Addressing the "Immortality Virus" as seen under Fear of Death What are you afraid of?: Addressing the "Immortality Virus" as seen under Fear of Death
By Camus on Tuesday, March 4, 2003 - 01:20 am:

    With the miraculous invention of the "immortality virus" you would only extend your existence for a time. The sun will eventually become a red star and destroy the earth. If you believe that we could possibly move on to colonize the universe, a little while after the sun's erruption in size the initial big bang explosion, casting the universe outward, will reverse, spiraling back into a space smaller than the period at the end of this sentence.
    I think this event would effectively eliminate your consciousness even with humanity's creation of a galactic empire, so sorry if this errodes the eternal for you, but I really haven't- also you would be around for a while I suppose.
    "What's the difference between never existing and ceasing to exist"--Gide
    Look to what can't be explained if you desire a peaceful comprehension of your existence, think about your dna and the design of things, look to the source and the author.

By Antigone on Tuesday, March 4, 2003 - 11:20 am:

    See the previous thread for my response to the "big crunch" argument.

    "What's the difference between never existing and ceasing to exist"--Gide

    While you exist, you can do shit.

    "Look to what can't be explained if you desire a peaceful comprehension of your existence, think about your dna and the design of things, look to the source and the author."

    I do that all the time. I still don't want to die. And, who said I'm looking for a peaceful comprehension of my existence?

By semillama on Tuesday, March 4, 2003 - 01:19 pm:

    Ps. People who post the same thing to two different threads need a serious cock-punching, a la Bruce Lee in "Return of the Dragon"