By Pat on Tuesday, July 14, 1998 - 04:19 pm: |
Ballarat Ghost Town, located in Pinamint Valley, CA somewhere in the Mojave Desert. It has links to its cemetery, town map, history, location, and a panorama, among other things. |
Some of it is set near Ballarat. Funny that I come here to pick a random thread to post this in, and there's already a thread for Ballarat. |
Today, I was hoping for the cloud to break off, so I can enjoy the sunshine today. |
I presented a poster at a regional library conference two weeks ago, and it was really well-received. A coworker emailed me after the conference and said: [Library director] said you made him proud and that you should be doing something big time very soon! Wow. He thinks you are a gem. He went on to say, “No Govt Docs in your future…..”Which is pretty nice. There's a bigger conference in the fall at which I might re-present my poster, if I can figure out how to apply for it. I'm also going to start looking for a new job in the fall, since Government Documents really is not a good fit for me. Right now I'm on a post-apocalyptic fiction kick and using the threat of nuclear war with Korea as an excuse to write a library guide (compilation of resources -- in this case, government resources) on what to do in the event of a nuclear disaster, so that's how I keep busy when the department is dead (it's always dead). I've started playing the piano again. My university has a large music department and a large music library, so I browsed the huge piano sheet music collection and picked out some piano music at random. Haydn's piano sonatas are much more engaging and delightful than I had anticipated. I play them maybe 5x as slow as they should be played, and watching Youtube videos of the masters playing them puts me to shame, but only briefly because even playing them slowly can't diminish their charm. No. 39 in D major is my favorite so far. How are you? |
physically playing music, is an act of hope and a nod to life. sounds corny, and in no way original or profound, but lately i found it's true. |
Also bought some fountain pens and penmanship books because dear God is my handwriting atrocious. Hand-writing nothing but the occasional shopping list will do that. |
I am mrelieved when I can test and bought a new geiger counter last February 2012. So this spring i ordered bees, hives, and and continue testing ambiant air. Last spring the pollen was highly radioactive in St Louis and the rainwater too, although the 8 day dilution of iodine went away in the pool ( pool cover over the winter) but replaced no doubt with cesium and plutonium and other things I cannot test individually for. I stopped eating anything sourced from california, and watch my intake of sushi. I have almost -- this winter --finished a novella I didn't know I was writing, cut back on my travel and teaching, and have limited the latter to teaching meditation and some spirituality, in Wisconsin,, Delaware, Pa last year, and again in Wi and VT this spring. Taking more time for writing. Practice is going well, very busy in fact, so the bills are getting paid and I am saving a little. For what i am not sure. I want to build a greenhouse, add a front porch, and plumb a cistern (bought several years ago, 1500 gallons,never installed) for rainwater collection. Next would be some wind power and I will be off grid, but not this year. Reading tons of books about bees and bee keeping, building related things hive stands, feeder, etc. And lurking about the boards here, and arguing with friends in the oil industry on FB... |
you more than radiation would? My grandfather lived to the ripe old age of 97 after working at Oak Ridge national lab where he often handled plutonium and other radioactive elements. (He was a nuclear chemist.) |
You sound like the government of Japan (and England): Keep calm and carry on. Background radiation and radaition in the food chain are not things within my control. But we can hold the criminals destroying the planet accountable. |
The planet? Not likely. |
Tig, if you want to live on a cold rock without potable water, just keep keeping on. The criminals are those in the corporate governing board rooms, the capitalist pigs of multinationals whose only motive is profit, and the corrupt and indecent media which was intended to police it all, which has, if you haven'y noticed, sold out to a few corporate monopolies. get a life doc, get a life. as we used to say, fuck you you ass. (that by the way was not meant for doc.) I have a right to disagree with the main stream bullshit, and so do you, if you can get your head out of your ass. Hear hear chilrun. Hope you are having a great day. |
power advocate. :) |
.... NPP and all that is attached to them are the ideal control for population and the sick thing is that the PTB are killing themselves and their children. No informed person can advocate for a technology that cannot endure its own lethal waste products. Be thankful you're not on the coast. Coming to a (broken or disabled monitoring station) near you soon. | read thru the posts and you'll get a comment about the current head of the NRC who is a silent but deadly crook who was head of the monitoring system which weas conveniently shut down after Fukushima. I am with the guy who who bets ten on the provocation of nuclear incident with North Korea so we have someone to blame for the increaased radiation, with the result of destabilizing China ruining a couple of west coast urban areas for millions of years, and depopulating an over developed 7 billion. Makes sense to me. |
what someone living in Denver gets on a regular basis. Is everyone in Denver dying of cancer? (Hint: NO) |
137Cs was decreasing for the duration of the study. A direct quote: "We noticed that a considerable decrease in surface 137Cs levels took place be- tween the measurements, which were carried out earlier and during the KOK’2011 5 cruise." The readings were taken in the sea area immediately around Fukushima, and of course the released 137Cs would then be further diluted in the ENTIRE OCEAN. And the study itself says, a few paragraphs later, that eventually the radiation level will be indistinguishable from background. |
B.T.W. Now,I know who Danielssss' real name :-P Dude, quit doing IP lookups on all of us. It's creepy. |
indistinguishable from background means that the background will reframed upward until it matches that of the critical and lethal levels. 137cs is certainly a product of recent melts b/c it decays rather rapidly. Hint: MANY many people in Denver have increased rates of various cancers. As a MFLC I work with many deployed families and returning military, sick with radiation, beginning with Kosovo (before someone's time) and not ending with the military efforts at cpontrolling post fuku Japan. Ask them where they got sick? Their military health records will be conveniently lost. I know this from experience. Get your head out of your ass and smell the roses while you can, for time she be a flying. My name is all over the internet doc, so that's no surprise. And you know what, it's my real name. |
"chemistry." Radioactive elements don't magically ignore the laws of physics. If Denver residents are dying from cancer at increased rates then show me the numbers. |
| Ten years ago you find lots, for expample the contamination at Whidbey Island Seaplane base (Navy) that suuplied contaminants causing thyroid and other cancers THIRTY YEARS LATER ( in adults, thyroid cancer can take up to 30 years to incubate). In 2011, there was NOTHING that the government left out there in the public domain to even suggest that Whidbey Island was contanimnated, and killed servicemen and families. Every last article and report and blog had been wiped clean from the internet. AND the medical records from military service for these servicemen and women and families were conveniently lost. Pending lawsuits against the military were dropped one by one and the problem simply went away. Except for the now contaminated water table under the island; base housing had been demolished and carted off. What a nice park we have now. It glows in the gaddam dark. Don't get me started Pepper, you know not what you are talking about. And neither does Antigone, though I repect your opionions to differ from mine. I have first hand experience, legal experience, and as an MFLC many stories of others that our government left behind. You want conspiracy? What about the idiotic timing of the FBi planning a bomb drill in the midst of Boston on the day of the marathon, and then of course, having the same agency investigate the horrible bombing that ensued. Wrap your head in the sand around that one. |
There got be a logicial reason base on what's going on with the conspiracy. Don't you dare you label us as a ignorant "young" people not knowing what's going on. I had to keep an eye behind my back. So keep your heads down. |
higher there for NATURAL reasons. They're at a higher elevation, so get more natural ionizing radiation. In possible cases like Whidbey Island, sure I can see localized contamination or accidents involving exposure to nuclear material causing cancers. But it's hardly covered up. Whidbey Island is a superfund site! With your Boston comments you are really taking a flying leap into the deep end. |
undermines your argument, right? "The explanatory variable found to be most closely associated with cancer incidence was an urban factor measured by distance from the Colorado State Capitol located in downtown Denver. Indications of correlations of cancer incidence with proximity to Rocky Flats largely disappeared for both time periods when analyses were stratified by this urban factor. This negative finding was not surprising because persons living in the vicinity of the plant have been shown to have no more plutonium in their tissues than persons living in other areas of Colorado." |
Doc I never call anyone ignorant or young for that matter. Even Einstein said the the trouble with smart fuckers is that they have their heads up their asses. Googgle is in on it. We have lost the free press. Not gonna waste time on this any longer. |
conspiracies always involve someone having god like powers? |
I think this would be an interesting thing to know how to do. |