I scored a 100 for Unitarian/Universalist, which was the last religious group i actually ever attended. If pressed, I would again if I had to. My next two closest matches were Liberal Quaker and Humanist. My least close match was Roman Catholic. |
#1: Humanist (100) #2: Unitarian Universalist (91) #3: Atheist/Agnostic (80) #4: Theravada Buddhist (73) #5: Liberal Quaker (68) #6: Neo-Pagan (60) #7: New Age (48) #8: Mainline to Liberal Protestant (42) #9: Orthodox Quaker (40) #10: Mahayana Buddhist (33) that was a slamdunk. |
#2: Mainline to Conservative Protestant (91) #3: Reform Judaism (79) #4: Seventh Day Adventist (66) #5: Eastern Orthodox (62) #6: Jehovahs Witness (62) #7: Mainline to Liberal Protestant (62) #8: Orthodox Judaism (62) #9: Orthodox Quaker (62) #10: Roman Catholic (62) #11: Sikhism (62) #12: Liberal Quaker (53) #13: Unitarian Universalist (52) #14: Christian Science (50) #15: New Thought (50) #16: Scientology (50) #17: Neo-Pagan (43) #18: Baháí (41) #19: Islam (41) #20: Atheist/Agnostic (37) #21: Humanist (37) #22: New Age (32) #23: Mahayana Buddhist (29) #24: Theravada Buddhist (29) #25: Hindu (25) #26: Jainism (16) ?????????????????????????????? |
Humanist (score=92) Liberal Quaker (score=87) Neo-Pagan (score=82) Atheist/Agnostic (score=80) Mahayana Buddhist (score=75) Theravada Buddhist (score=75) liberal quaker? is that like a heaping bowl of oatmeal? I was curious where you would score on that trace. |
Same thing goes for Skooter, see if he scores Neo-Pagan. |
Mahayana Buddhist ...(score=96) Unitarian Universalist ...(score=86) Liberal Quaker ...(score=80) New Age ...(score=80) Theravada Buddhist ...(score=74) Sikhism ...(score=67) Mainline to Liberal Protestant...(score=57) Hindu ...(score=56) Humanist ...(score=53) Baháí ...(score=46) Jainism ...(score=46) Orthodox Quaker ...(score=42) Reform Judaism ...(score=39) Atheist/Agnostic...(score=31) New Thought ...(score=31) Christian Science ... Scientology ...(score=21) Orthodox Judaism ...(score=18) Jehovahs Witness ...(score=10) Latter Day Saints...(score=10) Seventh Day Adventist ...(score=7) Mainline to Conservative Protestant...(score=6) Eastern Orthodox ...(score=0) Islam ...(score=0) Roman Catholic ...(score=0) what a trip. it stands to reason that islam would not be the religion for me. i couldn't handle those veils. |
Mahayana Buddhist ...(score=96) Unitarian Universalist ...(score=86) Liberal Quaker ...(score=80) New Age ...(score=80) Theravada Buddhist ...(score=74) Sikhism ...(score=67) Mainline to Liberal Protestant...(score=57) Hindu ...(score=56) Humanist ...(score=53) Baháí ...(score=46) Jainism ...(score=46) Orthodox Quaker ...(score=42) Reform Judaism ...(score=39) Atheist/Agnostic...(score=31) New Thought ...(score=31) Christian Science ... Scientology ...(score=21) Orthodox Judaism ...(score=18) Jehovahs Witness ...(score=10) Latter Day Saints...(score=10) Seventh Day Adventist ...(score=7) Mainline to Conservative Protestant...(score=6) Eastern Orthodox ...(score=0) Islam ...(score=0) Roman Catholic ...(score=0) what a trip. it stands to reason that islam would not be the religion for me. i couldn't handle those veils. |
Hindu ..(score=100) Mahayana Buddhist ...(score=76) Neo-Pagan ...(score=74) New Age ...(score=65) Jainism ...(score=55) Theravada Buddhist ...(score=55) Humanist ...(score=10) Jehovahs Witness ...(score=10) Latter Day Saints...(score=0) Mainline to Conservative Protestant...(score=0) Roman Catholic ...(score=0) |
Unitarian Universalist[score 93] Atheist/Agnostic[score 84] Theravada Buddist[score 79] Liberal Quaker [score 66] Neo-Pagan [score 56] Mainline to Liberal Protestant [score 37] New Age [score 36] Orthodox Quaker [score 31] Mahayana Buddhist [score 26] Bahai [score 15] Looks like Dave and I pretty much share the same views humanity. |
(If you did not request this please let us know) 1. NUMBER AND NATURE OF DEITY [ ] Only one God, a corporeal spirit [ ] Only one God, incorporeal (not body) spirit [ ] Multiple personal gods [ ] The supreme force is the impersonal Ultimate Reality [ ] The supreme existence is both [X] No God or supreme force [ ] None of the above 2. HUMAN INCARNATION(S) OF GOD(S). [ ] God is (or Gods are) supreme [ ] One Incarnation [ ] Many or countless Incarnations [ ] No particular Incarnations [X] No Incarnations [ ] None of the above. 3. ORIGINS OF PHYSICAL UNIVERSE & LIFE ON EARTH. [ ] Per Book of Genesis [ ] Per Book of Genesis, but "day" is not 24 hours [ ] God is creating and controlling the phenomena [ ] All matter and life forms are manifestations [X] Only natural forces [ ] None of the above. 4. WHAT HAPPENS TO HUMANS AFTER DEATH? [ ] Souls are judged immediately [ ] Death results in unconsciousness [ ] Souls don't survive death. [ ] The soul's spiritual development continues [ ] Rebirths occur [ ] There is definitely an afterlife [X] No afterlife [ ] None of the above. 5. WHY IS THERE EVIL? [ ] Humankind inherited sinfulness, or a damaged nature. [ ] Humankind did not inherit sinfulness [ ] Ignorance of one's true existence as pure spirit [ ] Not listening to the voice of God [ ] Egoism (self importance) [X] No supernatural or spiritual reasons. [ ] None of the above. 6. SUFFERING IN THE WORLD? [Disagree] Satan's presence on Earth [ ] The original disobedience of Adam and Eve [ ] Suffering is part of God's divine will, plan, or design [ ] Suffering is a state of mind [ ] Cosmic imbalance and disharmony [ ] Unwholesome thoughts and/or deeds [X] Nothing to do with the supernatural or karma. 7. THE PATH TO SALVATION Worship: [Not Applicable] Baptismal ceremony: [Not Applicable] Confess and repent: [Not Applicable] Doing good works and compassion: [Agree] [ ] Strict adherence [ ] All, even the wicked, are rewarded after life [ ] Extinguish all cravings, attachments, and ignorance [ ] Learn all life's lessons through rebirths [ ] Realize your true nature as purely spirit [ ] Live very simply [ ] Tap the power of the Ultimate [X] Humankind is saved through human effort 8. ESSENTIAL POSITIONS Abortion choice supported: [Disagree] Homosexual behavior wrong: [Agree] Roles for women and men prescribed: [Agree] Divorce and remarriage restricted: [Disagree] Social betterment programs fundamental: [Disagree] Non-violence fundamental: [Disagree] Spiritual healing favored: [Disagree] Protecting nature fundamental: [Disagree] HERE ARE YOUR RESULTS: #1: Atheist/Agnostic (100) #2: Humanist (84) #3: Latter Day Saints (78) #4: Unitarian Universalist (76) #5: Mainline to Conservative Protestant (73) #6: Theravada Buddhist (68) #7: Eastern Orthodox (63) #8: Islam (63) #9: Orthodox Judaism (63) #10: Reform Judaism (63) #11: Roman Catholic (63) #12: Sikhism (63) #13: Mainline to Liberal Protestant (59) #14: Neo-Pagan (56) #15: Liberal Quaker (53) #16: Christian Science (47) #17: Hindu (47) #18: Mahayana Buddhist (47) #19: New Thought (47) #20: Scientology (47) #21: Seventh Day Adventist (47) #22: Baháí (31) #23: Jainism (31) #24: Jehovahs Witness (31) #25: Orthodox Quaker (31) #26: New Age (28) |
then i went back & took the test, filling in answers more in line w/ the religion i was raised in. that time, i came up as an orthodox quaker, w/ 7th day adventist close behind. in college, i used to steal lawn ornaments w/ a quaker. he was the best thief in the state of arkansas. in the early '80s, i almost married a chinese man who was a 7th-day adventist. they're pretty religiously intense. serious as fuck. i've got some adventist tracts around here that'd make your head explode. |
Neo-Pagan ...click to learn more (score=100) New Age ...click to learn more (score=96) Unitarian Universalist ...click to learn more (score=85) Mahayana Buddhist ...click to learn more (score=84) Theravada Buddhist ...click to learn more (score=77) Hindu ...click to learn more (score=73) Liberal Quaker ...click to learn more (score=70) New Thought ...click to learn more (score=64) Mainline to Liberal Protestant...click to learn more (score=54) Christian Science ...click to learn more (score=53) Scientology ...click to learn more (score=53) Humanist ...click to learn more (score=50) Orthodox Quaker ...click to learn more (score=50) Sikhism ...click to learn more (score=47) Baháí ...click to learn more (score=40) Jainism ...click to learn more (score=40) Reform Judaism ...click to learn more (score=37) Atheist/Agnostic...click to learn more (score=30) Latter Day Saints...click to learn more (score=20) Seventh Day Adventist ...click to learn more (score=17) Orthodox Judaism ...click to learn more (score=17) Mainline to Conservative Protestant...click to learn more (score=16) Eastern Orthodox ...click to learn more (score=10) Islam ...click to learn more (score=10) Jehovahs Witness ...click to learn more (score=10) Roman Catholic ...click to learn more (score=10) |
Unitarian Universalist (score=91) Humanist (score=83) Mahayana Buddhist (score=81) Liberal Quaker (score=77) Neo-Pagan (score=69) Atheist/Agnostic (score=64) Hindu (score=61) Jainism (score=61) Satan's Severed Head (score=59) Orthodox Quaker (score=57) Sikhism (score=51) Mainline to Liberal Protestant (score=49) New Age (score=47) Baháí (score=32) Christian Science (score=28) New Thought (score=28) Reform Judaism (score=28) Scientology (score=28) Seventh Day Adventist (score=24) Latter Day Saints (score=19) Mainline to Conservative Protestant (score=15) Eastern Orthodox (score=9) Islam (score=9) Jehovahs Witness (score=9) Orthodox Judaism (score=9) Roman Catholic (score=9) Funny that Theravada came out on top for me. I'd consider myself more Mahayana. But I disagree quite a bit with their lumping Agnostic and Atheist together. They lumped their "no," "not sure," and "not important" answers into the same answer choice. Those are completely different options! |
Here's the part where I eat my words, I guess. Discordianism ...(score=121%) Neo-Pagan ...(score=100) Unitarian Universalist ...(score=92) Humanist ...(score=85) Sikhism ...(score=85) Mahayana Buddhist ...(score=76) ... Eastern Orthodox(score=28) Islam ...(score=28) Orthodox Judaism ... (score=28) Roman Catholic ... (score=28) Seventh Day Adventist ... (score=14) Jehovahs Witness ... (score=0) |
I do not beleive in Cat either |
Do give him a big wet one for me, by the way. And Tom, I believe in you. I close my eyes, turn upside down, twist my hips 180 degrees, sacrifice dead soy beans and wish like hell you would come clean my windows. |
The drug "Cat" (short for methcathinone) was first synthesized by a Northern Michigan University student and son of a NMU chemistry prof. Cat is instantly addictive and keeps you up for a week, with hallucinations. Coincidence? I agree with Antigone about the lumping of agnostic/atheist. I also am confused at Confused's answers, wondering how one can find homosexuality wrong if you are an atheist, considering that all the arguments against homosexuality pretty much have their origin in a religion's dogma. |
By Trace on Wednesday, December 20, 2000 - 09:52 am: I am not, was not posting as, and never will SATAN. I am love SATAN and realize that I can never be SATAN. I pray he will stick it up your ass with my pitchfork, and rotate on it until I fire hot load into your bowels. |
I guess that's just another thing John Travolta and I have in common. Next on my hit-list was being a Seikh which actually didn't sound that bad. Weird |
I'm going back and putting in the weirdest answers I can think of. |
Cat: assuming that you didn't actually stick a pitchfork up your ass, could you do me a favor and twist your hips back the way they came about 40 degrees? Ah, that's much better. Now I can see what all the fuss is about. The usual ritual for summoning a Tom, (instead of just granting him visual access to your nethers,) has a bit more to do with sugar, alcohol, fire, and a weeks worth of amatuer pen-and-ink drawings. It was nice of you to try, though. On our next show: how to get Norbert to unclog your drain, using only "tracert" and "ping". |
my friend Ping left Canada for Singapor (sp?) this week for good. I rather miss her. I gave her a calender full of fellow work chums acting goofy. she really liked it. |