a hundred acres with a tree lined drive. Magnolia trees and other aromatics. Abundant wildlife in harmony. Birds, deer, coons,etc. a pleasant cool spring breeze and a blue sky. a stream of crystal white water pure and cold. family in harmony and someone to really love. a spirtual existence with awe and wonder.
I didn't mention beer simply because it is not the only form of alcoholic beverages I see in heaven. I see all free booze in all forms. Sorry I left that out. Also in heaven I would never have to shave my legs or any other body part again, and my hair would always look perfect, and I would never get a pimple. I would always have a perfect tan, and my clothes would actually fit right. I would never look any older than 19. My house would be perfect and never have any repairs necessary. I could wiggle my nose and my house would be perfectly clean and organized. So I could spend all of my time partying with my loved ones.