Check out these maps showing personality variation by state. Can't much vouch for any accuracy, but hopefully might spur dicussion/civil war. Gotta definitely say I don't question Tennessee in the most agreeable category, California in the top 10 most openness. What's with the Northeast and neuroticism? Would I be dumb to say Catholics and Jews and take my lumps for insensitivity? |
"...Canadians are only slightly less extroverted and open than Americans, and a touch more neurotic. It also suggests denizens of the True North are actually less agreeable and conscientious than their U.S. counterparts, turning decades of contrasting stereotypes on their head." |
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This might be worse in a lot of ways. |
This is not random. Notice nobody on the McCain side every corrects or shuts up the outright racist crap coming out of each others mouths |
the election is toast, they know it, so know its a reputation thats on the line. | |
I wonder what will going to happens on Election day? people behaving baaaaaaaaadddd?!?!?!?! BBBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
I have had a huge kick of Dick Morris' election projections this year. He's got to have the most random and dumbest projections of anyone out there. i can't believe this man is paid for his opinion. He has Arizona leaning Obama, Arkansas strong Obama... wtf? whereas the now "new" sort-of-interesting-but-not-gon-happen-swing states such as North Dakota and Indiana are still red. By his standards even Georgia would be blue. Its like he picks the Kerry and Bush states from o4 and then just throws darts :P | |
'notha debate tonight. Predict more or less the same thing, except McCain will find a way to wedge in Ayers if Scheiffer doesn't do it himself I mean you guys were wondering about Brokaw kissing ass, but Scheiffer is a McCain bootlick for sure - |
McCain on a split screen brought out a lot of hilarious images. He can't keep it contained. It was a riot. Scheiffer did good overall, but man he indulged in the attack ads segment just to try and get some drama going. Didn't care for it only in the same way that the ABC debate was a joke, but we knew it was going to come out eventually, so might as welll be blunt about it. and fuck Joe the Plumber. That dude from the video is a dipshit for one, and I hate now knowing he's going to be in the lexicon forever. |
in this credit climate? say what? suck it joe. you're a shill. |
But I'm sure he can finally cross that tax bracket by opening for Larry the Cable Guy at Phony Blue Collar Laffapalooza 09 but seriously though, is there a violin for the plumbers of the world? Leave you waiting all day and rip you the fuck off, and still cant properly replace a simply washer on your fucking hot water tap. |
the proposal is adding 3% to the bracket above $250K. $251K? An extra $30 tax. $300K? An extra $1500 tax. where does this stop your from being able to hire or retain employees? assuming your employees are productive, nowhere. you're deducting your employees' wages, so it's not like the cost of your employee is changing at all. the only thing that changes is your net earnings. and only for those dollars above $250K. |
People are treating him like he's the main character in "Swing Vote". Seriously. screw Joe. |
"i know you're good with pipe, buddy, but how are you with handling cable?" |
did anyone catch the replay this morning of the post debate interview with the focus group of six "undecided" caucasian voters? two, TWO, admitted, on TV that they might not vote for Obama because of race. ALL of them said that they felt like Palin was a liability to the McCain campaign instead of an asset. no African Americans were in the focus group because they said they could not find any African American voters (in Virginia) who were "undecided". |
"I dont see why it is right for someone making millions be taxed the same amount as someone making 30,000 a year." does the bulk of the US population understand the basics of our income tax code? it doesn't seem like they do. ignorance is running our country. the top marginal tax rate was 77% in 1918 (to fund WWI). (in 1918 the top marginal tax rate applied to income over $1M.) it was down to 24% by 1929, and then back up to 63% (on income over $200K) in 1932 to help us out of the great depression. by 1945 it was 94%. it stayed in the 90's until the sixties, when it dropped to 70%. then 50% in 1982. then 28% in 1988. it needs to be higher, higher than even Obama is proposing. but who votes against these kinds of tax increases? republicans, of whom the vast majority would only benefit from the increase. |
our american tragedy. the older i get, the more dead i feel. |
fucking a |
fucking a-hole |
he made around 40,000 in '06 and isn't buying the company. just some schmo who thought he'd be a bigshot going after Obama on the street figuring he could say whatever he wanted. Now McCain is running him in his ads. Pfft. |
Watching Letterman destroy McCain. if it hasnt aired there yet, and you're up, watch it. Letterman brings up Liddy. Owned. |
america. shit. |
couldn't the overwhelming media just say "hey, this guy who makes $40K a year wouldn't be able to afford this $2M company that nets $280K a year if he has to pay $900 more in taxes. that's just trig." |
it works out because the media is now destroying joe's life via overexposure. there are rumors that joe is a close relative of a well known family who donates major coin to republican campaigns. the conspiracy theorists are saying he was planted at the Obama rally. |
My plumber got $50 for installing a new disposal this morning, and got it in cash less ninety minutes after arriving. The cement guys, on the other hand, arrived at 7am and left at 1030a with $850 for cement and labor and a $50 tip for bobcating a little lanscaping by the greenhouse. Everybody was gone by 11am and life returned to normal. Wait! I'm a conspiracy theorist and didn't know Joe was a plumber. I thought he was Palin's gynecologist maybe. |
Therefore, I move that Katie Couric be replaced by Dave Chappell, as soon as possible. I also think that all future debates be moderated by late-night talk show hosts. |
Hey wow, I just remembered the whole Adam Carolla/Ann Coulter phonecall. Yup, comedians are definitely more qualified to interview politicians. |