And yes, having a red flag is a huge pain in the ass every time you fly. Those TSA people seriously have NO sense of humour. More interesting is that someone from her journalling community reported her. Trust no one, man. Jesus. |
So, keep that in mind, that the Secret Service considers a spork a potential deadly weapon. |
And, WTF? You've got to spill about yours. :P |
So the long and short of it was that she didn't know. So I wrote for my file, because I was kind of curious (it fucks with your flying mojo, job mojo, etc etc). And my file was very unenlightening. So it could be because I was out and about at several protests (WTO, RNC, DNC, Genoa, G8, etc). It might be because I'm a midget. Maybe it's because of my ubderspy grandparents. I don't really know. I could appeal it if I knew what it was for... But it makes flying these days really entertaining. Because they aren't nearly so subtle anymore. Usually I end up with a whole row of seats to myself because no one wants to sit "with the terrorist." The secret service and the fbi get upset about very wierd things. Sporks, apparently, among them. We used to have these wierd metal spork things when I was a kid. Now those could do some damage. Maybe that's what the secret service was thinking of? Sporking tires? |