*Big ass Hint* |
Seriously, though...if you want something like that, I could do it...it would just delay your mix shipment date a whole lot. |
I'm one of those people who need rules for everything. And when there are no rules, I just make some up so I can say that I'm following the rules. My 5 never-before-articulated rules for making mixes: 1) No two songs by the same band may touch [this is a damned annoying rule, and I wish I had never thought of it, but there it is and I just can't bring myself to break it] Loophole: two songs by two bands that share the same singer may touch, but only under certain circumstances 2) The mix and each side of the tape must have clever titles [Cleverness to be determined by me, subject to whatever state of mind I am in at the time, even when said state is influenced by sleep deprivation, caffeine stimulation, and further unspecified giddiness] 3) Cover and inside liners must be visually appealing 4) If any band has a mildly famous single, it is FORBIDDEN to include said single on the mix [I broke this rule this time. I figured you had never heard either of the two singles on there, and they're really good songs anyway, so...there you go] 5) Songs must follow one another in an aurally /emotionally pleasant fashion [i.e., you can't have a really slow sad song followed by a loud happy song, because it would hurt your heart to change moods so quickly] I would say something here about over-analyzing and self-discipline and effort better spent on writing papers, but I'm too tired. I'll go do my homework now. |
Rule #5 is one I think I actually do pretty well. I try to match not so much whole tunes but more so the beginings and endings, to create the sonci flow. Sometimes this means I break rule 1, but I think flow takes precedence. One of my own rules is to avoid self-promotion, so I never stick tunes by any band I was in on a mix intended for someone else, unless specifically requested. I am totally for promoting my friends' bands (if they deserve it) and any worthy indie rockers I have seen. I am currently engaged ina mix tape exchange between myself and my old bandmate back the UP. I have a whole concept going, with each tape covering a theme or style of music. The first one was music for dark moods, the next will be an upbeat reggae mix commemorating the Reggae fest we attended recently, and others will include classic "alternative" rock, punk, odditties, metal, hip-hop, celtic, and world music. Like I said, I have a lot of time to kill on the weekends. The tape I have recieved from his end was alright, and the only complaint I have is the lack of the all-important flow. Man, start talking about music and I write a book. |
I used to get really clever and try to get the songs to flow thematically, so that, for example, Depeche Mode's "Blue Dress" would be proceeded by Morphine's "Whisper" ("Don't worry, I'm not looking at you, gorgeous, dressed in blue"), but it's kind of difficult to keep that up for a whole tape. Another thing I don't like to do is leave empty space on the ends of each side, so I usually fill them with an instrumental piece that doesn't require you to hear the whole thing. Ninja Tune compilations (I don't what you'd call that kind of music...acid jazz or jungle...or something) are really good for that kind of thing. So is classical music. I've given you some of that Ravel concerto I've been bragging about. Here's some more insecurity for you: a long time ago I realized how proud I was of my taste in music...I mean, I think I have good taste!...and that is like the one area of weakness I have. People can say anything about my taste in clothes, books, my personality, anything...and I don't mind. But man, tell me I have lousy taste in music, and it's like a punch in the stomach. I hope to God you like what you're getting. And you *will* get it soon. Don't worry. |
i'll always slip in something of my own if i think i can get away with it. |
Speaking of getting away with it, Nate, I am still waiting for a mix from you as well, Put as much of your stuff on it as you want. I never really considered the whole theme mix deal, with every song relating somehow. I think I have enough music now to attempt it as an experiment. |
it will come. (yours was a long time coming, if you recall..) |
some folks never got theirs, the mail ate the discs. i am not too happy about that. |
we have an album, but it is not polished yet. you want to wait for polish? |
If I could redo our album, I would. I'd do it on at least a 16 track, borrow a better drum set and mike it better, layer more guitar and screw more with levels and add backing vocals. But we only had an eight track and limited time, so we did the best we could. Considering our bassist was inexperienced and playing cheap equipment, our drummer seriously needed new cymbals and a new snare, I was consumed with finishing school at the same time, and our singer had throat cancer at the time, it doesn't sound half bad. Still, it's MY project and I can harp about what needs to be improved. Everyone else can just enjoy it. |