
sorabji.com: Surfwatch: uh-huh
By moonit on Thursday, February 10, 2000 - 12:54 am:

    I was at www.losers.org

    This guys girlfriend is a gift from god - send money now!!

By moonit on Thursday, February 10, 2000 - 01:10 am:

By moonit on Thursday, February 10, 2000 - 01:11 am:

By Gee on Thursday, February 10, 2000 - 03:48 am:

    re: the guy who likes cartoon chicks. He may be a little odd, but he's got a point. Cartoon women (especially in comic books) usually look Perfect. Nobody in reality has bodies like some of those chicks.

    and I have a question: lower on the page there's a girl in a white and pink uniform. Who is that? I recognize her from a cartoon I used to watch all the time when I was a kid. I remember everything about it except the Name!

    she was in the cat one, I believe. I used to have that toy. a little action figure of Her came with it. I loved that cartoon. what was it??

By moonit on Thursday, February 10, 2000 - 02:02 pm:

    Is that the cartoon where there were five of them, I'm pretty sure my cousin had them - they turned into one big monster. Voltaron? No thats the name of a deep heat cream, uh.. I know it

By Patrick on Thursday, February 10, 2000 - 02:06 pm:

    Star Blazers?

By moonit on Thursday, February 10, 2000 - 02:16 pm:

    thats not the name I know it by

By Patrick on Thursday, February 10, 2000 - 02:27 pm:

    no, you are correct about Voltron, i wasthinking the character is from Star Blazers.

    I loved both of these cartoons

By Rhiannon on Thursday, February 10, 2000 - 04:26 pm:

    Did you ever watch Robotech? I was obsessed with it when I was in 3rd grade. It was the only cartoon I ever saw where people kissed.

By heather on Thursday, February 10, 2000 - 06:36 pm:


    the guy at the top was so lame.

    why does it cost money to be married?

By Patrick on Thursday, February 10, 2000 - 06:50 pm:

    blood tests
    justice or religious person to do ceromony

    now almost all of these are not required to be "married" in a spiritual sense. I suppose you could do it for free.....otherwise, the above shit adds up fast!

By heather on Thursday, February 10, 2000 - 07:20 pm:

    if you can't pay for it yourself

    you better start thinking of the free way- that's what i mean

By Gee on Friday, February 11, 2000 - 01:17 am:

    VOLTRON! You're right, Moonit! that was driving me crazy.

    I understand they have a new "and improved" version of that cartoon now.