Are you Psychic ? Surfwatch: Are you Psychic ?
By V on Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - 02:41 pm:

    I am,I have been since the age if 5,its no big deal,I used to assume anyone every one could see what I see,I had know one to tell me other wise.Do you know Roland Sterman?,I may have posted of him,a Covern Leader,he has been trying to get me in as second in command for years,I asked Roland what I could gain from Witchcraft,he says "Well now,you can switch off your Psychic Power!".....well,I digested that for 24 hours,and worked out,its a bit like being an airline pilot,7 miles up,comeing in to land,then you switch off your radar and far,seeing a car smash me to bits in my head has saved my life 6 times over.True happenings in v,s life,as you know,v wont take much notice of negative comments,v posts the real v...yo! I found this web site at random last night,I may join the club,

By V on Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - 02:59 pm:

    ...Rowlands Father was in the German Gestapo,but he had no control over that situation,it was just something that happened at the time.