The last two years have been life-changing for me. Two very wrong men came into my arena. One was invited and the other forced his way in. The forced entry was a stalker who followed me for a year, off and on as his medication wavered. He's in a correctional facility now. Hopefully he's having his brain corrected so he doesn't think he's married to complete strangers. I wasn't the only female he chose to live out his complex warped fantasies on. But I was the one he was "married" to. There must be something about me that screams "wife", because that brings me to my invited gladiator. Mike was a lot of things I thought I wanted. I was a lot of things he own. After six months, he proposed. I said no. It went downhill after that. I know my psychology and I should have seen him coming: the resentment over my job, the dislike of my commitment to family and friends, the "suggestions" about what I wear, the jealousy of any man who looked at me, his dislike of any sexual positions where he wasn't dominant. I spent a year trying to get out without hurting him. In the end, I got out when he hurt me physically. Just one hit was enough. I told myself I would take a break from men, to reassess and revaluate. I think the truth is I'm just too scared (or maybe scarred) now. Can you find a way back to innocence, or is it too late? |
Dave, are you sure you're not just bringing a whole cooler full of your own rejections/bias whatever to the party? My stalker chose me, we never dated, he just picked me out of a catalogue or something (I still don't know why and probably he doesn't either). Believe me, I've tormented myself endlessly with wondering whether my shirt was too tight the day he first saw me, or if I somehow flirted with him somewhere (I used to talk to people everywhere, in shops, airports wherever). Mike attracted me exactly because I thought he was so stable and emotionally strong. Nothing glamourous, good looking or exciting about him, he was just an ordinary bloke. The only thing dangerous about him was his right fist. Shit I wish I'd never posted this whole thing. |
I'm sure a couple of you have read about Marcy on Sorabji at one time or another. I had a problem with her Ex who wouldn't go away, he figured that after two years of dating her he owned her. Hell I cared about her so much that when he caught her between a rock and a hard place in making her choose me or him, I realizing that it would hurt her either way told her to not worry about me, I will step aside gracefully and let him win. That I loved her to much to see her hurt so I let her go. To make a long story short, she saw what I had done and dumped his ass for good. Anyway, Cat I understand your hesitance and deserving mistrust of men, its easy to see why you would, just look at it from this angle. "You have been treated bad in the past, you know the signs, there are men out there who would treat you like a princess everyday of their lives if given the chance, like I do for Marcy." Find one of those, not easy I know, but now from exp. you know the signs of the domonating and possesive. Avoid that and seek one who will stand up to you but will worship you as well. As a whole, don't fear men in general, fear men as individuals. We all aren't self-centered losers, some want just as much love as we are willing to give which is a hellova lot. |
if i were young & single, i think i'd probably fucking well stay that way & enjoy my life. i have a very happy marriage, but it's extremely unconventional, & i doubt i could ever be happy w/ some average, ho-hum, status-quo joe. why do folks who have nice lives w/ plenty of freedom jeopardize everything by hooking up w/ morons? i don't get it. people have all this freedom, & they've got to throw it all away in the name of "romance". puh-leeeze. carve out a significant chunk of time for yourself (i'm talking about years, not months) & don't share it w/ ANYBODY. it's yours. it's your freedom & your liberty. wasting it on a relationship is usually like casting pearls before swine. |
i bow to the wise one. |
As for stalking, christ, don't blame yourself, these people are nut jobs! It's not your fault that some psycho stalked you! As for bad ex beaus, well I would be quite suspicious of anyone who had never had a shitty relationship or gone out with someone who was wrong for them. The important part is you are no longer with the bad man and you will not go with someone like that again in the future I hope. Open letter to all boys who say 'all girls like the dangerous types while nice guys like me never get a date': Whatever. Not like my phone is ringing off the hook with nice guys. It's the losers that stick to me like old gum. What I wouldn't do fer someone ready to treat me like I deserve... Then again, maybe by some standards I'm not 'hot' enough for someone really nice? All the really nice men I know date women who treat them horribly. |
Dear, I would like to extend my apologuise in making an above statement. Yes, I have to make the cliche' 'all girls like the dangerous types while nice guys like me never get a date...' And I now realize how wrong I was... Yes it is true, but only at the bane to the persistense and the testicle fortitude for a "quite" nice-guy to open his mouth once in a while and speak up, and let yon' self be known... Other wise how are they to know whether your a nice guy or a creep... I told Marcy I liked her, treated her like a princess from day one, and I haven't regretted a moment of it... Guys, step up, don't sit on your ass waiting for them to come to you... It ain't gonna happen. Go to them... Yeah you'll get shot down, learn to deal with it even the losers get that one, but at least with us quite nice-guy types, hopefully not as often. |
Yes. Just say to yourself, over and over, "Yes." When you find yourself saying it without even trying, then innocence has come home. |
seriously. same to any and everyone else. i do depart now. until next time. |
And Hal, you're right about nice guys never having the guts to ask women out. I never used to turn down dates while I was single, cause I know how much guts it takes to make the first move. Unfortunately, it's usually the assholes that come a-calling. Maybe the only alternative is for me to ask men out...that way I'm in control. Or maybe I could just revert to my childhood intentions of becoming a nun. I love what Crimson said about sucking up the joy of being single. I just want to make sure it's a choice I'm actually making, not one forced on me by my fears. Antigone, unfortunately, just saying "yes" is not enough. It would only be a false mindset that would crumble with the next prank phone call or possessive guy trying to tell me what to do. Anyway, I'm glad this shit happened to me. Hard to explain, but it has made me tougher and more realistic in my attitude to men - less like a bloody little romantic prom queen. I just wish the lesson hadn't come at such a high price. |
I'm really glad you said that Dinner Lady... you're soo right, I ain't Robinson Crusoe here. |
I guess what I'm trying to say is don't close off. So often when I hear people say they're becoming more realistic all I see is them becoming more cynical. But a cynic doesn't actually see the world. You'd just be trading in your rose colored glasses for dark shades. Part of saying yes is seeing the world as it really is and accepting it. To see the world you must be accurate and dispassionate. However, the acceptance can take any form you like: optimism, sad resignation, fatalistic, joyous, dispassionate. |
or not. i figure nobody really gives a shit about my opinions. maybe i'm wrong. (my theme song.) |
go on irc. asshole. |
beer, cigarettes, condoms, and peanut butter. how many boxes of tampons do you two vaginal motherfuckers need this time? |
This weekend I went out dancing with my friend, she goes to this club here all the time and it's sort of fun. But you know, I always see guys there on their own. They come in alone, drink a beer alone, watch people dance alone, go home alone. It's sad! But then it feels like talking to these people gets so loaded. Like as if just talking to them might get me in for more than I want. Probably exaggerating it in my mind. Such a meat market though. It's a very fucked up time you know when people will post to web boards and chat w/ strangers and yet people right in front of them are like 'eek!' and you never say a word. I really do think that people spend a lot of time dating folks who make them miserable until they learn to do otherwise. Some of you learn so fast and I am so jealous (and others never learn). I dig too what both Crimson and Antigone have added about singleness and being realistic. I know for me suddenly I've been just thinking about the kind of pressure I've put exes under to be perfect or get out, or picking people who were not right for me and then suffering while it didn't work out. In some ways it is hard to accept a romantic partner's flaws (for me anyway) in a different way than a friend, but they are just people, you know. Damn, I'm feeling all grown up now. |
I was raised by feminist parents, I ended up with such a respect for women at an early age that I now probably have too much of it for my own good. What has stopped me from walking up to women I hven't meet before in social settings and try to talk to them is this loud voice in my head saying "She gets enough of that from a lot of dumb ass guys. She probably doesn't need another one doing the same." There is no counter voice in the head that should say "you're different from most asshole guys, so go talk to her." Plus, I am utterly incapable of breaking the ice, no matter what the situation. Every single time I have tried it, I fail miserably in some way, so I just stopped trying. If it can't be fixed, move on, I feel. I know this has probably cost me a lot of opportunities, but what can you do? I can't seem to get over the whole respect issue as it relates to my dating life. I'm definitely the type of guy who needs friends to set him up. I sort of don't believe anyone ever does that now. I'll shut up now, that didn't add anything. |
I didn't post it. Not sure why. |
However, if they approached you that wouldn't make them the men you wanted to approach you. Get it? It's the Catch 22 of dating. The only alternative for women is to buy a big rope and practice on a few calves...then get out there and lassoo the blokes who are standing in the corner, hogtie 'em and drag 'em back to your swag and do bad things to 'em. |
"Tie him up & bring him to my tent!" was my motto for a while/back in the day. Worked like a charm for meeting the shy-guy types. You had to make sure they were within earshot when you said it. And once they stop laughing & blushing/they're usually up for a conversation. Of course/you can only use a line like that in public places when you've got pals around. Maybe I was just lucky/but I managed not to toss off that line to any closet-psychos. Most mature women (vs. chicken-heads & dizzy bitches) WANT the nice/kind/reliable guy. Alpha males & bad boy types are something you shd outgrow by the time you reach yr late 20's. "Been there/done that/don't need to do it again." But the fact that a guy is nice shdn't automatically mean the woman has to make the 1st move. Sem/you say you're patently incapable of breaking the ice -- well, why? Obviously you can talk to the new research assistant/or dig-helper/or whatever you call the rock-hunting minons in yr profession. I'm sure when a new face shows up in an academic or workplace setting where you'll be required to interact w/this female/you have no trouble walking up & introducing yrself. Why is it any different in a bar/or waiting on line for movie tkts.? Why do men have to make this 1st meeting shit so hard? It's not like you have to walk up to the most gorgeous girl in the room & say something. The decent-looking girl standing at the bar w/her 2 friends/the one who keeps looking over at you/ is hoping you'll walk over & say hello. So why don't you? If you can be chatty w/the waitress or the bank teller/it shdn't be any harder to chat up a girl in a coffee shop or a bar. It doesn't have to be Oscar-caliber dialogue. Just a casual compliment on something she's wearing -- "I like your earrings. Where'd you get them?" -- is enough to start the ball rolling. It's really not that hard, fellas. And Happy Labor Day, everyone! |
Still, I feel like if I am the one who does the aggressing, meaning if I ask the boy to do something or I call them etc. it never goes well. They usually get all weaselly and then since they didn't respond to my first overture I back off entirely and am peeved that it didn't work. Case in point (yes, maybe some of you remember this rant?) the guy who lives an hour away. I knew him for 2 years and he wasn't just foxy he was also really really cool and we really got along well. Every month or 2 he'd drive an hour to come here and buy me dinner and tell his life story. Fab conversation, lots of laffs, but NO ROMANCE. Finally AFTER 2 YEARS of trying to figure it out I say point blank 'So are we ever gonna have a *real* date?' and he reads me that tired line called 'Oh I once had my heart broken (just before I met him 2 years ago) and now I just don't know what I can feel for someone/now is not a good time for me to be in a relationship because I need to focus on my work....' Well groovy man, but if that is the case, why are you driving an hour to buy me dinner and flirt with me every month or so? Other platonic male friends don't buy me meals and hold doors open and drive hours to see me. This is not a new thing for me, guys I lurve pulling this 'I want to do everything but touch you routine.' I'm not a dawg! I feel like if I don't say something I'll never get an answer and when I do I still don't have an answer (he alluded to the fact he might get a job near here in the next few months and that would change things - whatever). I just hate taking initiative and getting shot down, it just seems to be the rule and never the exception. Meanwhile on fabulous ass nite (see other post) I had 2 boys make googy eyes at me who are friends of mine, both of who I'm not physically attracted to and one of who is a former boss and professional contact. It's the ones that I just find physically unappealing that always want me. That stinks too. But at least I don't do things to lead these people on. |
cat, i had a stalker for a brief while, it was limited to strange phone addition my wife was nearly raped. i understand how you feel. you ask yourself over and over why they had to violate you,take that away from you. People steal from others and affect other people in such violent and dramatic ways...nevermind the damage he did to my wife, but to me as well......a bat to some knee caps still couldn't subside the's never fair. But ultimately, they only take what you wish to give them. i've noticed something with a handful of friends, and I've heard several girlfriends mention a type of behavior seemingly more prevalent in men my age. Is it generational or otherwise? Men who can be incredibly sensitive, sweet, respectful, thoughtful, loving, protective, and masculine just enough for her pleasure, but not too male...... BUT.... from time to time, evil is unleashed.......selfish, bratty, and downright vicious come to mind. Mean, sometimes unprompted or with little provocation...certainly not warranting the emotional explosion. I am guilty of this behavior, and I have heard from a few girlfriends who have experienced boyfriends like this. I often advise that perhaps a tough, bitch approach remedy the sitaution "you are being a brat little ass (punch!) now sit down and stop barking (punch!)" but i know if i were being told this, or dealt with in this way, it wouldn't work. I was spoiled as a kid, but I don't think this is a direct result of that. I think there is more. Usually the emotions, aggressive and such taper off in time, we realize how evil we were being and crawl , low!!! A few of the guys in these situations grew up without father figures...or in a limited sense. Such as myself...... do you know any men like this? does this sound familiar? am I on to something or is this just how it looks from my window? Rhi, i'd like your expertise on this, and nate, as always i look forward to your rhetoric on it. |
i dunno. i rarely get angry, and when i do i can't stay angry. i think i hold happiness above anything else. the only time i have to pull the belt off is when the bitch won't do the house work. jesus. i mean, i'm at work all day and what does she do? make messes. she should be cleaning the shit up. and then she gets all pissy because the house is a mess. and if i mention that she should clean a little, she starts going on about how i make her seem worthless because i work all day and then am critical of the state of the house. but you see, i'm not really critical of the state of the house. i'm critical of her being critical about the state of the house. because the last thing i want to hear when i get home from work is someone bitching about how dirty the house is. as if i'm supposed to end a 14 hour day with 5 hours of cleaning. i mean, really, as if it would be too hard to schedule a little dusting into a full day of oprah and getting fat on the couch. so off comes the belt. |
About 2 weeks ago, i proclaimed "I don't do cat boxes" When she's not looking I secretly encourage the little ones to pee on her clothes, on the floor, that she refuses to pick up. It's working...... on the whole, I cook and clean more than she. She does her fair share about 60% of the time. She makes a little more money than I, so I let it slide most of the time. I don't stay angry for long either, and after the fact its always "what the fuck was i thinking".... |
i make a lot more money than she does. she doesn't work. but i don't even think of it in money, i think of it in time. I spend X hours away from the house in order to buy us food, pay our mortgage, buy us clothes and toys and beer and gas and all that other stuff that we enjoy. I think it is fair that she spend X hours with the house work before we start spliting stuff up. but no, somehow that invalidates her. i get a whole lecture about traditional gender roles. fucking psych degree. then i remind her that if she could get a job that would maintain our standard of living, i'd gladly change places with her. then i get the lecture about how i don't think she's worth as much because i bring in the money instead of her. whatever. women are the sticking point between mankind and paradise. it's really not the problem i make it out to be. probably because i am a sucker for pussy. of course, she's a sucker for sushi. i should start withholding. |
I can't see you going for the hausefrau type. Y'all don't have any kids yet, right? How did she support herself before she moved in w/you? If she's really a kept woman in the traditional sense/then hell yeah she shd be doing the housework. I wd LOVE to stay home all day & write & cook great meals & work out/knowing that someone else taking care of the bills. But how much of a mess can 1 woman make anyway? |
....interesting, mine has as psyche degree too.... hmmmmmmmm ...your argument makes perfect sense... |
she called your girl lazy nate |
But because I earn more than most men I date, it's not likely to ever happen. I'll be a slave to a desk forever probably. I think the only thing I'd find hard is being financially dependent on someone. It would suck having to actually justify why you spent $400 on lingerie or whatever. p.s. Nate - I've got a dishwasher and I'm on a septic tank. No probs with the grease trap. But all my grey water (shower, sinks, dishwater) gets recycled out onto the garden...maybe that makes a difference? |
i have a pretty wicked domestic streak myself. it's funny, i don't think a lot of people would guess the about me, given my feisty nature and all the asskicking and such..... |
It's the coolest system...and the secret to my stunning gardenias and bloody huge tomatoes. I just have this enviro system...(remember I live on acreage) splits the grey water and sewage the grey water goes to a filtration tank then out to the garden...and the sewage goes to the septic. <Earth Mother mode off> |
i've never had the slightest hint of a domestic streak. ever. i don't know why. doing housework, gardening, any of that stuff just turns me off in the extreme. the phrase "earth mother" in itself absolutely gives me the willies. yet, i have a vague admiration for people who can actually pull it off. i don't do housework, grow plants, any of that girly shit. bleh. but it almost makes me wish i had a wife, so she could do some of that strange domestic crap around the house while i watched from a considerable distance. |
in answer to R.C.'s query above, i don't know why it's easier to talk to female coworkers or what not, but actually, I have something of a hard time making casual conversation right off the bat there as well. Come to think of it, in just about every situation where I deal with women about my age and I find attractive, I just blank. that's why it's so hard to break the ice. I can come up with the "like your earrings" bit, but after that, I just can't sustain a conversation, I seriously go blank and freeze up, and the silence gets uncomfortable, and by then, it's over, the woman has judged me insufficient, and I go back to sitting in the corner, even less likely to to talk to another woman, and then I just go home, feeling miserable. The thing with work situations is that you will see the person again and again on a regular basis, so gradually I become comfortable enought to talk to them. It's then that i hear about the fiancee/boyfriend/crush/whatever. So, fuck it. I'm pretty tired of having my heart toyed with. I give up. Obviously, I was not meant to be with anyone. |
Can you believe it? Idiots those bureaucrats, and they keep the plumbers and septic tank people in business. And waste resources by contaminating dishwater with crap. Actually, crap is quite innocuous too, if composted properly, which takes about a year. It's cities and over population and congestion and legislative boondoggles which create septic systems. Pun intended. Don't get me going on crap handling. (This is the right thread isn't it?) I wanted to put a composting toilet in at a lake house, a house that actually was anchored into and sat upon a large rock: i.e, no where for a septic system. The Department of Natural Resources said I had to put in a pump, pump the shit uphill, to dirt in a forest land, above a spring, and let it filter back down over the solid damn rock into the run-off headed for the crystal clear spring fed lake. I finally gave up trying to buy the place after months of wrangling with the DNR. Yeah, so may be old lovers would be better in grey water, or in a macerator aerator septic system? Whaddyathink? |
There -- the dirty dishes problem is Solved! As for the rest of the domestic chores/methinks yr girl needs a serious talking to. Housework is NOT an imposition on or devaluation of someone who isn't out there meeting the man every day to earn a paycheck. If the shoe were on the other foot/I bet she'd expect you to do the household chores. I hate cleaning too/but I'd have no problem doing it if I didn't have to be a wage slave. [But I *truly* cdn't stand not having $$ of my own that I didn't have to ask anyone for or answer to anyone abt.] Sem, darling/methinks you are terminally shy/until you get a few beers in you. :) But are you cool w/the woman being the aggressor? Or do you freak out when a female shows interest in you? And what abt attention from an older women? Ya can't have it both ways, man. Ya can't be the Shy Guy AND be terrified of a woman who makes the 1st move/or you'll never get a girl! ARRRGH! This is giving me bad flashbacks to The Hungarian Prince/who was here last weekend to return my finally-fixed computer to me. Which runs like a charm w/the new hardrive he installed. Now/my baby's as fast as a cockroach in the projects! Altho' I've got 4 yrs. worth of inaccessible stuff on the old hardrive/which he screwed uproyally. He said it's one big DOS file now becuz the partitioning is all fucked up & he refuses to touch it again. But hey -- I got Windows 98/MS Office 2000/Adobe Acrobat 4.0/Adobe Photoshop 5.5 -- which is prolly too hard for me to ever learn/ - so I can cancel AOL!/some shit called Diskeeper 5.0/MS Web Publishing Wizard 1.6/Paintshop Pro 6.0/& a bunch of other shit I haven no clue what to do with/plus a new 56k modem & a cool black keyboard. All for $130! I offered him $150 but he said that was too much. I asked him to name what he thought wd be a fair price/but he demurred & kept hemming & hawing abt how this is just something he does as a sideline to help out his friends/& he never knows how much he shd charge/so whatever I thought was fair wd be fine... Izzat not charming? Downright chivalrous even? Shit/I've spent more than $130 on bar tabs in a single week! I cd've gotten away w/only paying him $100/but I don't believe in exploiting friends. And I sat there/watching him drink my Margaritas from one of my killer martini glasses & munch on the crab cakes I made for Allen's dinner party/& I was oh-so-adult abt it. Completely refrained from asking him "So, why did you never respond to that letter I wrote you/you bearing my soul abt how much I dig you & how terrifying it was for this confirmed Ice Princess to actually feel something for someone again after so long -- esp. someone so young & White & totally different from me?" Nononono -- I was a good girl/I was. Never laid a lip or a finger on him. Never put him on the spot. *sigh* But I've never been this crushed out over ANYONE for this long! FUCK!!! It's like being 15 all over again/but w/out the great body & the sense of wonderment & all that other cool stuff that goes w/being young. And I still don't see *how* he can be so maddeningly oblivious to all the unspoken shit in the air btwn us!! What *is* it w/younguns?! But I guess when it's unrequited/there's nothing to be said... Fuck this -- I need a nice tall drink & some cinematherapy! But Sem -- if you're ever in Sarasota/I'd love to play yr girlfriend-for-the-weekend. I'd be proud to have a May-December fling w/a guy as sweet & chamring & funny & smart as you are. Altho' you'd prolly run screaming from the room the minute I tried to kiss you... |
a couple of times, it overfilled and flooded the downstairs bathroom while i was taking a shower. it was messy and i had foot troubles for a while afterwards. recycling grey water is a good idea, but not here. i think it's illegal b/c everyone drinks groundwater around here. then again, i think what's in the septic tanks is worse. they're starting to build apartments a mile from my house. that means in two years they'll want to come out here. where's a good old fairy godmother when you need one? |
My septic tank never overflows. It is a very well-behaved tank. |
my grey water was illegally dumping into the creek when i bought the house. my section of creek is protected trout spawning beds, and all my property drains to the creek. |
the septic tank water flooded around the toilet. apparently there was a plugged-up-pipe in the septic system that had to be removed. the lawn is still recovering. we never had anyproblems until about a year ago, and now it's just fine. the only foot troubles were a direct result of the "watering". they continued to grow until the only place where i can get any decent shoes anymore is nordstrom rack. i hate the rack. overpriced, odd-fitting items. i should learn how to cobble. |
i think they're rainbows. i haven't been closer than about 30' to any of them. i feed them bread from my back deck. |
oh no,I think I was thinking of hobbles. But now I'm more intrigued about your feet,do you mean they now require odd fitting coverings? |
i was going to get a pair of doc martens yesterday. i found a cool pair of funky brown mary janes. but they don't make girls shoes in a size eleven. i got a pair of nikes two days ago on clearance for $7. size 12. fits perfectly except they pooch on the sides. like i need a reminder that i have narrow feet. i wish i could work barefoot, but that sorta defeats the purpose of selling shoes for a living. :sigh: |
for a second there, i couldn't remembe where hawthorne was. i've been spending too much time alternating between shari's and crown point. i need to get out more. i can't wait until classes start. maybe then i'll meet some guys that can be trusted. but not too much. am i obsessed? geesh! i think i can wait for a while on shoes. i've bought four pairs over the summer. |
At least the ones I could tell were coming on to me. And that's so fucked up about Daniel and the bureaucrats. Should've started to pester your congressman, or at least the ones on the committee that funds those bureaucats. |
i can't wear my favorite shoes while working. hurts too bad 'cause i went for too small so i could get a pair of shoes. oh well.i should be happy. i have both feet. even if it makes me the tallest woman in the family. |
I've got about an half acre of great looking ivy though. Oh yeah, the hummingbirds have their own full sized bath tub outdoors where the eaves drain and keep them happy. I think the deer drink from it too, but I've yet to catch them at it. It's ten feet outside the bedroom. Trout fishing at Rainbow Trout Lodge, Rockbridge Missouri. I'll go with anyone anytime. |
I realize that five pairs of shoes means nothing to you people, but I've Never had that many pairs of shoes in my life. two of those pairs are even sandals. Sandals aren't practical at all! what is happening to me? |
I just bought a pair of fake snakeskin square-toed and black with this little crooked heel. Bitchin' |
I have two pairs of shoes, one dressy, one regular. |
5 pair. more than many men. |
These last made by some importer and not as good as the Dressports I've worn for yeaaars. Things are getting more expensive and less well made. Consumerism, bah. I paid a pretty sum for some Berks dress shoes and couldn't wear them and gave them to my son. And one pair Rocksports boat shoes with slippery soles. Coming apart but I can't throw them away. Six only, three of which I seldom wear. Why would women be afraid of guys with so few shoes? Is that the question? May be we should buy more shoes. |
I have a pair of Nevados all-purpose boots, which are low tops and serve me as every day shoe-things. I have a pair of tough ass steel toe high top work boots with hiking treads for archaeology. I have a pair of steel toe Doc Marten's. I have a pair of black jungle boots. I have a pair of sandals. I have a pair of Dr. Scholl's, which I wear when I need to wear somewhat nice shoes, like at weddings and conferences. I have a pair of rather nice dress shoes, which rub my ankles raw. I have one pair of sneakers, which I wear in the gym. I have a pair of flip-flops, for the shower at the gym. Back north I also have a pair of Sorels for snow. that's 10 pairs of footgear. |
(1)a pair of doc marten's mens dress up shoes with "dalmatian" fur and a buckle (2)a pair of high-heeled booties which are slighltly too small so i can wear them to school but not to work (3)a pair of mens airwalks with flames on the sides (4)a pair of brown leather closed toe sandals (5)a pair of black strechy slide sandals (6)a pair of brown dr. scholls with wooden soles which i plan to redo in white velvet and lavender ribbons (7)a pair of "boy killer" shoes that i bought for the purpose of going out dancing but haven't worn yet (8)a pair of white sneakers with purple laces and platform soles (9)a pair of blue and white nikes which i got on clearance for $7 which now have blue laces with rainbows (ohhh, so comfortable) (10)a pair of tennies that i spray-painted and went scissors-happy until they're the worst shoes a person could wear (11)a pair of sketchers shoes that i wear for hiking (12)a pair of bongo shoes that i hardly wear anymore (they turned the stairs green to the dismay of my mother) (13)a pair of navy-blue berkies with an ankle strap that i haven't worn for quite some time (14)an old pair of black cowbow boots which won't fit unless i cut off my toes (15)a pair of blue foam thongs that i wear everywhere (16)a pair of white chenille thongs that i use for slippers (17)a pair of papillion berkies (brown) that are my favorite shoes to wear (but not to work) and (18)a pair of black ballet slippers that i slip onto my bare feet when i'm writing poetry dammit. no wonder i'm in a shoe department. |
low cut blacks, real shit kickers (these work for dress and otherwise) low cut sneaks hiking boots docs (from highscool mind you, still going) i like shoes too, but mind you, men, like all other men apparel, get screwed......good men's shoes (aside from tennis shoes) are $$$$$$ and we have so few options...... |
My list (1 of each, in approximate reverse order of purchase): Adidas Missle Launchers Timberlands Reebok raver sneakers Leather shoe-shoes that are uncomfortable but only worn to weddings and thanksgiving and christmas dinners. Converse sneakers (not the canvas thingamabobs) |
two pairs clunky black dressy/not so dressy shoes, for wearing with dresses or not 1 pair skeechers hiking boots with thinsulate. 1 pair mary janes 1 pair black rubber ginas (flipflops to you gringos) 1 pair over the knee shiny black clunky boots. 1 pair black motorcycle boots 1 pair yellow beige and silver new balance tennies 1 pair funny old school black runner airwalk for rocking out, biking, and wearing with some skirts that's it. unless i left some shoes at sem's house....did i? |
(uncomfortable silence) |
hey sem, get yr ass home and get back on sorabji!! ha ha! why don't you make a list of all the stuff i ever left at your house? could you even do it? could it be a thesis? |
It's not like we have little "trading cards" with our vital stats on them. |
1 pairs kickboxing shoes 1 pair running sneakers 1 pair cross trainers 6 mismatched pairs slippahs 1 pair white anne klein sandals with heel (worn once) 2 pair misc dressy sandals 1 pair hiking boots 1 pair punk rock boots (as if) 1 pair fuzzy slippers |
1 pair fuzzy pink slippers 4 pairs ballet shoes (still in use ones...another 5 deceased pairs are hidden somewhere cause I can't part with them) 1 pair ballroom dancing shoes (never worn for that purpose) 1 pair red satin buckled shoes 1 pair red loafers with cute little gold bear thingy 1 pair blue loafers with tassle 1 pair blue runners (used for gardening now) 1 pair blue suede lace up shoes 1 pair red doc martin boots 1 pair black patent knee high boots 1 pair brown hiking boots 1 pair surfing bootie thingies 1 pair black grandma shoes (for work) 1 pair big-mistake cream court shoes 1 pair grey and black silk shoes 1 pair navy sandals 1 pair clear plastic sandals with wild multi-coloured heel 1 pair pink suede court shoes 1 pair bitchin black stilletoes 1 pair red patent stilletoes 1 pair cream/navy high heels 1 pair pink strappy high heeled sandals with little blue flower 1 pair silver tragic sandals 1 pair gold cut out kinda shoes 1 pair black flat loafers with little holey sides 1 pair brown jesus christ sandals 1 pair runners 1 pair rock-climbing hikers (There's more but that's all I'm confessing to) |
the ambulatory are way too sensitive. and spend too much money on shoes. |
I love shoes, too. However, I love only two pairs of them: one pair of black SAS loafers, and one pair of Catskill Mountain moccasins. I also wear a pair of cheap white Nike sneakers, but only because neither black loafers nor knee high moccasins go well with shorts and a tee shirt. (My work wardrobe...) |
Coinkidink? I don't think so... |
rain boots everyday might encourage rain. i like rain. besides i feel badly about having so many shoes. material things make me feel guilty. as i explained to antithesis, i gave away my computer a few months ago due to guilt of materialism. i'm a freak. |
he came back a month later and works at texaco, as i hear... |
I am on the search for a good Nike air cross trainer. One pair of Nike ACG boots I wore for week in the desert at Flagstaff at 5000-6000 feet, and couldn't wear any longer...and gave to my youngest rock climber; he loves em. They are indestructible. I have a pair I've had for at least eight years, before they started handling ACG's locally. Still a better boot. The only shoes worth having for ten years were the Rocksports loafers. And with new soles Vibram of course they lasted over ten years daily wear before the uppers wore out. I bought two pair, different colors, in 1989, and finally gave them to the Salvation Army in 1999. New soles before giveaway. Cat, get a grip. Two feet. Seven days. No more than fourteen pair. What about gloves? Gloves? grey for the grey camel winter topcoat; black for the black/blue/driving coat; light grey Eddie Bauer thermos for driving and walking and holding hands in the winter woods; old smelly raunchy but never will I part with em sheep fuzz lined winter work gloves with tough leather outers; three pair old pigskin work gloves, some with holes; one good pair pigskin without holes; new engineer's leather and cloth lawnmowingtreepruning gloves; one pair blue and white vinyl palmed fingers cut off winter gloves for hand work when I need fingers; and one pair green knit fingered black little nubbly things on the palms for driving (I don't like these); and several pair of those little hand size stretchy knit thin layering gloves. Geez, glad we're not inventoring condoms. I am working on voluntary simplicity. Honest. |
but i have two whole pairs. neon green one-size (too small) that i've had since i was nine and fluffy purple fleece. i keep 'em in my car. i've also cut up old socks to wear as fingerless gloves while being the voice of the pep band. |
Not, of course, 10 years, know. Good shoes are expensive. I hate that about them. |
I'm surprised because I had him picked as the honourable sensitive respectful-of-feelings type. Guess I just have really lousy judgement. Best to stick to shoes, me thinks. I have excellent taste in footwear. |
don't need no warm gloves where i come from. |
One question for you..... Republic or Monarch? How did you vote? I only got the jist of the situation, perhaps you could enlighten me. Also, the camera shots of some of the beaches, presumably around Sydney were unfriggin believeable. Grabnted they filtered the camera lense but the water and the sky looked so appealing.....Nico and I thought perhaps we would come visit in the we both need a vacation, it's just a matter of timing, money and planning.......we have vouchers, so our airfare would be nearly free........ but then again we drooled when the commerical came on for British Airways offering cheapo flights to London.....we are whimsical..... |
two pair Plainsmen goatskin work gloves, one still in box for back up (my all time favorite work gloves, tough yet still allow a good deal of finger use (such as picking up small things)) One pair weightlifting/sport gloves That's it. |
i think i'm going to start shopping around for a new chair next month. i usually get black, but maybe i'll try a new color. |
a pair of fleece mittens i made for when i go home, and a pair of expensive handsewn women's work gloves that are the best thing i own....i wear them for woodworking and yardwork and while spanking naughty boys! |
STREAMERS!!!!!!!and glow in the dark stars. |
i actually do have a jpeg of me (when i was in a band) in a chair that was kind of decked-out, but you can't actually see it. the chair. pity. |
throw in a mounted cattle prod on the front grill and watch shopping at the mall get a hell of a lot more fun. you'll never have to wait in line again. |
this term has been in my mind for the last 20 hours or so. I don't know why, but it's there. Take it back would ya! |
no way, man. that's just the beginning. paradigm subversion is in full effect, baby. by the end of the year i'll have you squealing like a pig. |
that didn't come out quite right... fucking deliverance. jesus. |
That's all you need. |
Droop, the colours for this season are pastels and soft neutrals with a lot of asian influence. I'm seeing the chair in a delightful shade of aubergine with some asian characters painted in a muted gold. Since no one can read the characters, make 'em say something like "jump on bitch, let's ride". And you need this season's "must have" accessory...the little bubbling stone fountain mounted on the back of the chair (it will have the unfortunate effect of making you want to pee constantly, but style costs baby) Throw in some dinky little fringed satin pillows and you'll be very this year. |
Let me know if you're deciding on Oz and I'll bring some travel info over with me when I come a-calling. Australia's a big country and you have to know where to go etc (and I'm just the gal to tell you where to go.) You want to think about Thailand too. It's cheap, the food is heaven, the beaches paradise and the shopping...words desert me. Check out this url (sorry, can't remember how to do links) - It's the most beautiful spot in the entire World. |
mainly construction deconstruction she has some neat stories about these little mills in the Japanese countryside...... unfortunately, since her company is considered a vendor, nor different than the guy who supplies the buttons so she rarely gets credit for her work..... however she did get invited by Max Aziriah to the fall show in NYC in 2 weeks......which is a rarity im proud of my girl |
I feel like a living gap ad in my knee-length black leather today. it's ubiquitous. the downtown secretaries all look like dominatrixes. |
i have a date tonight with a beautiful latino boy who moved here recently from LA to go to law school. and he's a former olympic boxer. don't call it a comeback! i saw lavernis anthony walker last night at the gym. i've started calling him O.G., which cracks him up. i don't know what is up with that boy. i'd like to be good to him, but he works too hard, too much. i am not afraid of men. not anymore. no matter how badass and scary they are. i think i'm finally getting it now. it's like losing weight. once you learn the trick, it's like DUH. |
(He has MD, which is why he needs the chair) |
And don't even get me started on the Union Jack on our flag. |
if you're shackled to the brits, something of austrailia's should be on their flag. makes sense, i think. |
We have no 1 or 2 cent coins. We use beads instead. The only thing of Australia on the British flag should be our shit after we've wiped our asses with it. |
i think i wanna come to australia now. |
trace trace trace..... |
You have to de-beak them FIRST. |
Say a matt black one w/ATV wheels like Swine described for everyday. Then a built-for-comfort model w/thick glove leather armpads & a nice firm backrest so yr dates can ride side-saddle across yr lap down the hilly streets w/their thighs swelling gorgeously beneath their skirts & their hair swirling around you like ribbons in the wind. (You still owe me a spin!). And a bar rack on the back w/a shaker & a couple of martini glasses. And a slide-in holder for yr smokes & lighter. And of course/a CD player w/a headphone jack. And maybe a small pr. of side-mounted Bose speakers for picnics in the park or on the boardwalk/when you want to bring yr own groove & not keep it to yrself. And a slot for a couple of books & pens/or a laptop. Then a real gnarly titanium chair in gunmetal grey or metal-flake blue w/big fat inflatable tires for when when you want to wade thru the surf. Becuz even the best wheelchairs suck in sand. Do you know anyone who has more than 1 chair? Or 2 or 3/for different uses? I have a friend whose parents have 4 fucking cars. For just the 2 of them -- Pigs! Hell, Larry Flint has a 14k-gold plated gold chair/so what the fuck? |
You'd need a cattle guard or big-ass bumper then. Plow the peds out of the way. |
"abra-abracadabra"..... |
i don't actually know any other people in wheelchairs, so i don't know what the etiquette is on multiple ownership. the last chair i had literally fell apart on me, so it might be handy to have a backup. i don't actually have plans to get a new chair. i just find it makes people feel comfortable when they get to objectify the wheelchair and play dress-up with it. the results always remind me of that episode of the simpsons where homer's long-lost brother has him design a car. |
"The first aircraft combining the durability of 3A1-2.5V Aircraft-grade titanium with the rigidity and shock damping of carbon fiber. The result is two world-class performance materials in one world-class performance aircraft. The Vision Nitro. Light. Resilient. In a word, remarkable. And just possibly, the most technologically sophisticated aircraft design ever put into production." Actually maybe we should forward it to Mark for a Sorabji entry statement. |
these chairs sound like they should have a radio commercial using the monster truck rally guy: WHEELCHAIRS! WHEELCHAIRS! WHEELCHAIRS! but here's something even better. "Each wheelchair is a custom-made, quality product, built by me, with integrity and pride. I stand behind the workmanship on my wheelchairs for dogs. DEWEY SPRINGER" |
you must have kick-ass (or maybe punch-ass) arms, droopy. |
I am So funny. |
i used to spend days solving matrices... |
Maye they were large pages, though. And a couple days...anyway. Yeah. Do the math. |
All different permutations (orderings) of 5 words is 5!, or 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1, or 120. No repeats, all combinations (with using or not using a word, no ordering) is 2^5, or 32. All permutations of every combination is a bit more complex. With (m n) being the number of combinations of n items taken from a pool of m items, the total is: (5 0) + 0! + (5 1) * 1! + (5 2) * 2! + (5 3) * 3! + (5 4) * 4! + (5 5) * 5! or 1 * 1 + 5 * 1 + 10 * 2 + 10 * 6 + 5 * 24 + 1 * 120 or 326 Want some code that will spit out all combinations of any n words? :-) |
int factorial (int x) { if (x == 0 || x == 1) return 1; else return x * factorial(x-1); } |
import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; public class perm { public static void main(String[] args) { LinkedList stuff = new LinkedList(); for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) stuff.add(args[i]); long loopMax = numPerms(stuff.size()); for(long i = 0; i < loopMax; i++) System.out.println(getPerm(stuff, i)); } private static final long numPerms(int n) { long numPerms = 1L; for(int i = 2; i <= n; i++) numPerms *= i; return numPerms; } private static List getPerm(List stuff, long permNum) { if(permNum < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("You are an idiot..."); int numElements = stuff.size(); if(permNum > numPerms(numElements)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Fuck off! Max permutation: " + numPerms(numElements)); long permNumTmp = permNum; List toScramble = new LinkedList(stuff); LinkedList scrambled = new LinkedList(); for(int i = numElements; i > 0; i--) { scrambled.add(toScramble.remove((int)(permNumTmp % i))); permNumTmp /= i; } return scrambled; } } Usage: java perm i write in orange ink |
a silly band name that i sorta like....Nostradumbass.... |
Obviously not. plbbbtht |
And where is that girl anyway? I miss her. |
whats the opposite of 'instant pooblitz' and does anybody have some? |
And I was talking about Cat. |
Thanks. |
when you post stupid shit under someone else's name, feel free to use mine instead of j's. |
perhaps yours does not. sarah mentioned seeing "lavernis anthony walker" at the gym in September, 2000. |
Funny, I was just thinking that myself. |
J - you can still pull up a bar stool next to me in Hell, dear. |