"if i die before i wake, at least in heaven i can skate, because on earth i can't do jack, without my old man on my back" it's pretty funny, but it mentions "jesus packing my bong." do you think jesus should be this guy's personal bong packer? |
"i can't do jack" ???? wtf? |
Is it true that somewhere in the Bible, Jesu ben Miriam (who may or may not be our lord and saviour) gets high on mandrake root? wtf. how do you get high on mandrake root? What IS mandrake root? (the root of the mandrake plant. thanks, all.) Silly kids. On Earth, you won't need your nasty chemicals, because you can feel good all the time. "It's fun to have fun, but you have to know how!" --The Cat in The Hat |
Didn't we have this discussion when we read "Go and Catch a Falling Star?" |
wish it would happen more often, or taper off sooner. once when i was wandering around saturday market, i saw i sign for a store called "hidden treasures". thinking it was a jewelry store (i was in a good mood after finding a kick ass majik store) i walked in. bongs everywhere, it smells funny, and there's this guy sitting next to the door: "hey, how's it going?" "uh, okay...i'm late for my flute lesson." "well, have a good time..." then i ran downstairs and poked around some more. that reminds me: i should see how my schedule goes and try to help out audubon again this year. but not on a regular basis. |
what the hell though. i don't think i'd be too unhappy. i do want to have a child, but someday would be better than today (or six months from today). baby bell_jars... scary thought |
otherwise ladies, swine might have your periods, he keeps weird shit like that.. |
I'm not actually that worried about it, since it is physically impossible for me to pregnant, I just realized that it was two weeks late and I was a little confused. I'm going back onto the the pill soon, actually. But yeah, I think it's late because I went off it. When I was on it, my period was like clockwork. Anyway. Maybe I should keep my application for Sainthood ready anyway. Maybe I'm carrying Jesus II. Then the holy rollers'll be pissed. |
i read a book about a girl that thought she was going to have a virgin birth. she was insane. |