I still feel gleeful about giving her a bloody nose when I was in 2nd grade and she was in 1st. |
why can't anything be nice anymore? anything that is outwardly good is automatically twisted and evil. |
I haven't watched TV in a the Welch's girl blond? |
| |
I'd hate myself forever if I screwed it up. I don't even have any children, but already I have such high expectations for any suspected future off-spring. I wouldn't want to subject some poor innocent babe to that. That's not the biggest reason, though. Raising a serial killer, or someone who doesn't amount to anything isn't my biggest reason for not wanting children anymore. It's when they leave you. I don't think I could take that. It's all wonderful when they're young, and then they hit their teen years and start trying to think for themselves and not long after that they consider themsleves grown-up and leave your home and you don't see them every day. How can parents handle that? Every day of your life you see the person you love more than anyone in the whole entire world, and then all of a sudden (only aproximatly twenty years later) you just...don't. They're living in their own house and they come back to visit you or you visit them and there are phone calls back and forth, but it's not really the same. They're gone. That would break my heart. I forget how this relates to what we were talking about. |
"no, REALLY, mom, I SMOKE POT. a lot. here, LOOK." most kids just go through bad stages. I think it usually all works out eventually. |
"do as I say not as I do" from our parents no longer works honesty, openess and involvment with your childs life I think would alleviate a lot of problems with todays teenagers. If the upper middle class selfish parents weren't off fulfilling their own mid life fantasies and more active in theri kids life, shit like columbine may not happen |
Agatha, what's not true? You can't always blame the parents, Waffle. |
a child is a clean slate and learns just about everything from you and what it doesn't learn from you, it needs to have guidance on FROM you..... |
It takes more than one or two people to raise a child. Even still, at some point the "child" has to take responsibility for its own actions. |
yadadadadadadadada of course a child leans from all of these sources, BUT thats where you come in to offer an explanation, reassurance or whatever it is so that the child will interpret the info correctly. A child will undoubtbly learn violence from the TV, BUT you need to step in as a parent and offer explanations as to WHY it's not acceptable behavior and help the child understand it. and yes the child will eventually take responsibility for it's actions, but until 18 or so, when the law allieviates you from responsibility, it's up to you to maintain such a high involvment in a childs life so it won't be steered in a wrong direction. As the child gets older there is a fine line of involvment, with respect to the budding individuality of that child. You want your child to be a best friend, you want them to have confidence, faith, trust and comfort in you, even when they are teenagers. The best parents are the one's whose teen kids still talk to them about their relationship troubles, problems at school etc etc... |
NOT an empty cup - to be filled by whomever. We can only take so much responsibilty for our influence on our children. Because they will start making choices on their own... and sometimes just because the parents want something is enough reason for the child to want the opposite, unfortunately. I have never regretted having children. |
although i have thought of it more lately. I think I would make a good parent. i know nico would be the best mom ever, Not that those are reasons to breed. But then when as I was putting on my new record needle the other night and the TV had a special on about those septuplets out inthe midwest several years ago, well, the kids are all 2 years old now and I couldn't even handle the racket they were making from the yes Agatha I would hope it's obvious i don't have kids..... |
Not just here. Lots of places. |
it's pretty much one of those things you can never say. you would never want your child to find out you said it. even a woman whose husband left her two weeks after the baby was born and had to move into a bungalow with the kid, her dad, his wife, her brother, his girlfriend, their baby, three parrots and a rottweiler. she complained about never having any money, not being able to go back to school, having a hard time finding a new man, etc., but of course, she was always quick to make it clear that she didn't regret having the child. because even if she did, she wouldn't be allowed to say it. I guess I'm just saying that "I have never regretted having children" is a meaningless statement, right up there with all the "I wish I could"s. I'm at the stage where I like my friends' well-behaved toddlers. their newborns bore the fuck out of me, though. |
and Gee, this woman you know, do me a favor, everytime she says that in front of her kids, slap upside the head would ya? Thats horrible, considering they didn't have achoice in the matter, where as she could have chosen to keep her legs closed or insisted on protection......BITCH! |
I always had a problem with this. When I was older I spent some time going to a church where they teach that everyone's spirit exists long before being sent to earth in a brand new newborn baby suit. So in that case, if my parents hadn't gotten together, then I'd just be born into a different family. They kind of implied that the spirit somehow "chooses" the family to be born into. I found (anyway, that part of) their ideology to be quite beautiful. Spirit transcendent Pressed to flesh in body fresh Brand-new descendent |
As someone who felt Religion was forced down my throat as a kid -- I went to Catholic Grade school -- and even as an adult -- my Grandmother constantly bantering on and on AND ON about church, it just got, and gets, to be a bit much sometimes. I have some great friends who are very religious but are smart enough to know when enough is enough. I don't knock anyone their religious beliefs, I just don't share most of them. And I won't get into all that right now, but perhaps one night when I'm pleasantly sauced, I'll treat you all to my religious rantings. I agree with Patrick regarding your acquaintance, Gee, who rags about having kids to her kids. That bitch, and excuse me if that's harsh, needs to check herself and get over it. However, more than likely she was told that as a child too. I certainly did not have the happiest of childhoods, but I think I turned out ok, and I don't think I display any of the traits of my parents, except maybe shyness around people I don't know. Now I'm rambling on and on. Birthday season at work begins today. In a 6 month period, everyone (all 15 of us) will have birthdays. Bring on the cake! I just wish the boss would stop buying the dry ass crap cake he buys all the time, and go to a GOOD bakery. |
hey Jim, give this book a read, it's a very easy read, you will be able to finish it in about 8 hours. you migh tfind comfort in reading about someone else persecution...and boy is this guy nailed by his southern baptist family..... |
But my brother is the complete opposite. He grew up in the same family, had the same kind of education and experiences....and yet he can't stand anything having to do with religion. I know this is pretty impractical, but I think somehow children should only be exposed to maybe just a thin wash of religion until they reach the age of reason and can critically evaluate what's going on. I think, in my brother's case, being exposed to the rule-heavy Catholicism since infancy turned him against it. He's got issues with control and authority and just with his personality he was kind of born not feeling comfortable going to church and stuff. But with me, I like all that authority and organization and formality and ritual. I like being told, "look, we think this is wrong and this is right, and here's our reasoning, based on passages in the bible and the writings of learned people." I would probably be Catholic even if I weren't raised that way. It saddens me when I see people discounting religion in general and mine in particular, because it makes me think that they must have had some sort of negative experience(s) growing up or whenever that has put up a block in their minds that doesn't allow them to be rational and clearly see that which they're calling ridiculous or antiquated or whatever their judgment is. They're judging based on information that is inherently biased (which is not necessarily bad, but it is something that one must be aware of) because it has to do with their subjective experience. That's another thing I find...that certain people who claim to be so tolerant of other people's culture have little tolerance for people's religion, unless that religion happens to be some non-mainstream one, like Hinduism or something. That makes me wonder if they see the discrepancy in their behavior themselves. When it comes to religion, I think the only people qualified to criticize it (whatever sect or faith is in question) are those people who are or were once a part of it. I find non-Catholics' criticisms of Catholicism amusing, because they are so full of error. Just plain factual error. We are not the slaves of the Pope. We are allowed to think for ourselves. We don't hate women. Period. Likewise, I can look at something like 7th Day Adventism, which has strict dietary laws, and then point to the passage in the bible where Jesus says it doesn't matter what we eat because it's what comes out of us that is harmful, not what we take into us (through eating)...and then proclaim that religion to be silly because it clearly goes against the teaching of the savior it claims to follow. But I'm not a 7th Day Adventist and I don't know what it's like to be one and I don't know all their tenents and all the little inside practices and beliefs that go along with 7th Day Adventism. Because of this, because of my lack of factual knowledge, I am not qualified to rag on it. End of story. Also, for people (usually atheists) to make claims about me because I believe in God...ones that involve such phrases as "blind faith" and "sheep-like" and "silly superstitions" and "deluded fool"...that's quite unfair. That's claiming to know private details about the way I think and such. That's telling me I don't think. That I don't critically evaluate situations and the rules that my religion tells me to follow in such situations, and that those rules are arbitrary or stifling or oppressive or irrational. One of the things that Catholicism teaches is important is the informed conscience. Catholicism *expects* you to evaluate situations on your own. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: "A human being must always obey the certain judgment of his conscience. If he were deliberately to act against it, he would condemn himself" (1790). The example St. Thomas Aquinas gives of this principle, and this is very important, is receiving Holy Communion. He says if you in your heart believe it would be sinful for you to receive Communion for whatever reason (and receiving Communion is considered...well, you can't do anything more holy than that), it would be a sin for you to go against your conscience and receive it. That's how much weight is given to individual reasoning and personal faith. People freak out when they hear the word "sin." I think they don't like the idea of being held accountable for their actions by a power larger than themselves. Also they think that most religions deem almost every little thing sinful. That you have to be a celibate, teetotalling, mute monk in order to be considered a good person. What a narrow way of thinking. In that way of thinking, we're all bad people, since none of us measure up. Mother Theresa said it best when she said God doesn't ask us to succeed, He asks us to try. That's all that matters. I don't know where I'm going with this anymore. Look at me, writing an essay for you people when I have 2 15-page papers due next week and haven't even found the resources for them yet. *sigh* I'm just asking that people (not just you people...everybody) think a little more before they start putting down religion. The end. |
Sorry about that. |
how is that any different than Jimmy Jones and his Koolaid kids? |
if anything i think i fall under the agnostic umbrella (if labels are important) simply becasue i don't deny *something* may be there i just don't claim to *know* the answers..... |
All I'm saying is: all of y'all can think and believe whatever the hell you want. And so can I. I won't tell you you're wrong, and I would appreciate it if no one told me I'm wrong. Because the truth is, no one knows what's really going on, and we could all be wrong. Thank you. |
combined with Larry Flynt, Lyn Redgrave, who i might add was the only sensible one there.....and then some other fuck who kept talking about how hsutler incites child fornication....???!?!?! compared to those freaks Rhi, you are alright regardless of what you believe |
The Snuggles Bear is the freaking cutest thing in the world! andd wtf is up with u guys n the welchs girl..? Deff not evil fags |