A Place Only Satan Could Love

sorabji.com: Surfwatch: A Place Only Satan Could Love
By Moloch on Tuesday, March 16, 1999 - 11:13 pm:

    ...Satan and everyone else who likes sick, twisted, macabre, soul-black humour.

    Visit www.redmeat.com or else.

By Gee on Wednesday, March 17, 1999 - 04:56 am:

    Or else....what?

    Chicken butt?

By Moloch on Wednesday, March 17, 1999 - 09:38 am:

    No, silly! Or else you'll miss out on the clasp-your-hand-to-your-mouth-in-horror antics!

    Here's an example: Three-panel strip, each panel focusing on one alien-looking guy.

    Guy: The plans are laid, Xerkon. In two solar days we will bring the Earthmen to their knees.

    Guy again: I await your orders.

    Guy's mother: You're going to be awaiting a spanking if you're late for your appointment at the burn clinic again.

    Guy: Aw jeez, Mom.

    You must see it to believe!

By CM on Thursday, March 18, 1999 - 07:43 pm:

    Yes! I know Red Meat! It appears in weekly newspapers all around the country! My favorite:

    Bug-eyed Earl: It's true no man is an island...

    (Blank panel)

    Bug-eyed Earl: ...but if you take a bunch of dead guys and tie 'em together, they sure make a good raft.

By CM on Thursday, March 18, 1999 - 07:47 pm:

    Yes! I know Red Meat! It appears in weekly newspapers around the country. My favorite:

    Ted: Say there, kids...what are you two so intent on over there?

    Kids: I'm teaching Simon how to count to six (Six! Six!)

    Ted: That's good, but why don't you teach him how to count to ten instead?

    Kids: But Dad...a grasshopper's only got six legs that you can pick off for counting.

    Ted: Then you boys hold on and I'll go get the cat. We're going to learn to count to ten, by God.

    Kids: You rule, Dad! (Yaaaaay!)

By CM on Thursday, March 18, 1999 - 07:49 pm:

    *trying to climb under a rock from embarrasment*

    But screw it, it's true! Those are my favorite strips! And yes, I am an imbecile.

By Jon on Friday, March 19, 1999 - 05:13 pm:

    Ha! I know Max Cannon (the creator/artist/twisted fuck behind 'Meat'.) He was my next door neighbor in Tucson for about a year and I got to watch a lot of the seminal strips being created. Nice guy, in a quiet 'How many bodies were in the house?' kind of way. Very dry and funny. My favorite strip-

    pannel 1 (dead clown face, eyes closed.) "My brother and I found a dead clown behind our house one day, which was strange because there wasn't a circus in town or anything."

    pannel 2 (dead clown face, eyes closed.) "...At first we were kind of sad, until we got a couple of ping pong balls, drew little dots on them and put them where his eyes were."

    pannel 3 (dead clown face, eyes wide open)"...And then we laughed and laughed, even though he was dead."

    Max is a genius. Rumourmill says he was recently optioned by MTV...