I am looking to read short fiction by people who don't suck. |
http://www.scarletletters.com sexual shit i recommend the existential shit.......do what i do....jut cut and paste the stories to a word file..look busy and re open the net when your done to retrieve another one..........that comment about something or another up my ass....IT still hurts margret................... |
Haven't you always wondered about the pros and cons of being a eunuch, or whether the old story about Catherine the Great and the horse was true, or why men have nipples? Then go to the link I posted under *ahem* "Boredom Antidote!"! It took me about 2.5 hours to read every question on that list. And there are three lists, plus loose miscellaneous columns = over a day's worth of time-killing. |
Through the Looking Glass http://madhatter.chch.ox.ac.uk/~grossel/chch/alice/lookgls/ I really liked it, very very weird compared to the first book Alice in Wonderland. I also put these links boredom thread but they're comics, hilarious tho if you need a good laugh. If you have a sick humor I suggest http://www.spacemoose.com And if you like Leave it to Beaver with a sadistic twist I suggest: http://www.redmeat.com If you haven't read Waiting for Godot, it's here, and it's the best goddamn play there is: http://home.sprintmail.com/~lifeform/Waiting_for_Godot_Part1.html |
Have read Godot. And quite a bit of Baudelaire and Rimbaud and Genet, lest one of you decide to expand THOSE horizons. And Spider Monkey, my friend, I checked yer stuff before sniveling. I am not lazy, just bored. Sigh. I was thinking more stuff like Craig of my boot's story. I have to pee again. Must stop drinking coffee. |
and of course, my website, soon to be revived, featuring stories by droopy, swine, and our good friend nate. i know i keep saying it will be revived, but it really will soon. |
Next. |
http://www.rotten.com (Scary stuff there...this is only if you need the equivalent of a kick in the head to get you going in the morning) http://www.montyclift.ic24.net/index.htm (Yes, it's non-fiction, and about one of *my* favorite actors, but if you want to read a tortured-artist-misunderstood-loner life story, here's the place!) |
I read Swine's link he gave me, and if you didn't try it you should, because the layout of the page is just fabulous and I'm going to go back there and view code tonight and study it, because I loved it so much. I read Craig's silly little home page all the time. Last updated July 8. Thanks, everyone, for bustin' a move for me. |
Although I'm not much for Budweiser either. |
Buy your comment reminds me of a funny anecdote from high school. I was acquainted with a guy who was about as "alternative" as a high schooler could get in 1984. One afternoon when the local Marine recruiter was holding court in the school cafeteria, Antonio sat himself down and engaged himself in a dialogue with the guy. Finally, after the recruiter believed he had closed the deal and gotten himself some fresh meat for the Corps, Antonio asked "Do you have to be an American to join the Marines? "Yes, of course. Are you not American." "No, I'm Un-American." I think Antonio later went on to work in a record store. |
http://www.virago-net.com/brillo/ http://www.drudgereport.com/ (sigh) My dear Margret in an ongoing effort to appease you, i have found a few more links ......(bow)...... and if you offer any reason as to why you do not find these links of interest......such as.... a) you have read them b) you wrote them c)you will never credit anything i offer you d) you hate me and parallel anything i say to a subsequent result of shoe horning my ass......(sigh)..... .....well then...i will have to lunge this three hole punch to an innocent bystander...namely Joe..my suite mate....and proceed to beat him to a bloody pulp with other various office equipment while mumbling "margret REALLY likes me...margret REALLY likes me...margret REALLY likes me......" |
women should be available for the draft |
I have to admit that I had never been to either of those sites. And a follow-up: it turns out I am squeamish, too. |
I will be continuing my pretentious and self-important survey of the rest fo the offerings throughout the day. Also, just FYI for those of you what give a shit, I umm updated my site again. To build a temple, a temple must first be destroyed. http://www.peakpeak.com/~mebailey/index.html I don't do that tagging shit, I'm not a juvie, so cut and paste it. |
"a shared world anthology of urban fantasy" |
http://www.disobey.com - I love the guy who made this site. I think he's really smart. http://members.aol.com/VMansbridg/transcript.html - makes me laugh, but I love Whose Line. http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/books/youth/classic/ButteredSideDown/toc.html - Seriously. Really interesting! http://www.tongue-zine.com/more/old/11/index.html - they're all interesting to me, but I know this girl so be nice. http://www.uexpress.com/ups/comics/index.html - no comment needed. I'm tired now, and my head hurts, so I'm gonna stop. Have fun. |
http://www.despair.com |
http://www.totalobscurity.com |