Either that, or force them to play Margret's wedding. |
brrfrrhrrr. |
ownership of a domain name does not automatically represent copyright infringement until there is a clear and genuine intent to extort gain (financial or otherwise) from the owner of a registered service mark, or to cause consumer confusion among individuals expecting to find information about a given product or brand protected by copyright law. nothing about domain names or the internet changes the fundamentels of copyright law. i am not aware that anyone owns any rights to the word "Sorabji" for use in commerce or any other endeavor, so i am probably safe from prosecution. there is a sorabji.org, for instance. that site is a family site owned by a gentleman named Sorabji whose name for years and years was the only occurance of the word "Sorabji" i could ever find on the internet. if something about this choice of a sorabji.com domain name could be thought to have been in "bad faith" (because i do not carry on about the composer Sorabji the way other people do), then i could always point to this and my use of "Sorabji" as a login id since at least 1992 and other assorted Sorabji screeds somewhere on this site as proof of my good faith. if i wanted i could pull a Yahoo (U.S. Reg. No. 2040222) and trademark "Sorabji.com" as ... as i don't know what, but as something. as a purveyor of, uh, entertainment content over a global computer network. that sounds good, as it leaves open the possibility of some other global computer network offering Sorabji.com-esque entertainment content, if that is what you want to call this. i am in occasional contact with the "Sorabji Archives" and people who i assume to be legitimately connected to the Sorabji Estate in Bath, and none of these individuals has ever suggested that ownership of this domain name is problematic. bottom line, since i don't make a dime off this site, and Kaikhosru Sorabji never made a dime off his work, and there is no commercial value associated with the word "Sorabji," i am probably safe from persecution. Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji was a British composer who wrote ridiculously difficult piano music, and there is a very small movement among some musicologists and certain masochistic pianists to bring his works to a wider audience. On average i get mail from individuals interested in the music of Sorabji about once a year. i am really tired and intoxicated, but must make dinner. what interests me is a question i saw on the old site WAYD last week. question being, the way movies today show generic phone numbers as "555-1212" or "555-xxxx," what will movies use as generic references to internet websites?, i guess. |
The whole claim to domain name thing has gotten a little out of control in my opinion--the etoy vrs. etoys, etc. Bah on them all. |
I thought the whole point in registering domain names was to protect yr content... Esp. if it's wonderfully non-commercial. And are you saying that if I might someday want radicalconsequences.com as a domain name for a future business endeavor/I shd register the name now? Even if I don't have the know-how to build a real website? |
ally bally UHHHH AHAHA coma coma coma coma coma coma coma ally bally UHHHH AHAHA ally bally UHHHH AHAHA coma coma coma coma coma coma coma |
I'll have to remember to query my brother about Sorabji - he digs composers like that. His current favorite is Percy Grainger, the masochist. |
So it'll hafta wait. But at least I've already got a lock on the email address. |
How about this: I'll buy it and we can all put it together. I'll provide ftp account access to anyone who wants it, and we can all construct something together. Sound like fun? It can be like sorabji's bastard child. |