I think I've mentioned on here before how a friend wrote a story about them for the school paper, and she got a personal home visit from one of their big-ass private investigators. he told her about some of her own family history and that she shouldn't ever fuck with them again. |
The scientologists are scary people. They are the only religion to be a defendent in a federal felony case. One involving breaking an entering into the IRS when they were denied tax exempt status. Now they work from the inside out. I recommend a book called the Blue Sky or something like that. This guy wrote all about the scientologists and has spent his life running. He used to be a high ranking officer. He has had to have plastic surgey and such to hide his identitiy. My friend bought the book with a credit card and had those freaks coming to her door within 3 months. She was in acting classes that she soon found out were run by these freaks. When she stopped going she got phone calls for 6 months, they started out like "hey we miss you please come back " to "N...you NEED to come back you are making a big mistake with your life and if you do not come back....."etcetcetc on hollywood lvd. a block away there are several large bldgs inluding the bookstore. They have this lonely guy standing outside with a "stress machine" and a table with aa hand ful of books. I see people hooked up to it and I want to scream out to them, RUN RUN RUN !!!!!! They always try to offer me literature and I tell them "you people scare me" and keep walking. They probably already have a file on me because i walk by all the time. So to counteract this type of terrorism, whenever I have my camera, I walk by and "take pictures". I would never waste film on those fucks, but I like to see their reaction. |
1)"I'd like to start a religion. That's where the money is at" said L.Ron Hubbard in 1948. Six years later we have Scientology. 2)Forbes magazine reported that Hubbard, who died in 1986, was bringing in well over a million a week from the Church in the early 80s 3)Scientology's creation theory in a nutshell: 75 million years ago, a galactic ruler named Xenu transported people from outer space to earth, placed them in volcanoes and detonated hydrogen bombs. he resultant trauma became the of human ills and neuroses. The object of Scientology is to clear oneself of these evils. 4)Hubbard said he developed the basis for Scientology during WW2 when he claimed he healed his own wounds through mental powers 5)No records indicate he was injured in WW2. They do show his commander relieved him of duty stating "Lt. Hubbard is not temperamentally fitted for independent command. It is therefore urgent requested that he be detached." 6)When Hubbards 2nd wife Sara N. Hubbard, divorced him in 1951, she originally accused him of subjecting her to "scientific torture experiments', as well as strangulation, beatings, assault with an auto, kidnapping their infant daughter and bigamy. She later recanted in exchange for a a financial settlement. 7)Hubbard had not yet divorced his first wife Margaret Louis at the time of his marriage to Sara 8)Scientology offers world wide network of Church Celebrity Centers which "accommodate the unique needs and aspirations of these individuals" at luxurious resorts. 9)Feb 22 is an official church holiday. It commemorates the opening of the Celebrity Center in LA (my note, they took one of the most beautiful old bldg. in old school Hollywood to boot!). 10)the voice behind Bart Simpson, is a Scientologist as is Isaac Hayes. 11)The Cult Awareness Network(CAN) a hotline set up in the 70s to help find cult escapees had an acrimonious relationship with Scientology The church overwhelmed it with a barrage of lawsuits that left it bankrupt. CAN was then bought by a Scientologist. 12)Scientologist vehemently oppose drug use. Burt during the church's battle with the IRS in the early 70s, Hubbard Jr. testified "i have personal knowledge that my father regularly used illegal drugs including amphetamines, barbs and hallucinogens...cocaine, peyote, and mescaline" 13)The Sea Org was the church's navy for elite scientlogists with a complete flotilla of ships and uniforms. Among other missions. It searched for gold in the Mediterranean allegedly hidden there by Hubbard in his earlier incarnations. 14)In 1977 Mary Sue Hubbard, Ron's wife, and 10 other Scientologist were jailed for breaking and entering into the IRS to copy documents and plant electronic bugs. 15)Another Son, Quentin Hubbard attempted suicide more than once and succeeded in 1976 at age 22. Critics have said that his problems was his father's vehement disapproval of homosexuality. 16)In 1998 a former member sued the church, John Travolta and 21 other members on the grounds that they misled him into believing scientology could "cure" his gayness. Michael Pattinson, a Beverly Hills artist, says he $500,000 and 25 years trying to become heterosexual and alleges in court papers the church offered the John Travolta-kelly Preston marriage as proof it could be done. Travolta denies that he is or was gay. 17)Scientology is the first church in US history to be named as a defendant in a felony case. 18)In 1995 Lisa McPherson, a 36 year old member, dies of dehydration after spending 17days a ta Scientologist owned hotel in Clearwater Florida. The family charges that the church staffers restrained her under 24 hours watch in a room where she was sedated. 19)Scientology's history of filing law suits stems from LRon Hubbard's directive to attack adversaries through any means necessary. Enemies may be "tricked, sued, lied to or destroyed", wrote Hubbard. 20)The recorded thoughts of Hubbard are buried deep under New Mexico hills in steel-lined tunnels designed to withstand and survive nuclear war. Thousands of metal records are stored in heat resistant titanium boxes, and are played on a solar powered turntable. |