John White has over 130 piano sonatas Obscure Classical Composers: John White has over 130 piano sonatas
Frank Abbinanti on Monday, June 28, 1999 - 11:26 pm:

    These are wonderful pieces some one-idea conceived some piano tone poems, his piano-liniage is sorabji,Alkan,Busoni,Reger,Satie,he is a great pianist himself.

By M gasser on Friday, September 21, 2001 - 03:52 pm:

    I totally agree - I've played them

By John Emr on Monday, May 31, 2004 - 05:30 pm:

    He's quite a marvelous person. A superb performer, composer and a pivotal member of the golden age of experimental music in England. He continues to create excellent music, He has now written over 140 piano sonatas.