motorcycle accident Surfwatch: motorcycle accident
By Boingo on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 11:15 am:

By M on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 11:40 am:

    well, that ruined my day

By J on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 11:57 am:

    How do you think the guy on the motorcycle felt? Around Halloween time I had a site off a joke list that was anything but.A biker chick and her boyfriend decided to kill her husband and take pictures,she started out giving hubby a b.j. when her boyfriend comes up and stabs him till he,s dead,then they cut him up,cut off his head,feet, penis,etc.The last picture was his head on a chair with his foot in his mouth,for some sick reason I thought that was funny.I thought about posting it here,but thought better and didn,t.

By Nate on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 12:00 pm:

    holy shit that guy got FUCKED UP.

    i saw that dead husband photo set. some people are fucking nasty.

    you forgot to mention that the boyfriend and the wife are both butt ass naked playing with the body parts.

By J on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 12:06 pm:

    I thought at first they did it to be kinky,then I realized it was probably to keep blood off their clothes,to think they could have got away with it,if their friend at Wal-mart that developed them had enough sence to put them in the package himself.Probably Tweekers,the 'wife' din,t even have tits.

By Czarina on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 12:09 pm:

    Its a shame this guy died, because judging from the condition of his internal organs[circa: pre-smuuuushed], he appearerd to be in excellent health.[sorry, its the nurse coming out in me]

By Antigone on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 02:34 pm:

    And the evidence coming out of him...

    Shit, and I just ate.

    Rode to work on my motorcycle too...

    It's my only form of transportation these days.

    I'm buying a car in January...

By J on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 03:19 pm:

    Good idea,Antigone....don,t drive between lanes.

By Antigone on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 07:19 pm:

    Just rode home. It was an adrenaline fest all the way. Thought about being run over by an 18 wheeler. Thought about having my head and arm severed from my body. Luckily I didn't have to go on the highway. One car pulled out of a left turn lane (without turning left) one car ahead of me. If they'd been one second slower I could have been right next to them when they did it. I almost lost it. When people do shit like that I consider it a personal threat (shades of Lucy, eh?) and get really pissed off. If I'd stopped at a light next to them I probably would have lost it, banged on their window, yelled and screamed and roared at them. Luckily that didn't happen.

    I'm getting a fucking car.

By Patrick on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 07:25 pm:

    the bikers out here cruise in between the lanes, especially in traffic, thats damn dangerous, because they quite often come up fast and startle the hell out of you, in fact i rear ended someone in traffic becasue one zoomed by, startled me and diverted my attention from the poor schmuck in front of me. Bikers need to cut that shit out and suffer the consequnces if someone pulls out in front of them, because quite often bikers are coming just to fast and they often come out of no where

By Antigone on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 08:06 pm:

    I'm starting to see why Lucy was pissed off at you, Patrick.

By Patrick on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 08:08 pm:



By Patrick on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 08:09 pm:

    better yet i hope that was joke that totally whizzed by me cause i just don't see it....

By Antigone on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 08:16 pm:

    Well, I just posted that I had an experience on a motorcycle where I thought my life was threatened and your next post said that bikers should "suffer the consequences" if someone pulls out in front of them. I'm still a bit tense from my ride home, so maybe I'm over reacting a bit, but that seemed like a wee bit of a "you got what you deserved" dig...

By Antigone on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 08:16 pm:

    ANyway, I've got to go. Be back on Sunday...

By Patrick on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 08:40 pm:

    i'm sorry, of course i am glad you are alright, and i don't think you were in the wrong, i was speaking of my experience, and yours brought up thoughts of my own....what i said therafter said nothing of your circumstances......

    because of the maneuverability and great acceleration of motorcycles, i think the drivers need to have a greater responsibility. It's much easier to divert or slow a motorcycle than it is a car. Also in a car, you have a barrier around you so your field of view can often be obstructed. Whereas on a motorcycle, you have a better ability to see, in otherwords, you are empowered more to be a DEFENSIVE driver..........i trust no one on the freeway, and yes the prick who pulled out in front of you should have used a signal, seen you,waited and/or made up his mind whether was turning or i wasn't trying to say you were at fault for his idiocy..... SF they have a day every year where they bombard the roads to remind car drivers of their existence, they shut down traffic and some of them are a nuisance to pedestrians and drivers.
    I think if cyclists want to be respected on the roads, they need to adhere to the same rules, otherwise it's every man for himself. I see cyclists run stop signs, red lights and cruise up the wrong way on a one way street all the time. There are good cyclists as well who follow the rules of traffic too, don't get me wrong.

    Same for pedestrians, a pedestrian has a better field of view, the ability of a human to stop on a dime couldn't be anymore literal. If someone is jaywalking and they get hit. Their fault. A car just doesn't have the ability to stop, physics prevent it, no matter how good of a driver you are.......that human should have the brains to look and avoid autos, especially when they are jaywalking.....

    Cars are an institution, they are not going away. Those who bike, cycle, skooter, walk or whatever seem to have this superiority thing........thats fine if you think your method is better, but expecting the all mighty automobile to stop on a dime becasue a biker just cut three lines and all of sudden is in your blind spot passing you on the lines is silly.

    I dunno, i am just a really defensive driver. I stay away from anyone on the roads when at all possible. I predict and assume that asshole WILL pull out in front of me, brakes and horn covered...i think as a biker it so unsafe to cruise between lanes, i don't know how they do it. I would be expecting everycar to change lanes on me...I had a friend who got side swiped for this very reason. He was cruising BETWEEN the lanes, now i dunno if you were or not, but it just seems as often as people change lanes A) either without looking or B) they look the best they can but you were just coming to fast, a biker would just avoid it all together and stay in the lanes...

    i'm sorry and i realize how you interpreted it, and i like you so I don't want you to take what i said the wrong way, my wiords were independent of YOUR experience. i don't think you deserved anything.....i don't know the specifics and frankly that doesn't matter, you are alive and capable of consuming beer, so have one virtually on me and have a nice weekend

By Sarah on Friday, December 17, 1999 - 09:15 pm:

    Every morning, I commute
    Mild-mannered man in a business suit
    When I wanna come home
    at the end of my day
    whole lotta cars stacked up in my way
    I pull up behind one
    Pull out my pistol
    and i blow 'em away

    When I'm driving my car
    I wanna drive real fast
    but there's a car
    won't let me pass
    I flash my lights.
    I honk my horn.
    Well.... I have to consider him warned.
    I pull up behind him
    Pull out my pistol
    and i blow 'em away

    Jesse James behind the wheel
    It's high noon in my automobile
    You call me crazy,
    You call me sick
    I got to get to where i'm goin' to quick.

    Son of a bitch, he cut me off
    Three whole lanes he pulled across
    Made me mad... made me swerve
    Son of a bitch got what he deserved
    I pulled up behind him
    Pulled out my pistol
    And i blew 'em away

    That motorcycle is riding between
    He's splittin' lanes, if you know what I mean
    he's cuttin' in line
    well that's an act of war
    I saw him comin', I opened my door.
    Knocked him over
    Pulled out my pistol
    And he kicked my ass
    (yeah, well you know, he was a biker)

    Jesse James behind the wheel
    It's high noon in my automobile
    You call me crazy,
    You call me sick
    I got to get to where I'm going to quick

    Little ol' lady, bless her heart.
    She's walkin' her poodle 'cross the boulevard.
    wearin' a red knit sweater and knitted hat
    Probably named "Fifi" or somethin' stupid like that
    I say, "Here Fifi"
    Pulled out my pistol
    Blew it away.

    adapted from "Blew 'Em Away" - by David Wilcox

By Gee on Saturday, December 18, 1999 - 01:23 am:

    Is it cold riding on a motercycle in the middle of winter?

    Do you wear a helmet, Antigone? I hardly ever see people on motercycle's with helmets.

By Isolde on Saturday, December 18, 1999 - 09:32 pm:

    If you ever visit Stanford, Patrick, you will be amazed at the sheer numbers of clyclists's seriously scary to try and drive anywhere on the campus without hitting them.

By Antigone on Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 09:16 pm:

    Helmet? Hell, yeah. Just riding a motorcycle is one definition of stupidity (which I freely admit to) and riding without a helmet is sheer lunacy. Riding without leather pants and jacket is also pretty stupid, but I do that all the time... I guess you've just got to pick the level of insanity you're comfortable with.

    And, yes, it can be frikkin cold. It doesn't get too cold in Dallas until mid January, though. It got up to 60 today, so it was pretty nice. Riding to work in the morning can be a bit nipply, but by bike puts off alot of heat.

By Patrick on Monday, December 20, 1999 - 12:16 pm:

    rain drops turn to needles, did you understand me antigone? seriously! saying "you get what you deserve" to any biker was harsh, better yet "if you play with fire you may get burned" would have been more approprriate....

By Czarina on Monday, December 20, 1999 - 01:33 pm:

    Bugs have a certain "sting" at 60 miles an hour.