I want so badly to bite him on that bit of round muscle at the top of the arm. What's it called? The deltoid? That one. He used to wear sleeveless shirts to class and I swear my jaws would ache with the need to bite him. I would imagine his arm all pink and squishy inside, like raw chicken. I would imagine a bite-sized chunk missing from his arm, edged in teeth marks, like in the cartoons. I would imagine sinking my teeth into his flesh and chewing the muscle, and I imagined it would have the texture of medium rare prime rib. Now his arms are hidden under sleeves and that makes it worse because it's like they're teasing me as they're hidden from view. Does this count as lust? I don't want to do anything else but bite him. And only on that muscle, because he's awfully skinny and biting him anywhere else would just result in a mouthful of bone. I wonder what he would say if I told him. Besides "you're a FREAK" of course. But wait, someone once told me they'd like to bite my cheeks when I smile, and I didn't think they were a freak. I was kind of flattered, actually. Maybe they were feeling what I'm feeling now. |
an acquaintance who went to vassar after it went co-ed said that the few guys who enrolled were chased by all the hot rich chicks all the time. |
Sometimes, up myself I crack. Sorry... |
One time I wrote a story about a girl who picked up a boy to have sex with him and she ended up killing him with lots of blood and wotnot while they were "doing it". She bit a big chunk out of his shoulder, even. Everyone I let read the story thought she was a vampire, but she wasn't. She was just a girl who felt compelled to kill a guy. Anyway, you reminded me of that. That's weird, isn't it? It was the shoulder thing. |
Agatha: No, I did not. Gee: I don't want to kill him. He's actually a pretty nice guy. I just want to bite his arm. IS THAT SO WRONG??? :) |
at least, in that respect. i used to have similar feelings when i was younger. not biting some guys arm, but consuming that which was generating sex feelings for me. perhaps (in my case, anyway,) it was associating an urge i wasn't fulfilling (libido->sex) with an urge i was fulfilling (hunger->eating). |
I don't create. I assemble. I am an assembler. I put shit together. I. I. Oh, yeah. Listen to Morning Edition on Wednesday to hear my sister do a story about the New Jersey turnpike. Patrick, I want to bite your hand too. I fucking LOVE garlic! The last time I went to the Smelling Rose (garlic restaurant) in San Francisco I learned first hand that you get indegestion from eating too much garlic. It was painful, but glorious. |
- from Gray's Anatomy and Recipe Book. "Divide the Deltoid across, near its upper part, by an incision carried along the margin of the clavicle, the acromion process and spine of the scapula, and reflect it downward, when the structures under cover of it will be seen. Season with salt and pepper and pan-broil in butter." |
Isn't he dreamy, though? (mine, not yours) He's the definition of the word "sexy". |
I could be wrong, I've only seen it, not eaten there. |
Christ. They have a catalog. I'll never have friends again. Except y'all who can't smell me... |
I just got a message from a friend. ... Subject: Goth Babe of the Week is REALLY FUCKING HOT. http://nostalgic.jx.nu/ What the heck country is ".nu"? I'm going to go there RIGHT NOW. ... can anyone help him out? I suppose there must be a web page that lists what countries the various extensions represent. |
I think I am developing a wierd fetsih for cameras......they turn me on, I am buying up all kinds of weird old cameras, the bigger the camera the more power it represents...thew fucntions th features......seeing ahot girl with a camera ..just.....OI VEY!!!! this is therapy material when the time comes yeah central ca has a lot of garlic farms...... |
...but he *is* engaged to the girl next to *her*. She's also worth an eyebrow-raise. Really coarse and loud. Never holds the door for anybody (a hanging crime in this place, where all the doors automatically lock). What could he see in her? *sigh* He seems like such a refined person...always dresses well, keeps his room neat (his door's always open), says hello when you pass him on the sidewalk. She'd better treat him right. |
i wanted to eat body parts that were generating heat in my loins: bellies and breasts and things. i wanted to bite them and eat them. mmm. |
Rhi; the deltoids are among the first of yur muscle groups to respond to wieght training. It's cool to see them start rippling. just a thought. |
does anyone have "the joy of cooking"? I used that panettone recipe once and fucking loved it. I trust no other recipe. besides, I know I can make this one good. I would be really happy. I don't trust any of these internet recipes that require bread machines instead of coffee cans. |
the backs of necks are cool too. yum. |
I wonder if developing my own deltoid muscles would make me want to bite myself. Probably not. Nate: I'm very connected to my mouth. For instance, if I want to hide what I'm thinking/feeling, I'll cover my mouth instead of averting my eyes or whatever. I wonder if you're the same way. |
they have italian panettone at trader joe's, but it must be weeks old. yuck. and besides, I like to substitute regular dried fruit for the candied fruit. |
I hope the Map Library Boy isn't engaged. Did I mention that he looks really pretty when he smiles? I think he gives me special smiles. |
i've never noticed what i do when i'm trying to hide what i'm thinking or feeling. |
Oh, and collarbones! *Especially* that little hollow where the collarbones meet at the base of the throat. I think that's my favorite body part in general, on both men and women. |
I used to scratch a boy really hard when he did something right. I didn't realize I was doing it at the time, just afterwards I'd think back and remember it. He never complained about it, but he would stop doing whatever it was he was doing that was making me scratch him. I think I really hurt him. |
i like a womans hips, a soft (not fat) belly, that area where your leg hits your body, the crotch i suppose, but a little to the left or right..., the small of a womans back (why the hell is that called the "small" anyway?) otherwise i am leaving work at 2 today YAHOOOO!!!! i plan to go sit on the porch with angry sam and hear about his recent chicago experience and sip vodka....as sam sez it's *after NOON* so it's OK, no pump room this time but he says he has a good story.......otheriwse i intend to duke it out at LAX tonght to pick up hotstuff at the airport... ...wait.... ....huh? YES i took the turkey out of the freezer..... vegetables? well i dunno..... what do you like? cucumbers? ok sorry, i thought it was sorta funny..heh..h..eee...h........(sigh) hummmmm ok what about peppers, we can roast them with the turkey, onions too, lots of colorful peppers...i like a colorful plate..... what? no peppers...why? whatya mean thats not typical? who are we the cleavers? WE AREN"T TYPICAL. lets have babganoosh, whatdoyasay? ok alright.....carrots, potatoes, celery...i see WELl, i hate celery, it's too nasal......carrots and potatos are good, but since we have stuffing do we need another starch? ok ok ok I'll get the god damn potatoes i love you is the airport crowded? no your cell keeps going out....... i called and it never rang at least on my end huh? there is always some strange guy staring at you, whats new? your a hottie i love you yeah just like last time, just don't let your cell get out of your eyesight even for a second this time........ the crooks are good in NY so anyway........can i get the onions....to me that would spice up the dinner nicely, have them roasting with the turkey, otherise i am just gonna dump tapitio on it, ya ya i know, that stuff is addicting, what can i say salad? of course kareoke tonight with japanese co-workers? i dunno it' will be kinda late, well not really, but do you want to do that... airport to pasadena...we would get their by 11:30 or so, they would probably be done by that point....you know, they are like adults and such hey do we have money for chiba? well do you have any cash left? i gotta go buy film and paper.....eh...about $50 worth of shit.... i love you credit card i suppose....... did you talk to the fellas while you are there? i suspect they all went home for the holiday. yeah that one chump from the boards, swine lives there...... yeah he is a nice guy most of the fellas around there are cool some of the chicks don't like me thats alright, yes i do have you you are the best swine says your kinda cute he is not so forthcoming with the compliments, so thats means your pretty hot... i think so so what about the chiba? i love you whos your daddy? whos your daddy? thats right yeah me and sam are gonna chill, catch up and what not....... sit on the porch you know how it goes i know you are jealous you love angry sam sam loves you i need to give his spartus camera back i got mine this week mine is better i have aperture control and it's called a sparta FLEX as opposed to a sparta VUE http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=202989014 yeah it's cool....... i need to rent the super wide angle lense this weekend and finish up that project i then i have to shoot kim on either sat or sunday depending on when the car is available i don't think she would do nudes that tongue piercing is annoying i don't think i would want that thing swirling around my jimmy either...... no way jose i love you have a safe flight get loaded with some movie star in first class you are still not a member of the mile high club right? i love you |
i love boy's necks, shoulders, jaws, behind the ears. that area. i love the way it smells. i like bellies, too. |
I'm really tired. |
Gee, yes that was BASED on a real phone call with my wife, you will notice there is nothing there terribly personal. |
The weird thing is, I'm really nosey. But not in a terrible way. If I went to someone's house and they left the room I wouldn't go through their stuff. But when I was in this boy's room, I asked him if I could look at his computer and I tore it apart looking at everything he had on there. I found some interesting stuff. |
I looked at all the little files and pictures and wotnot that he had on his harddrive. Random text files, internet history, document file, etc. You know. Stuff. I like to do that. I would never let anyone do that to my computer, though, cuz I actually have secrets. |
you know, I've done a couple drive-bys in the last few weeks, but the cute waiter boy lives super close-in, so I was only going two blocks out of my way. tonight SOMEONE ELSE suggested we go to this restaurant where he had told me he was working a year ago. I really didn't think he'd still be there. but he was. I was wearing my favorite outfit, so I voted in favor of going there. I asked the waitress if she knew if he still worked there and she said, "yeah. he's working tonight." he was waiting in the smoking section, so I told my friends I was going to go to the bathroom. I missed him on the way in there, so I took a long time washing my hands. and it happened perfectly on my way back. he said he got my postcards, sent me one, that he missed me, that he really wanted to go out, that he had to go get a pen so he could write down his phone number. the two things that suck are that he's already seen me in my fin-de-siecle outfit and it's no fun to stalk someone who wants you to call him. |
As long as I'm not picking through their garbage, I guess it's okay. |
"About" by Juliana Belding A whistling (breath) smothers Whittle-boned words ..Streaming The old lady mumbles (what about?) *above across after against along* The rustling (hand) tears Sweat-wrought print ..Spilling A yound man leaves (do we get along?) *among around at before behind* A rumbling (track) signals Iron-bound wind ..Screeching The conductor's body shifts (does he look behind?) *below beneath beside between beyond* The whirring (bulb) restores Dust-soaked stillness ..Drifting A perfumed girl frowns (does she see beyond?) *by during except from inside* The expanding (building) marks Time-riddled solidity ..Slipping A cheek's color drains (what is inside?) *into like near of off on* A thudding (footfall) catches Long-winded memory ..Lying The youngest sister dawdles (won't she move on?) *onto over through to toward* The roaring (quiet) hastens Cuttle-boned frenetics ..Surging A black pen drifts (what toward?) *under until with within without* A ticking (impatience) soars Yellow-oiled eyes ..Leaking The drowning girl swims *with within without* Did you make it this far? I got bored about 1/3 of the way through, but I thought the last verse was neat. |
I do remember the boy with the nice shoulders, though. I like wrists now. In "Angels and Insects" the main character is taken by Mattie the governess's wrists. He even tells her, at the end, when he visits her in her room and right before she agrees to sail to the Amazon with him, that she has lovely wrists. That's a great book. I love A.S. Byatt. Such icy detail. |
How are you holding out. I'm a bit concerned with the sniper being close to you. |
No one is a target because everyone is a target. |
There a maple tree right outside my window that is all golden-orangey right now. Late in the afternoon when the sun is getting low it just lights up. It's amazing, looks like the whole tree has caught on fire. |
The public library I frequented as a kid had an enormous (like, 5 stories high) oak tree next to it that would turn a vivid flame-orange around the end of October. We called it the Halloween tree. Ah, nostalgia. |
Blue Ridge Mountians, Shenendoah River Life is old there, older than the trees Younger than the mountians, growing like a breeze |
gray, for your information. That's an eyewitness account. |
sometimes around some people I have to hold back on biting. it usually involves attraction for me, though - not so for Jamie. she'll bite anyone. tonight I resisted biting a boy on the neck. it would have been bad. |