god is a myth

sorabji.com: What is your definition of Heaven?: god is a myth
By Jared on Wednesday, January 14, 1998 - 12:39 am:
    i don't think there is a heaven or a god. what has he ever done for me that would prove his existance and ever-lasting love for me. people get afraid and need to have something to believe in, that is why they look to religion. that is what my public school teacher said.

By Fredescu on Wednesday, January 14, 1998 - 09:24 pm:
    God is everything. Your existance proves Gods existance. You are a part of God, He is not something separate and detached. You are a limb of God. As is a bird, a bullet and a bandicoot. As is a tree, a truck and a tyrannosaur.

    Whenever God is mentioned in the bible, it's usually metaphorically. Christians tend to take things a little too literally. Abraham built a temple which God supposedly sat in. On a box of Shittum wood to be precise. God in his alledged omnipotent and omnipresent glory, suddenly shrunk, and sat on box made from wood that sounds like a swear word.

    Anywho, there are numerous examples of metaphoric use of the title "God" in the Bible, but when you think of the implications of omnipotence and omnipresence, he's naught if he's not everything.

    God is the universe, the whole. That's not say we aren't all "wholes" either.

    Take a pizza.

    No, don't take one. Buy one. You may find yourself in Gaol otherwise.

    Anyhow, buy a pizza. Look closely at it. You may notice an olive slice. From a whole olive. From a whole olive tree. From a whole olive orchard. On a whole farm. In a whole state. In a whole country. On a whole planet.

    The olive slice is at rest on a whole pizza slice. from a whole pizza...

    So God is everything. The creator and the creation. We create ourselves and we create our world.

    (oh, and when I call God a "he", I'm only using recognised protocol. I don't mean to contradict myself by reducing God to a gender. God is more a theory than a being.)

By SWC on Thursday, January 15, 1998 - 05:49 pm:
    If you think God only exists to serve your needs, then you must be God!
    I think everyone who's born and looks into the clear summer sky and sees all the stars...somehow knows there's a God. Or sees the gift of life when a child is born. (Do you have a child?)
    Even people in the uncivilized world know that some higher being exists. Lots of civilizations worship a god of somekind. Somehow we all know....even if we don't agree on who it is.
    Don't put a lot of faith in your teacher, he doesn't know everything (especially if it's not his subject).
    Think about it, your eternal soul is yours alone to lose! Did you know that some of the most fervent believers of the bible started out trying to disprove the bible? (Just like you) Hang in there, keep asking questions. You may surprise yourself!

By Scrunch on Thursday, January 15, 1998 - 07:06 pm:

    What happened to separation of church and state? You said that your public school teacher told you that stuff. Your teacher should get her ass sued!!! Religion is a very personal thing. I myself don't think that you can find all the answers by going to church and having people tell you what to believe. We all question if there is a God at one point in our lives at another. I'm not going to tell you what to think. Like I said, don't let anyone tell you what to believe and don't depend on one certain religion to give you all the answers.

By Blindswine on Friday, January 16, 1998 - 07:30 pm:
    i've been thinking of starting my own religion. maybe open up a non-profit house of "worship" and call it the "Church of the Divine Debauchery" or maybe "Our Lady of the Immaculate Fellatio" or something like that...
    it'd be low-key, informal... you know, something that would appeal to the masses. "come on in, light-up, sit down, relax-- have a drink!"
    something that would get joe-sixpack off the streets and into my pulpits. maybe get a few collection dishes going...

    i've been thinking of finding out what it would take to get voted "Pope". Hell, i think i'd make a damned good pope. i wanna wear that pointy hat and cruise around Vatican City in the pope-mobile throwing out joints to the kids. yeah, that's it-- a spiritual philanthropist.
    i'd have to make a few changes, though. no more of that uptight catholic anti-abortion, anti-expression, pro-repression, anti-natural bullshit. i'd have George Clinton and the P-Funk All Stars play live in the Vatican every Sunday night. you think there's a lot of catholics in the world now? shit-- just wait until i get a hold of the papacy. i'll be packin' 'em in there... and who knows? with a few neon signs, $3.99 T-Bone dinners and open-bar, clothing-optional services-- i might just be able to make a profit...

By Slacker on Friday, January 16, 1998 - 07:39 pm:
    i feel a bit hypocritical but what the hell.
    where can i convert to your faith,your emenseness.

By Blindswine on Monday, January 26, 1998 - 08:27 am:
    just drop a C-note and a twenty-bag on the plate as it comes around and you're IN...

By R.V. on Monday, January 26, 1998 - 11:56 am:
    All Praise the Rev. FeelGood of the Church of
    the Immaculate Buzz!

By R.C. on Monday, January 26, 1998 - 11:58 am:
    And that was really R.C. The Holy Ghost was upon me/so I cdn't hardly type. Praise Him!

By Golden Boy on Monday, January 26, 1998 - 02:22 pm:
    Let's face campers...we all want to find a god or some omnipotent being, to A. Flick he/she/it off. B. Ask for a hug. C. See if he/she/it actually fits the description of all the times you thought you saw him/her/it while incredibly under some godlike high.
    HOWEVER, we all do in some way find that way of getting a little closer to our god...whether your method is meditating on the lakefront waiting for answers to float by in the wind, or injecting ol buddy needlhead in to get a direct connection with god...eitherway, we talk to someone out of our grasps whether we know it or not...(don't even tell me you have not caught yourself talking to yourself!!) we all want a personal god of some sort after all I would really fucking want to know why the hell 'god' has put me through so much...(and if 'god's' answer blows i swear i amgoing to kick it in the nuts!!!) hell would be just fine then as far as i am concerned.

    RC whaddya think?

By R.C. on Monday, January 26, 1998 - 11:23 pm:
    Well G.B. -- I'm not VOLUNTEERING to go to hell. I suspect The Manager has probably got a table reserved for me already. But I AM trying to avoid that gig.

    I don't call myself a 'Christian' anymore/but for me/believing in God & Jesus is simple. I know I did not make myself. I know I did not make a tree/or a mountain/or a breeze off the ocean/or fresh strawberries/or anything else that's worth a damn. And I know I'm a sinner/so I know I need salvation. I was 'raised' to believe in God/so it's kinda hard to shake. I've had long periods where God & I weren't speaking/but I always believed (S)He exists. I spend a lot of time questioning my Faith. Which for me/is the hallmark of having real Faith. Anyone who NEVER questions whether God really gives a damn abt this little blue planet & what happens here can't be looking very closely at what goes on. There is a Bible verse (but I can't site the chapter) that says "Test these things & see if they are true." Testing & questioning are part of growing & maturing in yr Faith. And (S)He is also very hit-or-miss when it comes to answering prayers. (Not just mine -- lots of people's.) But God never offers me any answers to those questions -- other than "Wait." And I figure God is entitled to tell me "Wait." Some things we simply aren't meant to understand while we're still caught inside this limited mortal plane. So I will probably always believe in God. I just don't think God believes in me.

    But I do think you were on the right track. I believe humans are hardwired with a deep need to believe in something greater & more meaningful than ourselves & what exists in this world that we can see & touch & know. And that need to believe leads to different conclusions for everyone. Some of those conclusions don't hold up to close scrutiny... But I think each of us has to work out the particluars thru our own efforts & exploration. You can't just swallow someone else'e theology whole-hog without thinking it thru.

By Golden Boy on Tuesday, January 27, 1998 - 11:26 am:
    amen rc

By Blindswine on Tuesday, January 27, 1998 - 07:11 pm:
    yeah, yeah.. that's all good and fine, RC... but i STILL wanna be pope, dammit!

By Fredescu on Tuesday, January 27, 1998 - 09:14 pm:

    (inhale exhale)


    (inhale exhale)

    (sorry about the shouting. I just feel a little ignored)

    Swami Vivekenanda said "A person who does not believe in himself is an atheist". It can be derived from that, that a person who does not believe in God, does not believe in himself. We are all a part of God.

    "And (S)He is also very hit-or-miss when it comes to answering prayers." - R.C.

    Carl Jung coined the word "Syncronicity" in describing the interelation between peoples needs, and how "meaningful coincidences" guide us along our path of need that is generally harmonious with everyone elses.

    "Needs" is the most important word here. You may not always get what you want, but you'll always get what you need. The more in touch with ourselves we are, the closer we get to wanting what we need, and as a result we are much happier in life.

    But to paraphrase a wise person, I can't expect anyone to swallow that "whole-hog" straight away...

By R.C. on Tuesday, January 27, 1998 - 10:43 pm:
    Hey Fredescu -- long time no hear from! All that may be true -- but sometimes you're praying for someome else's needs. And when those prayers go unanswered/it's kinda hard to keep the faith.

    Pope BlindSwine just doesn't roll off the tongue very well. Besides -- you'll have to be, ahem, celibate for the rest of yr life. And wear that dumb mitre in public. Maybe "Pope Whazzup da First" wd work. Think the Cubans are ready for a pope in a running suit & a Kangol?

By Blindswine on Wednesday, January 28, 1998 - 01:01 am:
    celibate? pfffft... i think not... maybe you should refer to my biblical amendments... for example, in the "Brand New Mack-Daddy" Testament:

    Martin 1:1 "Thou Shalt Utilize Thy Divine Johnson To Thy Fullest Extent"

    get with the NEW program, sista...

    damn... good converts are SO hard to come by these days...

By Golden Boy on Wednesday, January 28, 1998 - 09:17 am:
    blindswine, i'm in only if i can play with the P-Funk all stars some time

    the mack daddy of the midwest

By Fredescu on Wednesday, January 28, 1998 - 08:59 pm:
    R.C. - What I'm saying is that needs aren't instantly definable. Just because you are thirsty, doesn't mean you need a Coke. But that's a bad example.

    We all have stuff to learn. We can choose to learn it consciously, or let the lessons manifest themselves externally.

    So the meaning of all that is you can't possibly pray for someone elses needs because you can never know (specifically at least) what they are. You can pay for their happiness, or for their health. But if they are in an occupation they aren't supposed to be, happiness would be a curse rather than a blessing.

    The Uni course I dropped out of last year was a result of my dis-satisfaction with it. If my prayer requesting the contrary had have been answered, I may still be there now, instead of the one I start next month.

    So don't pray for your friends specific "needs" (or perhaps what you would like to see them get), pray for their growth.


By R.C. on Wednesday, January 28, 1998 - 10:46 pm:
    Sorry Fred -- when the fuzzy, New Age b.s. starts flying/that's where I draw the line. Knowing people intimately/sharing in their lives/makes you aware of at least some of their needs. Hearing them ask for help you can't give them makes you acutely aware of their needs. And when it's not within my power to help them on my own/that's when I turn to God & pray on their behalf. God may or may not choose to answer. But this drivel about "we can choose to learn... consciously, or let the lessons manifest themselves externally" is a bunch of crap! No one 'chooses' to have their child get lukemia. And no one learns anything from that. People who lose a loved one to random violence didn't 'choose' that shit. People dying from famine/from Ebola/being slaughtered in the name of 'Ethnic Cleansing'/haven't 'chosen' the circumstances of their lives. And they sure as hell don't 'grow' from those experiences.

By Golden Boy on Wednesday, January 28, 1998 - 11:59 pm:
    needs and wants...the fuzzy new age shit seems to meld the two ideas together that is what frightens me.. after we want faith in something, someone, or ourselves even, not an understanding of life experiences..if i want that then I will see da shrink, but faith puts the unknown into some terms with us...i don't want to learn from it or understand it but just beleive that there is something better...

    prayer is the best protection we can give ourselvesm, or better yet lets not call it prayer but hope, the hope that something can be done of something beyond our control...

    i go hope now..

By R.C. on Thursday, January 29, 1998 - 12:11 am:
    But before you go -- HOW did you get the name Golden Boy? Detales, man -- we want de tales!

By Fredescu on Thursday, January 29, 1998 - 04:43 pm:
    You seriously think nothing can be learnt from the death of a loved one?

    (and what the hell is "new age" about anything I've said?)

By Golden Boy on Thursday, January 29, 1998 - 04:51 pm:
    truthfully, no....sorry if this offends (actually i am not), but the death of a loved one or anyone else is just that - a death....how can you learn from a death how to become better, death is not a motivation to improve our lives, to live, to love, et al. Unfortunate it is, hurtful it is, but a lesson it is not. I'll give you this, you can learn HOW to die from someone, by that I mean attitude, their acceptance of death if they share that with you, but say for instance your wife dies in a horrible car accident, what is to learn there, not drive??? that is what i mean...

    don't get irate over the new age, more of a stigma to your ideas previous than an actual thought out response from me...sorry..

By Snow Queen on Thursday, January 29, 1998 - 05:19 pm:
    You didn't answer R.C.'s question yet, GB. In an earlier posting you alluded to a chemistry experiment, but I guess we need those hints!

    But we're also way off the subject so maybe "How did Golden Boy get his name?" should be a new subject???

    I think you can learn from the LIFE of a loved one who has died. You can think about the traits that you admired about him/her and work on those things in your own life.
    And a loved one's death usually jolts me to remember to make each moment count and live life to the fullest. And not to take the people still around me for granted. We never know how much time we have left here on this planet.

By Fredescu on Thursday, January 29, 1998 - 08:37 pm:
    I'm not irate. I can't agree, but I can understand your point of view.

By R.C. on Friday, January 30, 1998 - 12:26 am:
    Golden Boy already revealed the secret of his name to me/via back channels. But if I tell you/he'll have to kill me. So you must pry it out of him yrselves. ;)

    As for the rest of this thread -- GB pretty much covered the bases for me. Death doesn't teach the one who dies anything -- esp. sudden death. It teaches children even less when they die of horrible diseases. And beyond honing our ability to cope with pain & loss/I do not see how losing a spouse or a parent or a child or a friend -- not to natural causes after they've lived a long, full life -- but losing them thru an act of violence/or an illness that no child shd ever have to suffer thru/or some insane plague that happens simply becuz you are poor -- can ever be a 'lesson.' I don't see what a 10-yr-old girl 'learns' from being raped/or what 'growth' comes to a 13-yr -old boy from having his father get drunk & beat his ass every weekend. The New Agers never have any sound explainations for any of that shit. Becuz they refuse to believe that Evil exists.

    Your remark (Fred) sounded just like Marianne Williamson/Deepak Chopra & too many others who have made a fortune feeding people this crap abt how "we create our own reality" & "everything happens for a purpose" & "death is just a transition to another level" (which no one knows/unless they've been there & come back). My anger was at them -- not you. It brings to mind a Bible verse I read in 2nd Timothy that stuck... About how/in the Last Days/mankind will be "always learning & never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth." Nowadays/people change their religion to suit their habits. Wanna divorce yr spouse & marry the person you've been screwing around with behind their back? Here's a faith that teaches you that the pursuit of love is the greatest virtue/that every relationship happens to 'teach you lessons'. And once you learn them/you're free to move on! Wanna have a baby/when you know you're gonna end up raising it alone/becuz you thought that guy was good enuf to fuck/but hey, you don't wanna have to Marry his ass? Find a faith that teaches you Motherhood is the highest calling a woman can have/that Birth Control & Abortion are a sin -- but having a baby you can't support is a Blessing. Wanna be a greedy sonofabitch? Here's a religion that teaches you that "the universe is about abundance/everything you desire will come to you if you release all Negative energy !" (don't YOU think it's odd that so many richfolks follow Chopra?). Nobody wants a religion that requires them to live up to a moral code of conduct/or to sacrifice for the benefit of others. They want a religion that gives them all the benefits of having God in their lives/without having to accept any of the responsibilities. Everyone wants to think that everybody will make it into Heaven/or Some Higher Plane/or be reincarnated as a better model next time around/just becuz they were here sucking air & 'learning lessons' for a few years. And whether you subscribe to "sowing what you reap" or "Karma" or whatever /thinking that there will be no serious consequences for the way we live our present lives/makes no damn sense.

    I don't claim to be a 'religious' person. But I am a godly person. Becuz I took the time to find out who God is & decided to believe in Him/Her. And to learn what God expects from me. And every day/I try to live up to those expectations. And every day/I fail. But becuz I believe/I keep trying. And becuz I try/there is a little less Sin & Evil & Suffering in the world. That may be the only contribution I ever make to humankind. Those little victories when I didn't lose my temper/or gave a beggar a dollar/or forgave someone who had wronged me. And I fuck up far more than I get it right. But I continue to try to live Right. And as long as that's cool with God/then I'm cool with that.

By Blindswine on Friday, January 30, 1998 - 10:11 am:
    damn, R.C.

    you know, that was so well stated and totally on point that i started thinking that maybe it's YOU who should be pope...

    but then i thought,


    Fuck That."

By Thirsty on Friday, January 30, 1998 - 11:11 am:
    I don't want a pope who doesn't like Guinness for communion!

By R.C. on Friday, January 30, 1998 - 06:19 pm:
    Y'all are so crazy...

    I can't be pope -- I'm supposed to be the High Priestess of Pleasures -- bre-mem-bah? But I fucked around & went on a couple of interviews & now I've got 2 job offers! Damn! And Slacker was gonna appoint me Mistress of Advanced Lounging next week too! I was getting soooo good at Chillin'... Well, I'm still part of the Leisure Class until I give them my answer next Wed. I will truly miss hanging out here in Mark's Mansion.

By Fredescu on Sunday, February 1, 1998 - 09:44 pm:
    This lengthy posting was almost not going to exist. I can see the futility of attempting change or challenge almost hard-wired beliefs. If you don't agree you don't agree. Simple. But your disagreement was based on contradictions which I can't abide. I understand there is no vitriol in your replys, so please understand that the same is the case for mine. Unfortunately they are written sans humour, as I have only my lunch break at work to be writing this. And I apologise for the repetitive quote-reply format, but it was easier to write.

    >As for the rest of this thread -- GB pretty much covered the bases for me. Death doesn't teach the one who dies anything -- esp. sudden death.<

    How can you use this arguement in the same posting as "which no one knows/unless they've been there & come back"? This is a contradiction. According to your own logic you can't speak for the people who have died. I don't and haven't claimed to do this either, although I do believe in an afterlife, as I assume you do.

    >It teaches children even less when they die of horrible diseases.<

    Again, you have removed your grounds to say this with the phrase "which no one knows/unless they've been there & come back".

    >And beyond honing our ability to cope with pain & loss/I do not see how losing a spouse or a parent or a child or a friend -- not to natural causes after they've lived a long, full life -- but losing them thru an act of violence/or an illness that no child shd ever have to suffer thru/or some insane plague that happens simply becuz you are poor -- can ever be a 'lesson.'<

    You really have to start with the little things first. I've had people die around me from close friends to family, from cancer to heroin overdose, and I've learnt something from each of them, in hindsight if not immediately. But if you don't believe that you can learn something from a recurring dream, a song lyric that gets stuck in your head that you haven't heard in years, or any other seemingly cryptic and useless pieces of life that pass by you, I can hardly expect you to accept what I'm saying.

    It all comes back to my previous definition of God, which you seemed to have no qualms with. If God is omnipresent, then (s)he IS these song lyrics. (s)He IS this dream. To quote a prominent web journal keeper "He is laughter and he is rape." All of these things are God, and we can listen to he+she if we wish, or we can choose not to.

    >I don't see what a 10-yr-old girl 'learns' from being raped/or what ?'growth' comes to a 13-yr -old boy from having his father get drunk & beat his ass every weekend.<

    You can't see straight away, because you aren't them. And "lesson" is perhaps a bad word. But if the Rape victim one day becomes part of a Rape victim support group helping other rape victims, it really brings something good from something obviously not so. Not all rape victims will become involved in support, but it's hard to generalise. You can be pretty certain that the rape victims outlook on life would be fairly differnt, post rape to pre rape.

    One of my best friends, an ex girlfriend, was raped half way through last year by another of my friends, and my father used to 'beat my arse' with unfortunate regularity. All people involved have claimed to have 'learnt' through these experiences. I'm now living with my father and we are slowly becoming friends. Although the rapee and rapist, don't talk to each other now, each are happily getting on with their lives, and admit that their lives wouldn't have been the same had an unhappy event not have happened. I certainly admit that many rape and assault victims don't recover, but surely this one instance is not totally alone.

    >The New Agers never have any sound explainations for any of that shit. Becuz they refuse to believe that Evil exists.<

    Remaining friends with a rapist, and living harmoniously with a man who used to take his aggression out upon me, prooves fairly well that there is no "evil" in these people. I have had satisfactory explanations from both people, and can see that both were operating from a position of fear and confusion. Not "evil". Yes, I do have a belief that no one person is ever inherently evil. Just like Darth Vader. There is an old saying, of which I have forgotten the source: "One senator is a good man, the senate is evil." It works for gangs, corporations, governments and most other groups.

    >Your remark (Fred) sounded just like Marianne Williamson/Deepak Chopra & too many others who have made a fortune feeding people this crap abt how "we create our own reality" & "everything happens for a purpose" & "death is just a transition to another level" (which no one knows/unless they've been there & come back). My anger was at them -- not you. It brings to mind a Bible verse...<

    I've never heard of these people, but it's odd that you reference the Bible and denounce the afterlife in a single paragraph. And of course we are the basis for our own reality. To a colourblind person, the world is grey (or devoid of whatever colour they are blind of), but to a normal sighted person, the world contains these colours. To a deaf person the city is silent. Our beliefs can have a stronger affect on our life than you suggest. Koori's (the Australian native race, otherwise known as Aboriginies), had a belief that if the spiritual leader of a tribe pointed a sacred bone at them, they would die. They believed this so deeply that it worked every time, and incidents of this still happen today. Midnight Oil had a lyric I recall: "Point the finger, point the bone." I don't know what the name of this song this was, but it was a reference to this Koori tradition. A tradition that operated within different boundaries than most other races. They therefore, obviously, lived in a different reality.

    But philosophical arguments about reality are boring and always seem to collapse into arguements about defintion, about what words mean. It's instantly obvious, and widely accepted that reality is a subjective term, meaning that everyones reality is based on what they are, and therefore different for everyone.

    >...I read in 2nd Timothy that stuck... About how/in the Last Days/mankind will be "always learning & never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth."<

    This phrase is a little cryptic for me to decipher. Most Bible quotes need to be taken in context to mean anything. My first though was that everything we learn is false. Does this extend to things we learn about religion? Is everything we learn about religion, including the quote you gave, false? Surely not. I must have misinterpreted.

    >Everyone wants to think that everybody will make it into Heaven/or Some Higher Plane/or be reincarnated as a better model next time around/just becuz they were here sucking air & 'learning lessons' for a few years. And whether you subscribe to "sowing what you reap" or "Karma" or whatever thinkingthat there will be no serious consequences for the way we live our present lives/makes no damn sense. <

    A belief in Karma WOULD imply a belief in consequences for doing bad stuff. I DO belive that everyone moves to a "higher plane" after death, but that their life here directly correlates with their life there. Not necessarily different realms of heaven and hell, just different experiences. A happy person and a drug addict can live in the same city, but their level of comfort is obviously much different. The happy person in a sense, is in heaven, while the drug addict is in hell. I don't see why the afterlife should be much different. I can only speculate though.

    >I don't claim to be a 'religious' person. But I am a godly person. Becuz I took the time to find out who God is & decided to believe in Him/Her. And to learn what God expects from me. And every day/I try to live up to those expectations. And every day/I fail. But becuz I believe/I keep trying. And becuz I try/there is a little less Sin & Evil & Suffering in the world.<

    You have a direct line to a separate being who is "God"? This is how you know what (s)he wants and expects? Do you have her+his Fax number? You are upset about many different people claiming many different religions, but you seem to have your own little religion here. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but everyone has different morals. People should have the freedom to change spouses, raise a child on their own or make a lot of money, and not have to live within the confines of an organised religion, whose laws are often based on the laws of the TIMES, not the teaching that forms the basis of the religion.

    >That may be the only contribution I ever make to humankind. Those little victories when I didn't lose my temper/or gave a beggar a dollar/or forgave someone who had wronged me. And I fuck up far more than I get it right. But I continue to try to live Right. And as long as that's cool with God/then I'm cool with that.

    That is all fine, but how do you know that God is "cool with that"?

By R.C. on Sunday, February 1, 1998 - 10:50 pm:
    I know becuz I took the time to learn about God & what S/He expects from me in terms of personal conduct. Becuz God's opinion of me matters/more than the opinions of any man or woman. Becuz the Bible (& to a lesser degree the Koran) revealed certain things to me the nature of God & God's expectations for our behavior. It taught me that I was not put here simply to do my own thing & go my own way -- that I was made by God for a divine purpose. But for me/the coolest thing about Jesus was that He did not force himself or his teachings on anyone. He didn't lobby the Roman rulers to make Christianity the State-sponsored religion/or try to pass laws forcing Sabbath observance on Saturdays (since He was a Jew) or any of that crap. He simply explained who He was & what He was about/performed some miracles to back up His claims/& left it up to the individual to decide whether they wanted to believe it or not. What I choose to believe is what works for me. Others can believe whatever works for them. But some belief systems just seem a little too facile & self-serving to be legit. Other people certainly have the right to subscribe to them/just as I have the right to say "to me, that's a bunch of crap."

    This thread cd go on forever & ever Amen. Perhaps it will. But I think I expressed what I had to say/in terms of my beliefs/as effectively as I could. I didn't invent Christianity. It was around long before I arrived & will continue to exist after I'm gone. I don't claim to have come up with any of these teachings/only to subscribe to them becuz most of them they make sense to me. It's up to you & everyone else to find a belief system that makes sense to you/one that is not based on anything as ephemeral as 'the laws of the Times'/or social customs/or whatever the hell someone feels like doing at a particular moment. A belief system based on moral principles that have stood the test of Time. Ultimatley/this world will come to an end/& then we'll all find out whether what we chose to believe was true or not.

By Fredescu on Monday, February 2, 1998 - 04:46 pm:
    S'long as yr happy I guess. In the thirteen years I spent as a christian, I saw too much Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell styled fear. Controlling their thoughts by preaching that "Big Brother" is always watching.

    But If you're happy, then I'm happy for you.

By MacBeath on Tuesday, February 3, 1998 - 12:35 pm:


    If you accept the idea of God as an omniscient omnipotent being, one of a kind, infinitely greater in spirit and in understanding than yourself, which is where you appear to be going from where I stand (do correct me if I'm wrong. I frequently am) - how can you expect to have any notion of what "God EXPECTS" from you? If God is the being/entity you wish it to be then it is the great unknowable, and all the claims you wish to make about Christ's teachings are as verifiable as the word of L Ron Hubbard. Remember when Christianity first came into being the Romans regarded it as a funny cult - they had an established religious system already. I do not care what belief system anyone ascribes to, just as long as they do not claim to know the mind of God, a god, any god. No one knows anything. Except perhaps the set of ethics they choose to live by. Which is cool. Mostly. Like Fredescu, I find organised religion mainly 1984, with its head up its own arse failing to practise anything it preaches. Maybe Fred doesn't find that last bit...

By R.C. on Tuesday, February 3, 1998 - 03:16 pm:
    Here's the deal -- this/for me/is a serious topic & not something I talk about just to kill time. So if you/or anyone else/wants to discuss MY religious beliefs/you may E-mail me & we can continue this in private. I've bogarted this BBS enuf/y'know?

By Fredescu on Tuesday, February 3, 1998 - 08:51 pm:
    McB -

    Nah, I'm too busy with my head up MY OWN arse, to notice where anybody elses is...

By MacBeath on Wednesday, February 4, 1998 - 07:23 am:
    RC - I would never dream of "killing time" on such a serious topic- merely had some questions regarding your view of God. My apologies if I attempted to drag out something you don't wish to continue in public

By R.C. on Wednesday, February 4, 1998 - 08:48 pm:
    I've been gettin e-mail from strangers telling me I need to stop hogging this BBS. Can't argue with The Surfing Public, right? So/we can continue thru backchannels/if you wish.

By Pink Eye on Thursday, February 5, 1998 - 04:04 am:
    For those who believe: Sorry, there is no God...no proof hence no God. God was created to explain the unkown. Hardcore religion is fading away so fast, so fast. Nothing can stay the same anymore, not even religion. EVOLUTION ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By R.C. on Thursday, February 5, 1998 - 04:26 am:
    You can't prove a star exists -- the light you see from it is the remnant of something that burned out eons ago. Yet you beileve in stars/ don't you, Conjunctivitis? Don't come here spouting that simplistic bullshit. We believe in lots of things we cannnot 'prove'. And the water you brush yr teeth with each morning has the same chemical formula that water has had since the first raindrop fell on Earth. Some things don't change. We simply manage to 'discover' them/ at long last.

By Fredescu on Thursday, February 5, 1998 - 05:19 pm:
    Unless your water is flouridated in which case it will settle in the brain because the body can't get rid of it, and will have the affect of a lower possible IQ, and greater submission to authority. They fed flouride to prisoners in POW camps to keep them calm. There were much less attempts at escape, but more cases of mental instability (if you can picture a calm psychopath). When they discovered that the affect was cumulative, and that the body could not get rid of this chemical, they stopped the dosage. I forget what part of the brain this particular "itis" was attatched to, but I was never very good at physiology (well, the closest I've come was high school biology, but I wasn't very good at that (well OKAY!, I was but we didn't study the brain.)), so I don't remember whart the disease was called.

    Colgate in the UK had an out of court settlement of a few thousand pounds when they were confronted by a case where the flouride in their toothpaste actually DAMAGED the teeth. SOmethingflourosis it was called.

    This may be slightly off topic though...

By Fredescu on Thursday, February 5, 1998 - 05:21 pm:
    Pink Eye -

    If you don't believe in God, you don't know what God is.

By Captain Video on Thursday, February 5, 1998 - 11:39 pm:
    Dear Jared,
    I can understand you rejecting the notion of an authoritarian, wrathful, vengeful, patriarchal God but I think if you deny the existance of the spiritual side of life I think you are definitely limiting your scope to a very small part of the whole picture. Try to keep open to different concepts of metaphysical ideas, in other words. . keep an open mind. Don't swallow 'hook line and sinker', established beliefs based on fear, but I think you will find it natural to at least acknowledge the hidden transcendent personal awareness which permeates all Life. You cannot see the wind, you can't see electricity and you can't see Love but you Know they're there. Friendly advice is to try to keep an open mind toward a Greater Good.

By MacBeath on Friday, February 6, 1998 - 11:49 am:
    Pink eye - I believe that evolution does indeed rock, and that all things including belief systems change over time (in fact what is time but the measurement of change - if there is no change is there any time?) but the whole idea of Gods as a way to explain the universe and its strange workings is based on the idea of there being no proof of the way things work, therefore it must be something unseen and mystical. Likewise I must also disagree with Fredescu on a similar vein - how can you claim to know what God is, even if you believe in it? There is no proof of God's existence, so Faith is a central tenet of most religions, therefore how can you be so certain of what God actually is? Or does knowing simply come down to beleiving enough?

By Alienprobe on Friday, March 6, 1998 - 08:54 pm:
    I happen to know that the god of payphones is named Boognish. But that is another story. Today I want to talk about the CIA and its mind control rays. Although we have documented a decrease in the use of these mind control rays lately, we do not attribute this to people taking our advice to wear hats or skullcaps made of aluminum foil. Like little yarmulkes or beanies that priests wear. Which brings me to my next point. The CIA and its attempts at world denomination was foretold in the Book of Revelation, and also in the Talmud and Holy Koran (the streets will flow with the blood of the nonbelievers). This is why all three great religions make you wear funny hats. Anyway, our theory is that the decrease in the CIA's use of its mind control ray technology is due to the increase in the use of preprogrammed implantable chips. They use the mind control rays to get you in the door and then they implant the chip, and poof, no more need for mind control rays anymore. It's like a bait and switch at a used car dealership. But I have figured out how to defeat them, much like going to CarMaxx. But the details are for another day.

By Venatrix Mirjen on Thursday, March 19, 1998 - 07:08 pm:
    Ah...a humorous interlude. I applaud that. Humanity applauds that.

    so...topic is 'god is a myth', is it? Hm. Which one? Lots of gods out there. Jove, Jehovah, J. R. "Bob" Dobbs...it's all mythology. All written by human (or alien) hands. If written by aliens, I firmly believe that the purpose is to make us all more managable when the aliens come to take over the planet.

    and the proof argument...really, if you get enough good philosophers together, they can't prove a thing. or disprove. only one thing can be proven, in my mind. Oneself. i can't prove that this is going to be met by critisism from Xians, but I expect it to happen. Past experiences that I remember tell me that. But if I didn't remember, I don't think I'd be as hesitant. So if i've got to beleive in one thing, one thing at all, it's going to be me.

By Slacker on Thursday, March 19, 1998 - 09:40 pm:
    i want to know one thing. in the bible, where is the part about the dinosaurs.
    and circus folk?

By Whacker on Friday, March 20, 1998 - 12:19 am:
    that's two things, but ok

By Slacker on Friday, March 20, 1998 - 12:33 am:
    i realize it's two things but i only want to know one of them.

By J. Falwell on Friday, March 20, 1998 - 06:57 pm:
    Dinosaurs = Old testament

    Circus Folk = New testament

By The committee on Friday, March 20, 1998 - 08:18 pm:
    Ahh, Ms. Mirjen? Bad news, I'm afraid. We couldn't prove your existence, so you've been eliminated. These things happen. You should have believed in something more substantial.

By Venatrix Mirjen on Friday, March 20, 1998 - 08:34 pm:
    Ah...but the committee must believe that i exist in order to beleive that they have had me eliminated.

By The chairman on Friday, March 20, 1998 - 08:47 pm:
    I'm sorry, did someone say something?

By J. Falwell on Friday, March 20, 1998 - 11:52 pm:

    Invisible Robot Space Monkeys = Book of Mormon

By Slacker on Saturday, March 21, 1998 - 01:11 am:
    thankyou for clarifying this for me mr falwell.

By Lynn on Sunday, April 12, 1998 - 07:49 pm:
    May i join in on this lengthy conversation?? Thank you.
    We are all in this together, the whole human race and everything. Jared, i'm sorry i don't know you and so I don't have your point of view to confer with on this subject. however, You must have said the hell with the whole human race. I beleive in the human race, and the human spirit.
    Did you just give up? You sounded mad at the whole damn world, jared. was the world unkind? I'm sorry, that's the way the world works. Now, who knows, we may destroy ourselves in the end, but just think about how far the human race has come. Did we get there by giving up?
    You may think I'm full of shit but i don't really give a damn. I hate it when people are apathetic and antisocial and all that.
    and if this really doesn't make a lot of sense to all of you i'm sorry, i don't flaunt my vocabulary skills a lot and write pages and pages of nonsense that, by the way, I got bored with so I skipped over it. bye.

By R.C. on Sunday, April 12, 1998 - 08:18 pm:
    ...what the hell was THAT about?

    So Lynn, you blow off Jared for being "apathetic & antisocial" while saying in the same breath that unkindness is "just the way the world works"...? Jared started this BBS becuz he wanted to say something abt not believing in God/becuz he sees no proof of God's existence or love. He never claimed to have given up on the entire human race. He wasn't particularly 'antisocial' -- just ambivalent or uncertain. But the kid certainly opened up an interesting premise.

    Care to address the issue at hand, Lynn? Or does that bore you too much?

By Boognish Mighty God of Payphones on Tuesday, April 14, 1998 - 01:36 pm:
    Myth?! Motherfuckers, I'm going to come through the phone lines and smack you blasphemous asses upside down yo haids!. Hombwas better recognize! Chomsayen?

By Venatrix Mirjen on Sunday, April 19, 1998 - 07:07 pm:
    Jared never sounded angry to me...Lynn, I sense defensiveness from you, in fact.

    Just because one is an atheist, a vehement one in my case, or questioning, because one is dark or brooding, doesn't mean we've given up on 'the whole human race'. Parts of it perhaps. Watching people kill themselves slowly makes me furious; human stupidity drives me insane.
    Personally, the line 'you may think...but i don't give a damn' is a bit ironic of you, hypocritical perhaps. because isn't that apathy? (apathy is good in some instances, you know.)
    being antisocial is bad? some of the best geniuses of the world are/were antisocial. social people say that - social people who are generally insecure.
    your whole argument about Jared seems somewhat trite. vapid, at that. some people...<sigh>

By Captain Video on Tuesday, May 26, 1998 - 11:56 am:
    Dear LYNN,
    Thank you for your compassionate attempt to reach Mr. Jared. I tried to tell him the same thing but in different words. I'm glad that there's at least one person on this Net that doesn't think that Spirituality is a big joke or something out of a Star Trek Movie. They are the other extremes of the red-neck bible-thumping fundamentalists who try to use fear to get people to accept their dogmatic interpretation of the scriptures. I identify with being a Pagan which is Earth/Nature based metaphysical spirituality. I just think it is a more natural way to get in tuned with ones normal loving self and the natural beauty of the environment.
    I have no animosity toward Christianity or any other religion. I just don't like when they say that their path is the only true path. I just happen to prefer Western Paganism as a good pagan takes positive ideas from any philosophy, even if it happened to be from Christianity. I appreciated reading your reply. Clinton Lee, New Orleans, Louisiana. There may be other good ones but you're the first one who doesn't seem to think that spirituality is a big joke. Now I will see if there are some other caring individuals.

By Holden on Tuesday, May 26, 1998 - 02:43 pm:
    Is this more of that 'be different to fit in' stuff? Posing as an atheist in order to be cool betrays a spectacular lack of self confidence, even by the meager standards of the wise commentators who hold court here.

    For those holding their breath for Proof, let in out already! This isn't like molecular genetics, where the Truth is out There but not yet fully discovered.

    Belief in God is purely a matter of faith.

    For my part, I believe.

By Venatrix Mirjen on Saturday, May 30, 1998 - 10:57 pm:
    'Different to fit in'?
    'posing...to be cool'?
    Where I live the people still think like it's the 1620s - if I wanted to fit in, I wouldn't do this. It's also not reactionary for the sake of reaction.
    I work magic, but I don't believe in a god/gods because I know that I'm working things, that the Universe has potential we're not tapping into. Maybe that is (a) G/god/dess. I just don't think it needs to be worshipped - I'd like to divert my time and energy elsewhere, not in worship, because worship isn't natural.

By Nate on Sunday, May 31, 1998 - 02:04 pm:
    "I work magic, but I don't believe in a god/gods because..."

    I find this to be a very odd statement. In the past you've stated you are an atheist, that is, the absolute nonbelief in the possiblity of a deity. Above you seem to hint you believe in the possibility, but not in the idea of worship.

    Perhaps it is all a matter of semantics.

    I feel that worship is an expression of devotion to an energy. "Working magic" is much the same, in many ways.

    I have trouble expressing these things in public forums. If you are interested, drop me a line. nate@sorabji.com

By Brett on Sunday, October 4, 1998 - 01:51 am:

    Hey, I realize that this is not going to be read at all, but I feel that I should state what I have faith that the truth is.
    I feel that we don't have the authority to say that we are right by our own logic, because our logic will fail us.
    Therefore, it doesn't matter if you believe that the Bible is the word of God or not, because if it is, then what you believe doesn't really matter whether it is true or not.
    So, that being said, I often wonder why this is the most visited place on this site. People who claim that they don't believe in the Bible and Jesus Christ are the most vivid of talkers on this site.
    Therefore, I submit to you that the Bible says that very few will make it to heaven, unless they believe on the name of Jesus Christ, and the death that he suffered for you. And, whether you believe it or not, you will stand at judgement some day, and fortunately, your blood will not be on my hands. But, this letter will ring out for eternity in your mind.
    But, before you judge me, as if you haven't already, let me tell you that if there is a Satan, then wouldn't he have you in the position that you are in right now, if he wanted you to spend forever in hell?
    If you trust your logic now, then you will die. You will have nothing. If there is a God, then if you don't believe in him, then why should he believe in you?

By PetRock on Sunday, October 4, 1998 - 11:38 am:

    Because God would have love and compassion even for the non-believers, you dumb fuck.

By Antigone on Sunday, October 4, 1998 - 11:27 pm:

By Antigone on Sunday, October 4, 1998 - 11:46 pm:

    But, seriously...

    Logic isn't the end all-be all, despite what some of it's practitioners may claim. It's a 100% probable that there are things in the universe that we cannot comprehend using our current mode of thought and all true followers of logic know that.

    However, if you're a true follower of god (foreign or domestic) then you must think that your belief encompases everything. If you doubt, you're not a true follower. (Unless you eventually see the error of your ways.)

    Brett sayeth, "Therefore, it doesn't matter if you believe that the Bible is the word of God or
    not, because if it is, then what you believe doesn't really matter whether it is true or not."

    Why do you say "if it is"? That must mean you're open to the possibility that it isn't. You must not be a true believer.

    Brett sayeth, "I submit to you that the Bible says that very few will make it to heaven..."

    Yeah. It's a shame that you won't be one of them. Only 144,000. How could you be so arrogant to think you're one of the chosen few? Seeing that you're such a doubter of the bible and all.

    Brett sayeth, "And, whether you believe it or not, you will stand at judgement some day, and fortunately, your blood will not be on my hands."

    Yes, and you will be judged too, and you will be found WANTING in the eyes of GOD because of your doubt. But, here's the kicker. Because you've just decided, of your own free will, that you're not your brother's keeper, you're far worse than any of us non-believers could ever be. You've left us out in the cold. You've forsaken us when you could have done everything in your power to bring us into the light. You've failed us and your GOD.

    And you say we'll rot in hell forever. God may love the righteous, but he despises the self righteous. I'll save a seat for you in the barbeque.

By Antigone on Sunday, October 4, 1998 - 11:52 pm:

    Naw, wait a sec, it looks like this is the most active board on the site. I love it!

By Ha Ha on Monday, October 5, 1998 - 10:40 am:

    I don't believe there is a Jared. what has he ever done for me to prove his ever-lasting love for me?

By PetRock on Monday, October 5, 1998 - 07:29 pm:

    "God may love the righteous, but he despises the self righteous."

    I couldn't have put it better myself, Antigone.

    I knew someone like that from work -- my old supervisor in fact. Used to be a big time party girl but then "found jesus" and all of a sudden, she was better than the rest of us, better than those of us who were not yet saved.

    I used to enjoy the idea that when she got to heaven (IF she got to heaven and not that I believe in heaven anyway) God would kick her out on her self righteous ass for completely getting the whole concept wrong.

    An example: I was doing the MS Walkathon and asked her if she wanted to sponsor me. I had to SHOW her the pamphlet because she wanted to know what disease I was walking for. God forbid it would be the AIDS Walk. No no, she couldn't, wouldn't have any part of THAT! Those people deserve what they get, didn't I know that?

    She also believed in a strict interpretation of the bible, as in - the earth is only 6 thousand years old or whatever. I asked her how she accounted for dinosaur fossils. Were they hoaxes? Oh no, she replied. They mention dinosaurs in the bible! They do? Where? Oh yeah, that part in the Old Testament where Moses gets eaten by the T-Rex after he comes down from the Mount....


By Guy on Thursday, December 31, 1998 - 07:06 pm:

    please learn to spell

    'existence' see first two messages at top of page

By Gui on Friday, January 1, 1999 - 12:52 pm:

    if poor spelling bothers you, you're not long for these boards
    or is that "boreds"?

By Omnivore on Monday, April 5, 1999 - 09:53 pm:

    Back to the question: when defining Heaven or Hell, make sure this definition is not limited to something experienced only in the afterlife. We as human beings can live right now in Heaven, or in Hell. These are not just destinations, they are journeys.

    Every single person has held conversations with himself, standing at the proverbial crossroads. Listen, really listen to what is being said inside of you. Very quietly, God is speaking to you. You usually can't hear him, "the world is too much with us." He is telling you what you should do. This is why prayer is so important. I admit I don't practice near as much as I should, and my state of belief is in definite flux. But I know one thing: when I take the time to listen, he speaks to me, making suggestions, affirming his love for me, showing me the path he wants me to take. You can believe this is just your consiousness, and probably many of you do. Prayer, or meditate. Consider your existance, and how you fit into the scheme of the universe. Is there really a power greater than ourselves?

    And what happens when you don't listen to that voice in your head, and do otherwise? You walk down the wrong path, and could be perpetuating your own personal Hell. Nobody alive today can answer that still small voice 100% of the time, but it will show you a better way to live.

    I believe there are several paths to God and Heaven, but ultimately there is only one destination. Find your own path. You can share in the descriptions of other people's journey, but only one person is walking in your shoes.

By Antigone on Tuesday, April 6, 1999 - 01:20 am:

    "God is dead." - Nietzsche
    "This thread is dead." - Antigone

By Omnivore on Saturday, April 10, 1999 - 11:27 pm:

    Nietzsche was insane.

    Beware where you find your truths.

    And this thread will never die.

By Antigone on Monday, April 12, 1999 - 11:07 pm:

    Better watch who you call insane, mister "I listen to the voices in my head for guidance." I think this is a case of the pot calling the kettle existentialist...

By Edgy Girl on Monday, April 19, 1999 - 01:56 pm:

    MY!!!!! So many people expressing their views regarding God & Hell ( beg pardon, Heaven...). So many cats living inside of the same sack for a while without killing each other. That must be Heaven; thanks God. Edgy Girl

By Kade on Friday, September 21, 2001 - 02:49 am:


By wisper on Monday, September 24, 2001 - 04:59 pm:


By The Watcher on Monday, September 24, 2001 - 05:31 pm:

    Good Bye!!!

    I'm in a bad mood.

By Antigone on Monday, September 24, 2001 - 06:42 pm:

    "You say goodbye, I say hello" - The Beatles

By moonit on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 05:07 am:

    hullo hulllo.

By Ophelia on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 - 04:59 pm:

    i dont know why you say goodbye i say hello

By Vilnius viper on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 06:32 pm:

    god is not dead .he now plays the slots in vegas.

By Rebelhunni515 on Tuesday, October 21, 2003 - 10:59 pm:

    how can you not believe in GOD? satan is not an atheist

By Lapis on Wednesday, October 22, 2003 - 01:19 am:

    More gremlins.

    I don't belive in god but I believe in gremlins.

By V.v. on Wednesday, October 22, 2003 - 01:22 am:

    Nor i,but for me God is every atom of the universe,you and i are the solidified remains of a solar flair thrown out from a star,as such i regard myself as being in tune with all matter and all energy,as that is what i consist of.God can not be a separate entity.

By dave. on Wednesday, October 22, 2003 - 03:25 am:

    it's history all up in your shit for a minute.


By Lapis on Wednesday, October 22, 2003 - 03:31 am:

    In tune with all matter and all energy, really?

    Do you go with A=440 or the baroque standard?

    So, you're god and I'm god, that means we're the same right?

By semillama on Wednesday, October 22, 2003 - 09:50 am:


    And I think that at least "Cardinal Blindswine'" sounds fine.

By V.v. on Wednesday, October 22, 2003 - 11:49 am:

    Lapis,we are different aspects of the same substance.(stick that in your pipe and smoke it)

By semillama on Wednesday, October 22, 2003 - 02:25 pm:

    In Spanish, "lapiz" means "pencil"

By V.v. on Wednesday, October 22, 2003 - 03:25 pm:

    And a "pencil"can be blunt at times.

By V.v. on Wednesday, October 22, 2003 - 03:28 pm:


By spunky on Thursday, October 23, 2003 - 11:54 am:

By agatha on Thursday, October 23, 2003 - 01:31 pm:

    I miss all those posters of yorn.

By dave. on Thursday, October 23, 2003 - 02:08 pm:

    yorn isn't a real word.

By V.v. on Thursday, October 23, 2003 - 02:25 pm:

    Yore,(in the past)

By semillama on Thursday, October 23, 2003 - 05:22 pm:

    aii!! I'M A GREMLIN!!!!!

By V.v. on Thursday, October 23, 2003 - 08:07 pm:

    So you ARE a Scorpio!

By semillama on Thursday, October 23, 2003 - 08:12 pm:

    no, I'm a taurus, actually.

By V.v. on Thursday, October 23, 2003 - 08:54 pm:

    Thats excellent,im Aquarius,and an avid hater of (most)Scorpios.

By spunky on Thursday, October 23, 2003 - 09:46 pm:


By V.v. on Thursday, October 23, 2003 - 10:13 pm:

    Also good, but tend to have a leviathan libido.

By eri on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 11:18 am:

    I am on the Aries/Taurus cusp, but the truth is I am so much more of an Aries it isn't even funny. I am a total fire sign.

    No comment on Spunky's libido. :p

By V.v. on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 11:47 am:

    Aries:tend to get fed up being used as consultants for other peoples problems.Born leaders and War Lords,but with good intentions.

By Nate on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 12:40 pm:

    i don't get fed up being used as a consultant for other people's problems.

    i'm on the pices cusp, though.

By Spider on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 12:43 pm:

    Why is this thread so jive?

    I'm a Gemini.

By heather on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 12:54 pm:

    i am such a pisces it's silly

By V.v. on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 01:12 pm:

    Pisces?ultra cute and sexy,loves partys,allthough male Pisces tend to be gay actors.

By spunky on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 01:15 pm:

    eri, what's Kebron's bday?

By Spider on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 01:15 pm:

    I am bored, so I took this test, and it said I was most Scorpio-like. But I am so not. They're all firey and shit....I don't have the energy.

    "Their [sic] is a side to Geminians [sic] which can become deeply involved emotionally, and another, hostile to sentimentality, which stands back from a romantic situation, laughing at it and the protagonists in it, including themselves while analyzing it intellectually."

    Now that's me.

By V.v. on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 01:17 pm:

    Strange that Nate is on the Pisces cusp.

By Spider on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 01:18 pm:

    V.v., tell me about Geminis.

By V.v. on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 01:24 pm:

    Gemini,the heart and soul of wild partys.

By V.v. on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 01:27 pm:

    I cant say enough good things about Gemini,my own Father was one.

By semillama on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 01:42 pm:

    so, v.v, you are saying the half of all Pisces tend to be gay actors. if we assume an equal distribution of birthdates, then that would mean 1/24th of humanity are homosexual thespians.

By V.v. on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 01:52 pm:

    Yes,but in some countrys more than others.

By Nate on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 02:12 pm:

    is it safe to assume an equal distribution of birthdates?

By V.v. on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 02:21 pm:

    I dont think so,depends on what time of the year people have the most sex,any suggestions?

By TBone on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 02:40 pm:

    I'm a gemini. Wild parties? What?

By semillama on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 03:38 pm:

    well, without the data at hand, it's hard to say, but i think that with 6 billion people on the planet, it's not TOO inaccurate.

    My brother is an Ophiucus. I'm so jealous.

By V.v. on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 03:57 pm:


By V.v. on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 04:05 pm:

    Sounds like something a Pisces thespian actor would say.

By V.v. on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 04:14 pm:

    And its something of an obscuration,yet in its way,Machiavellian.

By Lapis on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 04:28 pm:

    Aquarius, Capricorn cusp.

    I ususally read my horoscope the day after (when I actually get to read it)

By semillama on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 04:45 pm:

By V.v. on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 05:03 pm:

    Aquarius,Capricorn cusp,tall with a well deserved air of superiority,the most creative of all star signs,regards most people as intellectual dwarfs.Mostly cares for the human race but is capable of disemboweling foes...and frighteningly similar to my self.

By wisper on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 06:34 pm:

    oh semillama, always with your infernal "sense" and "logic".

    my sister has a zodiac tattoo. I'm so ashamed.

By semillama on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 06:48 pm:

    I just find it pretty amusing, is all. It's a fun parlour game but that's about it. The people around you in your life have a far more measurable and real affect then a bunch of arbitrary connect-the-dots in the sky.

By dave. on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 07:17 pm:

    it always seemed to me that, if there were going to be any significance to the positions of the planets and a person's character, the defining moment would be conception, not birth. maybe cutting the umbilical cord somehow releases cosmic energy shaped by the relative positions of the planets into the mind of the infant. it seems somewhat less wacked out that a planetary map gets imprinted onto the zygote and is then indelibly duplicated as the cells divide. i guess either way, the idea of the planets (and asteroids and moons depending on how much detail is desired) forces and energies resonating with our own little celestial snapshots in any measurable way requires the ever popular, but elusive to me, leap of faith.

    chicks seem to dig it and that's what matters the most.

By TBone on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 07:43 pm:

    I once saw a documentary on palm reading and astrology and similar things. They interviewed a former palm reader who really honestly believed the stuff he was getting from people's hands.
    Until one day (years before the interview) a sceptical friend of his proposed an experiment: tell the people exactly the opposite of what he saw in their hands, and see what they thought. He tried it, and as usual, they were dumbstruck by his accuracy.
    In the same documentary, a guy handed a bunch of college students folded pieces of paper with their names on them. After they read them, he asked for a show of hands that thought they were "very accurate" and got about 3/4 of the room. All but a couple people thought it was at least "fairly accurate".
    They were all the same.
    Compare your daily horoscope from two or three different places for the same day. They're often contradictory if they make any declarative statements at all. Otherwise they're just generic good advice.
    That said, I once poked through a huge book that had stuff for every day of the year and cross references describing the kinds of relationships people are likely to have based on the day they were born. Actually, I think the cross references were by week, not day. But anyway...
    I was all kinds of impressed. And they weren't all completely generic and vague. There were some that said things like "you will clash with this person."
    It had marriage suggestions for different weeks and things like that.

By Antigone on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 09:31 pm:

    Everything you say, TBone, is quite valid and

    Just realize that it has absolutely no bearing on the
    validity of palm reading, astrology, or fortune telling. All
    of your points pertain to the way people consume and
    judge those arts, not the arts themselves.

    I'm not saying that palm reading, astrology, or fortune
    telling are valid, just that your observations (from the
    documentary) don't address their validity.

By Stan on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 10:02 pm:

By dave. on Friday, October 24, 2003 - 10:54 pm:

    my interest with astrology, which is way less now (like approaching nil) than it was 15 years ago, is mostly based on the truly complex "science" underlying the system and how, mixing psychological, astronomical, and mythological disciplines can actually foster as viable a lifestyle as any other belief system, especially when you understand that the forces behind the system are predictable and constantly changing minute by minute, hour by hour. it's this dynamic approach that makes it more intriguing to me than a lifestyle ruled by static doctrine. it's truly more than just horoscopes and stereotypes.

    it's also pure, fucking insanity.

    i'm an aries.

By TBone on Saturday, October 25, 2003 - 01:52 am:

    True, VV. But if we can't tell the difference between real astrology and complete hogwash, then what purpose does it serve?

By V.v. on Saturday, October 25, 2003 - 05:00 am:

    It shows Scorpios are to be avoided.

By V.v. on Saturday, October 25, 2003 - 05:04 am:

    Aries:hard working,honest,and allways looking for the next lay.

By Nate on Saturday, October 25, 2003 - 06:54 am:

    i'm neither hard working nor honest.

By Lapis on Saturday, October 25, 2003 - 04:20 pm:

    The way I've seen it, from reading those horrible astrology books, you really need to go so much deeper than just the standard "sun" sign for it to be very accurate. Astrology goes into the positions of all the planets when you're born, plus three more calculations (ascendant, midheaven and uh....... ) to be truly accurate, you must also figure out the exact location.

    In this oversimplified manner, astrology is a parlor game. Another thing to point out is that the accuracy of the "prediction" is measured by the person it is about, when most people are biased about seeing themselves. Generally all negativities are avoided because nobody wants bad news.

By V.v. on Saturday, October 25, 2003 - 08:02 pm:

    Lapis,dont care what you say,in astrology,your closer to me than my sister.Her sign is Cancer,cool,but never as cool as Aquarius (capricorn cusp)

By eri on Saturday, October 25, 2003 - 08:45 pm:

    "Aries:tend to get fed up being used as consultants for other peoples problems.Born leaders and War Lords,but with good intentions."

    "Aries:hard working,honest,and allways looking for the next lay."

    Well, I would say that is all true, except for the whole looking for the next lay thing. I already have more than I can handle. It's what I get for marrying a Saggitarius :p

    And to answer your question honey, Kebron's birthday is Dec. 12th. Same year as you. So you are both Saggitarius.

By V.v. on Sunday, October 26, 2003 - 01:50 am:

    Kebron?a sex machine?how does he get the time to post?but he is absent a lot of the time!

By eri on Sunday, October 26, 2003 - 12:20 pm:

    So Sag's are sex machines? Boy does that explain a LOT.

By heather on Sunday, October 26, 2003 - 01:44 pm:

    sun in pisces

    moon in virgo

    leo ascendant

By agatha on Sunday, October 26, 2003 - 02:27 pm:

    I'm a sagittarius, too. Me and Spunky (?)!

By Lapis on Sunday, October 26, 2003 - 02:35 pm:

    Sun in Aquarius,
    Moon in Aquarius,
    Cancer ascendant.

    I typed some stuff into web site once and they compiled my chart, it's almost completely air and water with an Aries midheaven (I think).

By V.v. on Sunday, October 26, 2003 - 04:54 pm:

    Heather,with your three signs the ideal job for you is Shakespearian Actress.Romeo and Juliet perhaps.

By V.v. on Sunday, October 26, 2003 - 05:16 pm:

    Lapis,with such a strong Aquarian influence and the ability to make your ideas work (Cancer ascendant)you do well in the arts or media.

By spunky on Sunday, October 26, 2003 - 06:37 pm:

    "I'm a sagittarius, too. Me and Spunky (?)!"

    And Kebron

By V.v. on Sunday, October 26, 2003 - 08:04 pm:


By semillama on Monday, October 27, 2003 - 10:24 am:

    Actually, Kebron's an Ophiucus.

By V.v. on Monday, October 27, 2003 - 07:40 pm:

    Well he would be,being Kebron.

By Kebron on Wednesday, October 29, 2003 - 01:39 pm:

    Sex machine huh well I wish women would tell me that. What is Ophiucus?


By Nate on Wednesday, October 29, 2003 - 02:21 pm:

    no you are.