endless war

sorabji.com: What are you afraid of?: endless war
By Rowlfe on Friday, January 2, 2004 - 06:25 pm:


    several international media outlets are reporting that hawks are pushing a manifesto on Bush, and working against Colin Powell, with a "Manual for Victory" in the war on terror.. the manifesto comes from a book by Richard Perle.

    It calls for a regime change in Syria and a military blockade against North Korea... it also mentions going after Saudi Arabia and... France. Suggesting the French are enemies and that "We should force European governments to choose between Paris and Washington"

    In addition, Cuba thinks the US is ready to go to war with them:


    While some of these moves they suggest may actually be for the good, Iraq is living proof that any way they were to try and affect a region (especially several places at once) would be a clusterfuck, bowling shoe ugly war. Its pretty obvious the Bush administration has no idea what its doing and no ongoing plan. Everything seems to keep changing, everything from the approach to what their reasons were for going in the first place.

    And I'm genuinely scared that this supposed "oh democracy in iraq is going to convince other Arabs to rise up and try to get the same!" was never even wishful thinking, and that they knew it wouldnt happen. Instead of waiting and trying to rebuild and influence like they said would happen I really think if Bush sticks around they're just going to go after someone else, footing all of you the bill, creating more enemies, dividing the US further...

    ...okay, so I'm a little paranoid today and I'm feeling this way probably do to lack of sleep. You know how you think things you might not otherwise if you're trucking around the middle of the night...

    ...but all these flight stoppings and new accusations at France from hawks for actually HELPING terrorists stay off flights, have perked my ears up. I think its bullshit. I dont think theres anything on these flights going any direction, unless theres something being set up or something. It smells fishy. Real fishy. Its got me on the conspiracy sites again.

By Rowlfe on Friday, January 2, 2004 - 06:32 pm:

    oh yes, another reason I've been afraid goes right back to the beginning of the last post

    Richard Perle

    seen his name everywhere but unlike Rummy, Condi, Wolfie, etc I didnt know a whole lot about him...

    now that I have, I'm worried. This person should not have the ear of anyone with power. I wouldnt want him near my family or any animal. He's probably worse than Ariel Sharon.

By Antigone on Friday, January 2, 2004 - 07:43 pm:

    So, Perle's book is called "An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror."

    That is a scary name...an end to evil? That's overt demagoguery.

By Antigone on Friday, January 2, 2004 - 08:02 pm:

    Saddam Hussein: More Secret History

    From the page: (Document 6)

    During a visit to Washington, Iraqi Under Secretary Kittani met at some length with U.S. Under Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger. The administration's explicit goal for the meeting was to blunt the impact of the State Department's March 5 public criticism of Iraq's use of chemical weapons. As this cable puts it: "[T]he main message of the U.S. side [is that] our condemnation of Iraqi CW use was made as part of [a] strong U.S. commitment to long standing policy, and not as a pro-Iranian/anti-Iraqi gesture." To "reinforce" the point, Secretary of State George Shultz dropped in on the meeting briefly. "The U.S. will continue its efforts to help prevent an Iranian victory, and earnestly wishes to continue the progress in its relations with Iraq," Eagleburger told his counterpart. Among other steps to improve Iraq's position, Eagleburger indicated he had spoken with Export-Import Bank Chairman William Draper about the importance of financing projects in Iraq - at a time when internal bank objections threatened to scotch plans to provide loans for the Aqaba pipeline.