By Starchy on Monday, August 3, 1998 - 09:55 am: |
Anyone with me on this one? At any rate, mine is The Mouth of the Stream Now it's only fair that some of you post yours... |
By Skottey on Monday, August 3, 1998 - 06:25 pm: | |
By Nate on Tuesday, August 4, 1998 - 01:23 pm: |
hunt anal ox |
By Kelsey on Tuesday, August 4, 1998 - 02:36 pm: |
i've not worked on it for two months because i am moving. there it is, at any rate. |
By Kelsey on Tuesday, August 4, 1998 - 02:37 pm: |
By Nate on Tuesday, August 4, 1998 - 08:56 pm: |
you're welcome. |
By Kelsey on Tuesday, August 4, 1998 - 09:26 pm: |
featuring- stories by nate and blindswine, plus many many more! |
By Carrie Ann on Wednesday, August 5, 1998 - 03:28 pm: |
TITLE: "My Body Is A Temple - Now Get On Your Knees & Pray!" _+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_ It's actually not up right now because I just moved not long ago and there were broken links, info needing to be updated, and I didn't wanna leave it up. So, I will put it back up later, when I have a chance to be settled. Actually, the pages are still there, it's just the index that's not the same right now. (It's just some info on a upcoming BBQ) But... if you still wanna go to some of my pages, you can find them at.... Be sure to check back later though and I'll have everything (new & improved) up and running again. =) Thanks. |
By Carrie Ann on Wednesday, August 5, 1998 - 03:30 pm: | I made the graphics (excl. the big computer one heh) I just made that in about 10 minutes awhile back. My boyfriend works for an Apple reseller (hes a computer technician/system engineer). |
By Carrie Ann on Wednesday, August 5, 1998 - 03:32 pm: | It was for an upcoming concert/get together we had and as always I got to make the page/graphics. It's on my friends site (Otto) which is why his name is there as well. Ok, pretty sure that's all for now. Well I did make another for my mom's friend's home-based business and a couple others for friends, but I'll stop spamming the board now. Heh. =) |
found this on the web today - Q: Are there any tips on how to select an eye color? A: In selecting any color (skin tone, eye or hair color) it is best to use natural lighting. Go outside on a sunny day to select the colors that are closest to the child’s coloring. Specific to selecting an eye color: choose the color that is closest to the child’s eyes. Our eye department actually matches the plastic eye-balls to the eye you have selected on the profile to get the closest possible match. Q: Are there any tips on how to select a hair color? A: Again, go outside. Also, sending a hair sample is highly recommended. This makes the selection of the wigs much easier and more accurate. Q: I can't decide if my child's skin tone is "Porcelain" or "Fair". Can you help me? A: "Porcelain" is a very fair color. If your child's skin is lighter than the average Caucasian's, this may be the skin tone you need. Most Caucasian children best match the "Fair" skin tone. Q: I'm not certain which hair length to choose. A: Many customers find that requesting that the doll have long hair (at least mid-back) can make the doll’s hair more playable for the child. At this length the child can play with and "style" (ex. braid, put into a ponytail) the doll’s hair herself. Some of our customers choose to have their doll made this way even if it means the doll’s hair is longer than the child’s hair. Q: I want to be sure the freckles are done just right. Is there anything I can do on the profile to be sure the artists know just how to paint them? A: Freckles, moles, and birthmarks need to be marked clearly on the profile and, if applicable, on the photos. It would also be helpful if you were to indicate if they should be light or dark. Q: How much should I expect this doll to look like my child? |
resuscitatee.............resucitate....rescusucsutrae...... |
but what I want is one of the monica lewinsky purses for sale on the internet. I want the 100 dollar one. jacquard. christ. this is my very first american sorabji post. I am having trouble readjusting to an american keyboard. I don't have to spell out dollars anymore. there is a dollar sign right here. right here ... somewhere. oh yes, $$$$$. when I last posted in this thread, I was only 99 percent sure that I spelled "resuscitate" right. but today I saw it spelled that way in my airport stephen king book and I was glad. I haven't slept since friday night. I am trying to hold out just a little longer so I can be normal tomorrow. my first meal in the states - taco bell burrito supreme minus the meat. I have been given leave to raid a neighbor's tomato plants while they're on vacation FOR THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS. right on. |
I spell comfterble wrong too, but I have no desire to correct that spelling, since I think MY way of spelling it should be THE way. |
Also, none of these girls had a father in the picture, no father figure was ever ever mentioned. Coincidence? I swear it seems we are on a verge of an epidemic of sorts......exactly what i am not sure......perhaps it's paranoia, but there seems to be underlying psychological ramifications of these case examples, and it seems they are only becoming more the norm. |
I found a small quantity of weed encased in the icey walls of the freezer when I was defrosting for my last move. Needless to say, it made defrosting a whole lot more enjoyable:) I wonder who put it there, Gee? <----kidding, Gee. |
So anyway, we smoke lights, not filters, so we threw them in the glove compartment in case we ran out or whatever sometime later.....last tuesday, we were coming home from Vegas, we smoked a joint, she put the roach in the camel filters pack in the glove compartment...this past monday....we were low on pot, soes i go to the glove box to get this now infamous pack of smokes....roach recovered.....i notice a little folded up piece of paper...i think...hmmmmmmmwhat is this...low and behold it's a little rock of some really strong shit, only enough for two good sized rails.....we got up......and got up and had it out.....nothing major.......but a wonderful lil suprise on our labor (or the lack thereof) day...all though, beaver..I CAN arrange that blow fairy.....if you so desire.... |
No easter bunny, no santa claus?!?!? No blow fairy, just a clepto....there's nothing left to live for. I think I'll go suck the double 12 gauge. |
We have a winner! |
I've come to the conclusion thus that Tinkerbell is indeed, a blow fairy. |