Mirrors in the Dark.

sorabji.com: What are you afraid of?: Mirrors in the Dark.
TBone on Sunday, January 3, 1999 - 07:36 pm:

    Aren't they creepy?

    I can't stand being anywhere near a mirror in a dark house alone. I guess I don't trust myself.

    Mirrors. Ach. Hate 'em.

    I will seriously run away. I'm too old for this nonsense. I'm supposed to be manly now.


By Me........... on Monday, January 4, 1999 - 02:02 pm:

    I'm always afraid something or someone will materialize in the mirror....like in some of those creepy movies.......I've even scared myself, when looking at the mirror in the dark....hell, sometimes, looking at it in the light is a scary experience, too..........

By CanyMAN...... oh the canyman CAN on Friday, August 11, 2000 - 03:57 am:

    OOOOOOOOOH the candyman CAN!

    hers something fun, look into the mirror and say bloody marry 3 times... with out looking behind you.