About three weeks ago I heard there was a purebred boxer in our local pound. Andrew went and a had a look, phoned me when he got back to the car, said he'd put our name down for her. She'd been there for four days - they found her wandering (no idea how long for). Four days later we brought her home... http://s25.photobucket.com/albums/c76/moonit/?action=view¤t=IMG_3480-1.jpg This is Dee - as you can see she is so fucking skinny I felt sick looking at her. Today she's been living with us for two whole weeks and what a difference love and good quality food make... http://s25.photobucket.com/albums/c76/moonit/?action=view¤t=IMG_3577.jpg We worried about if her and Reese would get on as boxer female/female combinations are not known to be the best, but so far so good. She is fully trained - someone has invested a lot of time in her, walks well on the lead, and is only around a year old. I'm falling for her... she is so snuggly, and follows Reese round the house (watching her get in trouble mostly), and is happy to just curl up on the couch and hang out (rather than run around squeaking toys like a certain red dog does). |
oh she is so adorable! spindle, right? how did you name her Dee? or was that her name already? she looks like a sweet girl. do boxers shed? i love how boxers have humongous tongues, cracks me up. did i ever tell you that my dog Leroy has a weird obsession/curiosity with boxers? when we take the dogs to the park, Leroy immediately sniffs out the nearest boxer and follows it around until it will start playing with him. |
i love her |
They do shed, but not like long coated dogs do. Many, uh make it ALL of my clothes have teeny tiny red hairs, but I don't mind. |
Speaking of puppies, I couldn't believe what was on the tube last night. Animal Planet had something called Puppy Bowl IV, where they put a bunch of puppies in a mock football arena and let them go wild with toys and stuff. 2 full hours of it! Plus, halftime was kittens. Anybody else seen this? The puppies were adorable, but 2 hours of watching puppies run around is a little much. |
the Super bowl. Henry: http://www.flickr.com/photos/saucyintellectualtart |
http://s25.photobucket.com/albums/c76/moonit/?action=view¤t=95379bbf.flv |
Kazu, is Henry still a puppy or is he full grown? If he ever goes missing, consider me a prime suspect. Moonit, your dogs look like such good friends. So cute. Man, I want a dog. |
Kazu, is Henry still a puppy or is he full grown? If he ever goes missing, consider me a prime suspect. Moonit, your dogs look like such good friends. So cute. Man, I want a dog. |
i havent checked dogster in years...i wonder if chloe's page is still up. |
dogster now http://www.dogster.com/dogs/360056 |
face. |
awesome video. were you on vacation or do you live near the beach? my leroy does that spinny thing too, when he and lulu get to wrestling and chasing each other. very funny. |
I love Henry - he is so cute! |
with the cone shape, they can listen in a specific direction. some dogs don't listen until they get the cone thing. then they learn. and listen. good dogs listen. |
pepper, stop scratching your head! |
jack, don't let the dog lick yer balls. |
i'll take your word for it. |
because elizabeth had superb hearing but also had an affinity for licking her balls. |
I have a swiss ball, some tennis balls, a rugby ball (more oval shaped of course)... |
Ben Wa? |
On tuesday they rang to say that it is mast cell cancer - we unwrapped her foot and the fucker had grown back already, so today Dee is back to the vet to get her toe amputated. At least we caught it in time (I hope). They will send the toe away for testing too to make sure they got it all (apparently you need a 1.5cm margin or something). my poor pound puppy. |
go away and stay away, cancer! |
I actually want to be told I have cysts, just so I'll finally understand why I have a time of the season instead of a time of the month, other than just having a generally hostile reproductive system. |
Spider, when do you get your results? And why is it that ultrasound technicians and dentists always find a problem in the part where there *isn't* any pain, and they say that the part that's painful is fine? |
I think the little twinge I feel in the ~week or so before my period is actually the sensation of ovulation, so in this case *not* feeling pain on one side really is worthy of an eyebrow-raise. The technician also did an ultrasound of my kidneys, which neither I nor my doctor asked for. I'm not sure what that was about, and I hope my insurance covers it. |
Dee is a lot perkier today but hasn't eaten anything for two days. She's got her wiggle back which is a good sign. |
An hour later: doctor- "Well good news, your appendix looks fine, but did you know you have an ovarian cyst?" me- "What? Oh yeah, sure, i saw it at home on my personal ultrasound machine." Good luck Spider. My summer was ass. |
I also have a significant vitamin D deficiency, and have to take prescription-strength mega-doses of vitamin D once a week for the next 3 months. |
The optimal Vitamin D blood serum levels are 40-50 nanograms per milliliter, adequate starts at 30 ng/mL; I was at 13 ng/mL. Rickets-level deficiency is <11. The more I learn, the more I think this could be the root of so many of my problems: depression, blood sugar irregularities, difficulty losing weight, muscle pains, worsening of my knees... Vitamin D deficiency has also been linked to higher rates of breast cancer, and higher mortality from breast cancer (as well as osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease, and earlier mortality in general). My doctor was telling me that it's estimated that 80% of women have Vitamin D deficiency, and at this latitude (Boston to Northern CA), we could stand outside in our underwear for an hour every day from October to April and not get enough sun exposure to produce adequate D levels. Cod liver oil, salmon, and tuna are the best food sources; vitamin supplements are probably the easiest sources for most people because who eats salmon every day? (Also, if you're deficient, OTC supplements are not enough to raise you to optimal levels.) Consider this a public service announcement. :) |
If you do the tuna route, make sure you ingest white albacore tuna packed in water: highest of the omega 3 fatty acids which btw are the same fats found in the neuronal sheath around each and every one of your little nerve cells and endings. So such a diet helps curb early onset senility, altimers perhaps, and memory problems. I have been eating tuna this way, and taking omega 3 fish oils for over twenty years, simply not enough in the diet. Is vitamin D fat soluable? If it is , toxicity can develop, unlike vit C which is water soluable and simply makes fancy colored urine if too much is ingested. And "vitamin D fortified milk" products unfortunatel have to have the vitamins added back into the product after the pastuerization process, making drinking milk for vit D and any other value like drinking white colored chalky water, which is what it really is. This coming from a guy raised on a dairy and angus beef farm. |
Toxicity is so rare because it's really hard to get even adequate amounts from supplements. You'd have to eat a bottle of supplements a day (40,000 IUs = one 400 IU pill x 100) over a long period of time to reach toxic levels. See also http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/vitamind.asp |
http://tampabay.com/news/aging/article879333.ece I'm giving it a try. 2 tbs in my oatmeal most mornings. |
thinking good thoughts about your body, spider. |
be careful of what the nih publishes as gospel. but what you say makes sense. does the health care person think that D will help the cyst? or is that totally a separate issue? I also didn't realize that usually ovarian cysts are really misplaced eggs? Is that correct? the condition from what very very little I have read is quite common in pre menopausla women, yes? I've read more about testicular cysts, since A) I have those instead of ovaries and B) I've had a benign cyst for over forty years that I am aware of. |
Ovarian cysts occur when one of the follicles (that hold an egg as it develops) doesn't open as it's supposed to to release the egg that month. So the blocked follicle grows and grows and fills with fluid until it is absorbed back into the ovary or ruptures, the former being slow + achey and the latter being quick + very painful. Ovaries are the size of an almond, cysts can grow to the size of a grapefruit. The only help for cysts is time and in some cases hormonal birth control. Surgery in extreme cases. |
Plus, you can also use it as a moisturizer. |