If you weren't nice I wouldn't like you, and Then where would you be?? |
; ) |
mass into your mouth....thinking......milk.....Milk....I NEEED MILLKKK! |
---------------------- sometimes i can feel my entire being buzzing with energy and i don't know what to do, where to go, how to move my mouth in order to speak. certain things should happen and my self refuses to obey me. sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night to hear my housemate pleading with her mother over the phone not to do things to herself or my next-door neighbor screaming out her frustrations with drama is it polite to pretend to be oblivious (knowing that sometimes telling is comfort)? sometimes there's madness sometimes there's truth sometimes people understand one another sometimes events seem to line up, one after the next and it feels like a perfect world for one moment before everything comes crashing down sometimes there's hands and eyes and voices in a caucuphony and sometimes you're alone and the silence frightens too sometimes you find yourself trying to explain sour and spicy to someone who can't hear... how can a person mime a flavor? |