Colorgenics Surfwatch: Colorgenics
By spunky on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 02:27 pm:

    try this on for size
    This is what I got:
    You feel as if you have missed out on a great deal that life had to offer and you go about trying to make up for past failures. Naturally at times you get depressed and you try to compensate for your 'missed opportunities' by living your life to the full. This is what, perhaps, may be described as 'living with exaggerated intensity'. In this way you feel you can break the chains of the past and start again - and it could be that you are right.

    You are very orderly, methodical and self sufficient. You demand and need the respect, recognition and understanding of all those who enter into your sphere on influence.

    Many people will consider you egotistical and full of your own self importance. On the surface you could well give this impression and perhaps the reason for this complacent attitude is because at times you indeed have that 'short fuse' and are quick to take offence.

    You are pretending that the situation around you doesn't matter, but the effort of trying to conceal your emotions and anxieties is resulting in untold stress. The existing situation is disagreeable. You feel unwanted and lonely and you would really like to associate with someone whose ideals are as high as your own. You want to be above the standard of mediocrity and this need to be needed and that need to need has almost become an obsession. You are trying to magnify the need into a compelling urge. You would really like to tell the world how great you are but no, you are holding back because you feel that your peers may treat you with contempt. This is a great pity because you have in fact a unique quality of character, but the continual restraint that you impose on yourself makes you suppress this need for others and you pretend you don't really care. You treat those who criticise you with contempt. However, to be honest, beneath this assumption of indifference you really long for the approval and esteem of others.

    You really like doing what you do and, more than that, you like yourself. Your attitude to work and to life is that 'If its not fun - then don't do it'. You want to be liked and respected, not for who you are but for what you are - and it seems to be working.

By J on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 02:36 pm:

    This is too strange I just surfed on there myself about 5 minutes ago from the cool site of the day archives,I even e-mailed myself my results it was so dead on,is this weird or what Spunky? I'd forward it to you but I don't have your e-mail address

By patrick on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 02:37 pm:

    You are the sort of person that needs a peaceful environment. You seek release from stress and freedom from conflicts and disagreements, of which you seem to have had more than your fair share. But you are taking pains to control the situation by proceeding cautiously and you are right in doing so as you are a very sensitive person.

    You are feeling very disillusioned at this time and you feel that you are being left out of things. You know - or you think you know - what you want, but you seem unable to exert the effort to achieve your objectives. As a consequence, you are feeling left out and neglected. You would like to be afforded greater security and fewer problems.

    Your confidence has been shattered. There are so many things that you would like to do with your life, so many dreams to be fulfilled - and you know that your hopes and dreams are not just figments of your imagination, they are real and you are looking for reassurance from someone. Basically your fears are such that you may be prevented in attaining your hopes and dreams. Even now you would like to broaden your fields of endeavour but in order to develop your 'inner- self' you need peace and solace. You are distressed by the fear that you may be prevented from attaining your goals. What you really need at this particular moment in time is quiet reassurance from someone close to you to restore your confidence.

    Whatever you strive to do, something always seems to be holding you back. There is no subterfuge in you. You are a clear thinker and all you demand from life, in a relationship, is a partner whom you can trust and with whom you can, together, develop a foundation of trust based on understanding. You are your own person and you demand freedom of thought to follow your own convictions. You have no interest in 'two-timing' and all you seek is sincerity and 'straight-dealing'.

    You wish to be left in peace... no more conflict and no more differences of opinion. In fact you just don't want to be involved in arguments of any shape or form. All you want is for 'them' to get on with it - and to leave you alone.

    -surprisingly accurate

By spunky on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 02:42 pm:

    my email
    Sadly, I think I lost yours as well

By spunky on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 02:44 pm:

    I think mine was off

By J on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 02:45 pm:

    I sent it to you.

By Spider on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 02:54 pm:

    This is me:

    You work hard, seeking success. You are self-sufficient and in spite of all the trials and tribulations that have beset you in the past you carry on regardless.. You are one to be admired because you pursue your objectives single-mindedly and with initiative. You know that you can 'do it' and what is more, you will - without necessarily being dependent upon the goodwill of others.

    For some time now you may have been subjected to considerable physical illness and or emotional distress. This may have taken a severe toll and you feel both physically and mentally worn out. Your self esteem has been reduced and you now need a peaceful environment which will permit you to effect full recovery.

    You are very demanding - and insisting on total involvement but you do not reciprocate with the same depth of feeling. However, it could well be that maybe an unprecedented surprise is awaiting you in the near future. For just as one whilst paddling in the sea, could flounder into a whirlpool, so you may be drawn into a loving situation that has high emotional demands - and you could well respond with a depth of emotion that you never even dreamed that you possessed.

    Recent disappointment has led you to become truly introverted. You are becoming suspicious of everybody and consequently you now feel that you are unable to trust anybody. Unfortunately it would appear that you are curbing your natural enthusiasm and imaginative nature - perhaps this is because you are fearful that you may become over enthused and find that you could possibly be carried away by wishful thinking. You are keeping your distance to see whether attitudes towards you are sincere - but this watchfulness could easily develop into suspicion and distrust.

    You are being very dogmatic, insisting that there is to be absolutely no equivocation whatsoever about your achievements and accomplishments.

    All paragraphs except the second-to-last are totally off the mark. I couldn't care less about success, I'm lazy and under-achieving, and I lack initiative utterly. And I'm feeling more catty than dogmatic today. What accomplishments, anyway?

By spunky on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 02:57 pm:

    I got it, thanks J

By spunky on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 03:00 pm:

By heather on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 03:37 pm:

    You are tending to pursue your objectives with concentrated intensity and it would seem that whatever obstacles may come into your path, you will stick to your guns and will not allow yourself to be deflected from your purpose. You are striving to achieve recognition and what is more - you deserve it.
    You are willing to try anything once. You 'need to be needed' and what is perhaps more important you 'need to need.' You can only feel close to a person or persons when you feel you can trust them, but this trust needs to be proven to you.
    You wear your heart on your sleeve and since you are an emotional person you are apt to give your all - heart and soul - to all those that show you a little affection; but take care - it would appear that you have been extremely hurt in the past and you keep leaving yourself wide open for punishment.
    Whatever you strive to do, something always seems to be holding you back. There is no subterfuge in you. You are a clear thinker and all you demand from life, in a relationship, is a partner whom you can trust and with whom you can, together, develop a foundation of trust based on understanding. You are your own person and you demand freedom of thought to follow your own convictions. You have no interest in 'two-timing' and all you seek is sincerity and 'straight-dealing'.
    You don't like authority and you rebel against all forms of limitation. You are your own person and you intend to stay that way and to get on in the world simply by your hard work and determination.

By patrick on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 03:53 pm:

    i dont know about the rest of you but i just looked over the wife's results as well.

    amazingly accurate.

    i realize these kinds of statements tend to be a bit generic like horoscopes, but perhaps there is something else there.

    That last bit of yours heather is identical to mine.

By eri on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 04:18 pm:

    Ok here is mine, but now I have to go back and read this thread. Catch up to ya soon!

    At this time in your life you feel like 'giving up'. For every time you have tried to build up your hopes and dreams something has come along to burst the balloon. You may feel that, at this particular moment in your life, there seems to be no chance of fulfilling these dreams but you are so wrong. You are the sort of person that can influence any situation, that is - If you don't give up. So consciously make the effort... You have that inherent power to succeed.

    You need an atmosphere of peace and quiet and you would like to share a bond of understanding with the 'right person' - you have the belief that with the right person, your stress and anxiety could be minimised.

    At times all of us would like to be like the ostrich - to be able to bury our heads in the sand and let the rest of the world go by, but unfortunately you can't do just that - you have to face up to reality. A little peace and quiet would be most acceptable at this time but if only one could turn a blind eye to the problems of the day! Tomorrow is another day and who knows, it could be 'today' (not tomorrow) that could be the first day of the rest of your life!

    From every direction there appear to be unwarranted restrictions on your freedom of action and this is producing considerable stress. You're really looking for independence and freedom from any restriction and therefore avoiding any obligations or anything which might prove hampering. You are being subjected to considerable pressures and you would like nothing better than to escape from them but you tend to lack the necessary strength of purpose to succeed in this. Whichever way you turn you are being frustrated. You need to be free to do your 'thing' in your own way.

    You need to be needed and would like a situation where you will no longer be subjected to pressures and demands from those about you. There is no harm in 'dreaming' but it is you - and only you - that can be able to realise those dreams and to turn them into reality.

By eri on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 04:38 pm:

    The second one is a lot more like you, but if it is true you need to let your hair down more and be less inhibited with me :p The only thing that seems off was about you not finding the person to fill your needs, because I thought it was pretty much describing me.

    I thought that parts of mine were disturbingly accurate. I am not avoiding obligations or anything like that, but the whole thing about being free to do my thing my way is sooooo true. How many times have I told my mom if I am going to do it it will be on my terms and not hers?

    Scary. Of course it didn't say anything about my need for booze ;)

By eri on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 04:58 pm:

    I tried it again and got this one, which I think is totally acurate right down to the last letter.

    You are longing for a little love and tenderness. At present you are feeling very sensitive and need a sympathetic shoulder to lean on. You don't need any further stresses, strains or arguments so take a deep breath and relax.

    You are lazy - you dream of a peaceful, calm, uncluttered and uncomplicated life. Your ideal would be to share a permanent base with some person or persons who would be able to demonstrate on-going love, peace and security.

    Nothing seems to be going right for you and you are thwarted every way you turn. You are not at all happy with the situation but it would appear that there is very little that you can do about it at this time. Sit back and let the situation take its course, because at this time you feel that there is nothing you can do to change whatever needs to be changed.

    Matters have not gone well for you. You are experiencing severe stress trying to guard yourself from further disappointments. It would seem that all of your hopes and dreams have not been realised and you are now beginning to doubt yourself. You no longer wish to be further advised by anyone and you insist on going it alone - to control your own destiny. Even though deep down you doubt whether things will get better in the future you have one consolation - and that is that they couldn't possibly get worse. Unwilling to give up anything that you possess, you are looking for some sort of security as a protection against any further setback or loss of position and prestige. You are so negative that you tend to exaggerate your problems and refuse to accept any advice from so called well-meaning friends.

    Sometimes one fears that its not worth formulating new ideas and projects because whatever you seem to have done in the past has never worked out and you are tired of, as they say, banging your head against a brick wall. No one seems to care. So now you are trying to get away from it all by withdrawing into a 'fantasy land' but unfortunately 'fantasy land' is just that and sooner or later you will have to return to reality so why delay the inevitable? When you do return, you will find that the situation is not as tough as perhaps you thought it was.

    100% to me, what do you think Spunky?

By spunky on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 05:12 pm:

    why so unhappy?

By eri on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 05:20 pm:

    Didn't we just talk about this? Don't tell me you have forgotten already, because that will only prove that it is worse than I thought.

    For asking that question you now owe me flowers and a bottle of wine!

By Dougie on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 05:47 pm:

    Goddamn that's cool:

    You are the sort of person that needs a peaceful environment. You seek release from stress and freedom from conflicts and disagreements, of which you seem to have had more than your fair share. But you are taking pains to control the situation by proceeding cautiously and you are right in doing so as you are a very sensitive person.

    You are looking for something different. Your imagination has been working overtime and you are seeking adventure - and you'd like to share that adventure, the new experience, with someone like yourself: Imaginative, Enthusiastic and Sensitive.

    The situation at this time is one of considerable distress. You feel trapped and you are looking for some way out. You can find solace in the arms of someone who cares so long as there is no long-term emotional involvement.

    You are being unduly influenced by the situation that is all around you. You do not like the feeling of loneliness and whatever it is that seems to separate you from others. You know that life can be wonderful and you are anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to live it to the full. You therefore resent any restriction or limitations that are being imposed on you and you insist on going it alone.

    You wish to be left in peace... no more conflict and no more differences of opinion. In fact you just don't want to be involved in arguments of any shape or form. All you want is for 'them' to get on with it - and to leave you alone.

By semillama on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 06:31 pm:

    You are seeking an affectionate relationship,
    offering fulfilment and happiness. You are
    capable of powerful emotional enthusiasm.
    Deep down, you are a kind loving person,
    always helpful and willing to adapt yourself if
    necessary to realise the bond of affection that
    you desire. But you need the same
    consideration and understanding from others
    and it is this need that will sometimes hold
    you back... so let go, trust and you may
    pleasantly surprised at what happens.

    You are a leader and possibly at this tine in a
    position of authority, but you are experiencing
    problems. You are not quite sure how to
    handle the present situation.

    You wear your heart on your sleeve and since
    you are an emotional person you are apt to
    give your all - heart and soul - to all those that
    show you a little affection; but take care - it
    would appear that you have been extremely
    hurt in the past and you keep leaving yourself
    wide open for punishment.

    Whatever you strive to do, something always
    seems to be holding you back. There is no
    subterfuge in you. You are a clear thinker and
    all you demand from life, in a relationship, is a
    partner whom you can trust and with whom
    you can, together, develop a foundation of
    trust based on understanding. You are your
    own person and you demand freedom of
    thought to follow your own convictions. You
    have no interest in 'two-timing' and all you
    seek is sincerity and 'straight-dealing'.

    You wish to be left in peace... no more conflict
    and no more differences of opinion. In fact you
    just don't want to be involved in arguments of
    any shape or form. All you want is for 'them' to
    get on with it - and to leave you alone.

    not too far off the mark. A lot more personally
    detailed and specific than your usually
    horoscope BS.

    I have to wonder though. Would it work with
    cultures that have different perceptions of
    color? For example, there are cultural groups
    in Africa, i think it is, who do not and can not
    distinguish that there is a difference between
    green and blue. I think they recognize that
    there are different color values, but to them
    green and blue are fundamentally the same
    color. You show them a blue ball and a green
    ball and they'll tell you they're the same color,
    for instance.

    So how would that affect the test?

By semillama on Thursday, April 11, 2002 - 06:33 pm:

    Here's what happens when I picked the colors
    in reverse order.

    You are so adamant at this time, you are not
    willing to concede to anything. You are
    dictatorial with your own ideas and the way
    you are feeling and there is little that anyone
    can do to make you change your mind, or to
    be able to persuade you to make
    concessions or to accept any compromise.

    You are feeling very disillusioned at this time
    and you feel that you are being left out of
    things. You know - or you think you know -
    what you want, but you seem unable to exert
    the effort to achieve your objectives. As a
    consequence, you are feeling left out and
    neglected. You would like to be afforded
    greater security and fewer problems.

    Nothing seems to be going right for you and
    you are thwarted every way you turn. You are
    not at all happy with the situation but it would
    appear that there is very little that you can do
    about it at this time. Sit back and let the
    situation take its course, because at this time
    you feel that there is nothing you can do to
    change whatever needs to be changed.

    You are experiencing extreme emotional
    disappointment because it would seem that a
    particular relationship is no longer running
    smoothly. You would like to break away from
    this involvement completely and yet, if this
    were to happen, then its possible that
    something very important to you would be lost.
    You are in a quandary. You are not sure which
    way to turn. So on the one hand, you would
    like to free yourself from this attachment
    altogether, yet on the other, you do not want to
    lose anything nor risk uncertainty and the
    possibility of further disappointment. These
    contradictory and opposing emotions are now
    causing you considerable stress but you are
    putting on a brave face - pretending that you
    don't care.

    Anxiety and a restless dissatisfaction, either
    with circumstances or with unfulfilled physical
    or emotional needs are producing
    considerable stress. You react to this by
    blaming everyone but yourself. You are
    aggressive, sarcastic and embittered. Try to
    be understanding and a little flexible - it will
    pay dividends in the long run. and it could well
    be that accordingly all of your dreams could
    soon be realised.

By Christopher on Friday, April 12, 2002 - 01:38 am:

    Here's mine:

    "Everyone laughs at you."


By moonit on Friday, April 12, 2002 - 02:39 am:

    Enough is enough - and you feel that you've had enough for a while. You don't need any more battles. You just would like to be able to shout 'stop' and experience a little peace and calm - even if it be only for a little while. This doesn't mean that you need to cut yourself off from the rest of the world - it just means that you are seeking some respite, some physical or emotional relaxation that could release some of the the tension and possibly reduce the internal conflict.

    You are a true extrovert, frivolous and outgoing. You need to feel in control of any situation. If matters are not proceeding according to plan you tend to get extremely irritable and perhaps become difficult to live with.

    You feel that you deserve far more than is being attributed to you, but there is no-one to whom you can turn to for sympathy and understanding. Your pent-up emotions and inherent egocentricity make you quick to take offence, but as matters stand you realise that you will have to make the best of things as they are.

    It is said that we are all influenced by our environment and indeed you are no exception. It would seem at this time that even though you may be surrounded by people, you are experiencing an inner loneliness. Fortunately you are sufficiently strong minded to realise that life has a great deal to offer you and that you may miss your share of experiences if you fail to make the best use of every opportunity. You therefore pursue your objectives with a fierce intensity and are prepared to commit yourself deeply and readily. You believe that whatever you would like to do or think 'you can do' - you do! It is because of this attitude that you may be considered by others as arrogant and even conceited, but its fair to say that whatever it is that you really want out of life you will put your heart and soul into it and will not take 'NO' for an answer.

    There is an inherent fear that you may be prevented from achieving the things you want. This activates your subconscious desire for peace of mind and mental security. It is increasingly obvious to you that the environment that you are in is not conducive to your well-being and so you are seeking fresh fields - somewhere free of conflict where you can RELAX and THINK

    fucking hell thats accurate today. 41 sleeps till the cruise

By eri on Friday, April 12, 2002 - 08:54 am:

    You know what the funny thing about this is? On just about everyone's reading it says that they want to avoid conflict, or not argue or things like that, and that they just want peace and quiet or relaxation. Yet on all of these threads we argue a lot. I just saw that and thought it was amusing. I was surprised to see what it had to say about some of the people here, because it was not what I had expected, but it makes perfect sense.

By moonit on Friday, April 12, 2002 - 11:10 pm:

    I don't argue here. I don't argue anywhere.

    Now I have Cat in the Hat stuck in my head.