My list of people I hate, in no particular order: Stepfather #1 Stepfather #2 Father The boy I fucked in January. There are probably more, but I can't think of them. I don't feel like such a good person now, but it feels kind of nice to say it out loud. I HATE YOU! |
I get my HATE from the Today Show. I watch it before I go to work on purpose to get that hate injection from Willard Scott and Al Roker, plus all those insipid weddding features and the herd of mrons screaming outside. That's some Grade-A HATE for you right there. |
Ex-girlfriends, ex-boyfriend. When her and I were dating that stupid fuck never got the hint and left till the day when he pushed her, I came out, he told me he was going to kick my ass and me and my baseball bat had to tell him to leave. That day I told him if I ever saw him again there would be bloodshed and I meant it, still do. I'm thinking that unless somethign drastic happens between now and the year 2010, he shows up for the reunion and I'm going to beat the fuck out of him. God I hate violence. |
That didn't make any sense. Maybe I should just love everyone instead. Ugh. Nevermind. |
But no, fuck it I hate the sonofabitch, he deserves bad things. I'm hoping one day that Karma just up and boots him in the fucking nuts, but somehow Karma isn't that malicious. |
it's just when i think of them... well... i get angry and want to scream. is that hate? actually with my father and stepfather #1, i don't want to scream. i just get really sad and wonder why. maybe i don't hate them. what is hate? |
hate is self destructive. it is you allowing a person to reduce your life. hate is pointless. |
meanie. |
but what is hate? i know fear and pity and sadness..... but i can't really claim to hate anything. |
To feel hostility or animosity toward. To detest. To feel dislike or distaste for: hates washing dishes |
it was a counter offensive to your hate. fuckhead. |
thanks for the breasts. |
HATE If we miraculously became the people we hate, how lovable we would find ourselves. -George Bernard Shaw I feel I am a fairly open-minded, freethinking individual. I am able to listen to people voice their opinions-regardless of how short-sighted or unfounded they are- and stomach almost anything they have to say with at least an ounce of understanding and compassion. Also, I am of a certain rearing that renders me able to hear a wide range of profanities and vulgar expressions spoken without so much as batting an eye. In short, I am able to tolerate a great variety of verbal peccadilloes and misguided thoughts with a certain amount of grace. There exists, however, one single and unassuming word that tends to get a rise out of my fairly pacifistic self. I absolutely hate the word hate. It never really occurred to me how much it has become part of our daily verbal exchanges either until I started to contemplate what exactly hating something means to me. Just walking around campus, one is bound to hear the word peek its ugly head from amongst the midst of an otherwise peaceful conversation. While standing in line to get coffee the other day, I found myself eavesdropping on a seemingly normal, vapid, and "like totally!" conversation amongst a group of giggly girls. Disinterested to the point of slipping into a coma-like state, I was struck by a few utterly random and emotionless sentences. About a professor two of the girls had, "…don't you just hate him!" Also, concerning a phone call one had received the night before, "Can you believe he called me? Doesn't he know how much I hate him?" I must first distinguish the difference I see between saying that one hates an object or thought and expressing that same hate toward an actual human being. Granted I am not too terribly found of the word in any situation, but I find myself especially disturbed when someone talks about hating another person. Now I am not naïve enough to believe that this emotion does not exist between people in the world. There are undoubtedly those that do in fact feel a pure and unadulterated sense of hatred towards an enemy. I am, however, firmly convinced that for the most part, the declaration has become a wasted feeling. The word hate has become trite and lost the true emotion that use to lie behind it. I feel this is due in part to society's tendency to take everything they are feeling to the superlative: we're never tired; we're exhausted: we're never hungry; we're starving. There are those that can honestly say that they have had something so drastic happen in their lives that would cause a feeling as strong as hate towards another person. I, on the other hand, have never succumbed to this feeling. Whether this is out of sheer luck or not, I can honestly say that while not too terribly fond of some people I have met throughout the course of my nineteen years on this earth, I hate no one. To arrive at this conclusion though, I will have to admit there were some pretty close calls that I have experienced that have enabled me to reflect upon how I view the word hate. I met Heidi my sophomore year of high school while on swim team. The two of us hit-it-off fairly well from the beginning if for no other reason than our similar skill level on the team-we were both pretty rotten. Also, and perhaps incidentally, we shared the same unique sense of humor, which provided us with solace and created a unique bond between us. Not only were the two of us on swim team together, we also shared quite a few of the same classes in school and even life guarded at the same pool during the school year. As a result, Heidi and I spent nearly ever minute together for a quite a few months out of the year. To say the least, we became very close. I loved everything about Heidi and even thought her to be a sort of kindred spirit, the likes of which I had never seen before. I t was refreshing to have someone in my life I not only enjoyed spending time with but also felt as though I could talk to about anything. Both of us had come from less than ideal family situations and having had self-esteem issues in the past, we both relied on each other for quite a bit of emotional support. Over the course of our three years of knowing one another, I felt as though I could tell her anything and she would always be there to lend a non-judgmental ear and allow me to vent. I told Heidi a lot of personal things about myself because I trusted her impeccably-or at least I thought I could. Despite all the positive aspects that existed in our relationship, there came to be a major bone of contention between us that would eat away at the very core of our friendship-quite simply, Heidi had a big mouth. I guess I always realized this fact but chose to ignore it because I thought that there was something sacred in the nature of our relationship. It came to my attention about halfway through our senior year, however, that nearly every private detail about myself that I had been entrusting in Heidi was becoming public knowledge. To say the absolute least, I was crushed by this realization and felt like I now had nowhere to turn and no one to talk to. My world was shaken; my best friend had betrayed me. After quite a bit of feuding and one final confrontation that ultimately ended an up-until-then decent relationship, I vowed never to talk to Heidi again. She had deceived me, used me, and even lied to me about it. Our intimacy with one another had always been based on trust, and now I could no longer freely confide in her ever again. My first instinct after all was said and put out in the open was to pass of the anger and frustration I felt toward Heidi as hate. It would have been a lot easier to disregard all of her positive traits and curse her to everyone I knew as being the most despicable person in the world. However, whenever I think of all the horrid things she did to me, I cannot help but find myself conversely thinking of the good times the two of us shared. It occurred to me then that hate has the ability to blind a person to both reason and compassion. Hate renders one unable to see anything redeeming in an enemy and more than eager to discredit every good thing a person has ever done. It was through this experience that I finally realized that while I could hate a person's actions passionately, I would never say that I truly hated someone in my life. With Heidi, the depth of my hatred was always mirrored by once strong degree of my love. Along with this, I also realized during this time how futile hatred of someone is in most cases. I feel when we hate our enemies, we are giving them power over us. It is only when we feel this strongly towards another that they gain control over every aspect of our lives: over our sleep, our health, and our happiness. For myself, hate is a waste of time and energy. This is why even though people like Heidi may pass through my life, leaving a wake of utter disillusionment and paranoia in their paths, I am able to move on with my life and not allow them to make me feel anything but love toward my fellow man. |
i've been hated for long long posts on boards too. amoung other things. |
If someone fucks me over,I don't waste my time or energy hating them,or,for that matter,wasting any emotion on them. I simply write them off as a non-person. I never forget,and I seldom forgive.I am simply done with them.I won't waste my time seeking revenge. On the other hand,should an opportunity ever present itself,to pay them back,[and this could be 10 years down the road],I won't hesitate to utelize this.It doesn't matter if they ever realize it was me,that caused their misfortune,I am content with just having this knowledge myself.I wear a wry smirk. |
I mean give a person a chance, don't just write everyone off as an asshole and tell them to "go fuck themselfs" no give them a chance, and then tell them. |
its baggage, dead weight. bunch of vindictive fucks. really evauluate whats important. you only have so much room in this trunk, what are you going to fill it with? |
i dont think forgiveness has anything to do with being pals. I think it just means you aren't going to resent them for what they did. And if someone is repeatedly dicking you over, im more inclined to ask YOU why you keep giving them a chance to dick you over. in big cities or isolated remote areas, its great because you never see the people you dont like. |
i'm not holding any kind of grudge against anyone who did anything to me after i hit adulthood. some people have certainly fucked w/ me after i was grown, but i put a stop to it. there are people i dislike, even detest, but i seem to have dealt w/ them effectively & gotten on w/ my life. i'm talking instead about the people who'll glad-hand you at family reunions, knowing all the while that when you were in grade school, they fucked you while holding a knife against your throat. shit like that. beating you senseless for no apparent reason. locking you up & literally torturing you. i havn't been able to find it in my heart to forgive them yet. i don't understand why i'm really supposed to, either. but i kinda wish i could, so maybe i could stop seeing those awful images every time i think of them. |
I don't hold hate for these people anymore, I'd just rather not be around them. I don't think people walk all over me because I'm forgiving and don't hold grudges. It's a lot easier this way, actually. Not that holding grudges is wrong, really. I'm sure you're justified. If forgiveness means, "let's be pals" then I that's not what I'm doing. I'd have a really hard time being pals with someone who treated me like shit. But that seems normal. I can just say "I don't have to care that you fucked me over, because you don't need to be part of my life." Forgiveness for me tends to be a hindsight thing though. If I had to see some fucker daily due to work or school or something, I wouldn't exactly be Ghandi. If they kicked me in the nuts, I wouldn't say, "I forgive you, man" while I'm still on the floor. I think people are less likely to intentionally fuck with you if they know they can't get to you. I'm rambling. Much of the time, people don't meant to hurt you. In these cases, I think forgiveness is particularly appropriate. If it was intentional, then you've got every reason to leave that person in your past. |
actually, that's a really cool way to look at it. unfortunately, some of these people want to continue being part of my life, especially as they grow older. but my capacity for caring is limited. i'm always polite, no mistake about that. i'm very civil & kind to them. but there's tension there, at least on my part. for them, there's no tension. they don't give a shit. it's as if it never happened. they don't talk about it, so it didn't happen. i can't seem to shake the memories. but in middle age, i'm getting tired of carrying it around w/ me. to forgive would seem the easiest approach for most people, but for me personally, it's the most difficult thing i can imagine. |
It was supposed to be up there, somewhere higher. There are some people who don't deserve forgiveness. |
patrick, i just read your post. i don't think i could ever confront these people. i tried once when i was in my 20s. they told me to NEVER speak about such evil again. then they stood there & said stuff like, "it never happened, right? say it! it never happened! you're a lying whore!" it's just impossible. it gives me a sense of dread & terror just thinking about it. |
anyway, i just got some random mailing from a local church (the churches around here are big on that stuff). i usually give the mailings a cursory glance & then deposit them in the circular file. well, this little flyer from the church was about...forgiveness. it was also about "walking in the light", another motif that's been recurring in my life w/ alarming frequency. i keep hearing about walking in the light. for some people, the light is christ. for others, it can mean joining a mystical or fraternal order. maybe it just means playing nice & not harming others. i've always considered myself a darkside person. i don't like light. i mean, i don't like physical light. it hurts my eyes terribly. i don't like being out in the daytime. i hate summer because not only is it too damn hot, but it's light outside for so excruciatingly long. i don't like what light stands for figuratively. i've just never seen walking in the light as a pleasant image. but everything i'm encountering these days keeps sending a basic message...turn toward the light. i wonder if there's anything to it. i worry that "turning toward the light" could make me lose my creative edge...that i'd become all nice & wholesome & turn into some kind of sappy goody-two-shoes kind of twit. i don't want that to happen, but i want to feel a few burdens roll off my shoulders, too. there must be some middle ground. nobody's composed of all light or all darkness. maybe it's time to forget about light & darkness & just take a more subgenius kind of approach. |
And I do, for the record, forgive Oswald for eating the last goddamn Twinkie. |
---- back to the topic at hand: i have no concept of forgiveness. I don’t know if i can explain it. When i say i hate someone, it usually means that i find their existence so useless to me and the world as a whole that i can’t express how unfortunate it is that they continue to breathe. If someone is cruel or fucks me over, they must have had a thought in their heads in order to pull it off, and i don’t hate them. I dislike them intensely, i will avoid them, but not hate. Hate is reserved for the insignificant drunk tarts dancing in the bar. |
as meaningful as any life milestone. You can do it for a minute, for a week, for ever and ever without cease, and you can stop it any time. That is, the focused active intentional aspect of hating someone. (Hating things is a waste of time. Things are easy to get rid of.) It is useless unless the object of your hatred is aware of every nuance. Each barely perceptible tweak in a different direction of the hateful vibes, each blink of the evil eye, should cause the receiver to shudder. Sooner or later, they will ask, "Why do you hate me so?" Be prepared for that priceless opportunity; hurl yourself into the moment, put it exactly where it belongs., as if you are casually divesting yourself of some baggage Not Wanted on the Voyage. You must have a LISTof recipients You must a repertoire of VENGEFUL ACTS. You must coordinate it, not just pick one from Column 1 and One from Column2. Keep records but in a safe place. You will dine out on these stories for years.. while the victims will lose their will to live. I dont believe in torching structures, getting individuals fired (the gum issue is altogether separate. Hatred of gum is in a different sphere, where bad things can happen) or having the misery go beyond a certain small circle, of my choice. You will be amazed at how much free time you can make available to channel the hate right to where it belongs. Remember: they deserve it. Some will swear thet don;t care if you hate them. A Big Fat Lie. If someone says to you "Oh you must not hate anyone", remove that person at once. Don;t try to explain.. They don't listen, For you own spiritual elevation, instead of having a "gratefulness" journal, have a list of categories of things which you hate, a roster if persons you know who do those things, and a catalogue of deliciously wicked life threatening pranks. Mix and match. I hope this is on the subject. i tend to veer off... Let's make a big giant list. Anything goes. Two categories: Hate, and Would Kill |
I will not forget. And, the only way I will forgive is if you admit you did it and tell me you are sorry, and will never do it again. Otherwise, forget it. I apply this towards annie and mike. I will not forgive unless they admit what they did and appoligize and show that they are taking steps to ensure it never happens again. But I will never forget. My mom told me if I did not forgive her for choking me to the point of passing out, and spitting in my face and telling me she hated me, i was going to hell. She did not say she was sorry. She will never get a chance to do that again, to me or my girls, and I will not forgive. I certainly will not forget. Forgiveness is an odd thing. It can be seen as permision for others to do the same, but without it your soul can become consumed with hate and anger. |
that's a threat. my dad owes me money. he also owes my sister money. she owes me money. why am i posting this? |
enough, already. i get the message. i think i'm almost ready to forgive my tormentors. like maybe today. just drop the two-ton rock i've been carrying on my back. forgive w/o condoning the actions. i kind of need to get on w/ my life. i've carried around such heavy negative feelings about these people for decades now. i need to move on. i'm not sure if i can make any more spiritual or psychological progress w/o addressing this. i'm still spooked about turning into a sweetness n' light patsy, though. i don't want to become a grinning brainless idiot spouting lame, warmed-over mush about "stepping into the light". i'm terrified that all this niceness & happy-think is going to absolutely kill my creative edge. otherwise, the forgiveness ritual (yes, i've actually got one here) may help a bit in my quest to get my shit together. hope it helps. it better help. it's going to be one of the hardest things i've ever done. |
Yeah right, like he was forgiving shit when he nuked sadam and gramora... Fucking religious zealots needing to convert my ass to their fucked up belifes... I'll forgive my foot up their ass. |
It went something like this: He who sits patiently upon the river bank will eventually see the remains of his enemies float by. I can attest to that. Once when I was in the ER for a minor problem. I saw one of my childhood tormentors, death threats and everything, wheeled in from a major car accident. I didn't care weather he lived or died. It just felt good to see him suffering. I think he lived though it. |
a fucking childhood tormentor? big deal. man. |
You obviously have never been the victum of sadistic people. It felt good to see him recieve some of what he had given out. It also felt good that I hadn't caused any of his pain. But, it still was nice to see. |
Also, are you really saying that this person put people into Emergency Medical Services regularly and maliciously? |
Thank "Bob" for righteous hating. That feels GOOD! The hell I'm forgiving those nuts outside the abortion clinic every time I go to get a donut. The last thing I want to see before I eat a good donut is some dumbshits waving signs and harassing women. |
from the deleted scenes in fight club i saw the orginal line HBCarter spoke to BPitt instead of "i haven't been fucked that well since fifth grade" (or whatever she said.) cut line "i want to have your abortion." how cool is that. |
Watcher, I've been there, I know what you're saying....I had that much hatred and more for my childhood tormentors....but I think I managed to successfully purge those demons with my first novel(as yet unpublished).... It's hard to tell Crimson what to do, knowing her situation up-close and personal.....the thing about light (in my opinion) is darkness and light aren't that clear-cut, and sometimes one is really the other. I also know people who claim to "walk in the light"....they're some of the darkest motherfuckers I know. But that's why I can't wrap my head around any kind of religion, or any institution that has clear cut definitions of light/dark and other things. That kind of absolutism has nothing to do with reality. |
see what you miss Mavis? |
those fuckers. fuck fuck fuckers. i am SO qualified for that job, it's unreal. in the 2nd interview i was asked questions like, "what is your favorite food?" i answered, "chocolate". i should sue them. if i had the energy. |
That's very lame, Sarah. |
people i wouldn't mind having voodoo poppets of: kroger corporation. brandon smith (management asshole, the makeup boy). and the guy who decided that it was time to let me have an obscene phone call. i screamed as soon as i got outside afteer the end of my shift. |
I wish i would get one. |
No one loves me enough to call me up and say obscene things to me. |
buy another phone card. |
very disappointing. i was expecting something obscene. |
er, rotting chupacabrita. |
Chupacabras taste fine with minced garlic in a vinagrette sauce, I find. |