By Sorabji on Tuesday, December 30, 1997 - 10:58 pm: |
Most of the music of Sorabji which I have is on tape, but I bought this Yonty Solomon the other day at the Virgin Super Store for $12.99. I've hesitated buying it for years because it is a single-work CD, and somehow I feel ripped of even though it is cheaper than a full-length CD. It is atmospheric as anything. Can't really distinguish a melody. Very sexy, though. Sounds like a jazz improvisor who knows all the chords but can't find a tune. |
By R.C. on Tuesday, December 30, 1997 - 11:17 pm: |
So make a RealAudio & let us hear a little of it! (C'mon, ASCAP will never find out -- he's too obscure!) The stuff at the link you turned me onto was wildly complex but far from sexy. And this place is named for the guy -- ya gotta have at least a little of his music here! |
By Curious sofa on Tuesday, December 30, 1997 - 11:52 pm: |
By Jicotea on Wednesday, December 31, 1997 - 08:59 pm: |
By Jicotea on Wednesday, December 31, 1997 - 09:01 pm: |
By Jicotea on Wednesday, December 31, 1997 - 09:20 pm: |
By Sorabji on Wednesday, December 31, 1997 - 09:37 pm: |
Who recorded the composer's OC to high, if fleeting critical acclaim. It was that Slonimski guy (the guy who played Chopin études with oranges) who spread the word that Sorabji's real name was Dudley. Who knows what about Slonimski? Once a musicologist passes 90 s/he can say any goddam thing about anybody and not have to prove it. I am trying (and failing) to scan this unusual picture of Sorabji at the piano with the pianist Yonty Solomon supplicant at the composer's knees. Sorabji is even smiling. It is so unusual. Yonty had not the chops for Sorabji's endless works. Neither did Habermann, nor did Sorabji himself. Wasn't that the point? I'm going back to my ivory tower for the night. Harumph. I *have* looked into performing music of Sorabji, and in fact I have performed music of Sorabji. It's no big deal. The shorter pieces are accessible and even kids' stuff. buh-buh-booo.. |
By Jicotea on Wednesday, December 31, 1997 - 10:00 pm: |
Happy New Year, Mark! |
By R.C. on Wednesday, December 31, 1997 - 10:01 pm: |
By HA on Thursday, January 1, 1998 - 02:51 am: |
By Jicotea on Thursday, January 1, 1998 - 10:40 am: |
By Mantra on Thursday, January 1, 1998 - 12:06 pm: |
By Jicotea on Thursday, January 1, 1998 - 01:24 pm: |
"Roslavetz" Hey, Mark! Nik. Slonimsky was only in his 50s when he started the Leon Dudley canard. ****** think about it |
By Sorabji on Thursday, January 1, 1998 - 01:41 pm: |
By Sorabji on Thursday, January 1, 1998 - 01:48 pm: |
By R.C. on Thursday, January 1, 1998 - 02:50 pm: |
By R.C. on Friday, January 2, 1998 - 07:42 pm: |
ECM Records: Alexandr Mosolov [If you download the Sonata of Piano #2, skip the 'high quality' & opt for the 'low'. The 'high quality' took 40 min. to download & it's only 60 sec. long.] |
By R.C. on Friday, January 2, 1998 - 08:00 pm: |
Can anyone tell me where I can download a Midi player to listen to these files: Scriabin Midi Page If so, let me know: R.C.'s e-mail address [YES ! Got the loud colors & the underscore & evrahthang! This calls for a drink!] |
By Schissel on Tuesday, January 20, 1998 - 12:54 pm: |
-Eric Schissel |
By Golden Boy on Friday, January 23, 1998 - 09:15 am: |
By Jicotea on Saturday, January 24, 1998 - 03:43 pm: |
Knockout piece. You posting in from Praha? |
By Christopher Berg temporarily of Chapel Hill NC on Sunday, January 25, 1998 - 10:46 am: |
At present, I am studying (with intention to perform) a Sorabji Piano Quintet (from 1920) -- looks like about an hour long (continuous), and somewhat MORE in the line of "kidstuff" than most of his work (i.e. the piano part is basically playable). I live in NYC but temporarily (till March) in North Carolina, but (despite my cavils above) hope to communicate with you more directly on my return, Mark Thomas. Until then -- INTERESTING site indeed. |
By Jicotea on Sunday, January 25, 1998 - 11:16 am: |
(The quintet score had to be printed, I recall, in a "landscape" format to accommodate the otherwise impossible page turns. And its still highly inconvenient.) I agree with you re Habermann. But there is some (relatively) simple Sorabji. |
By Sorabji on Sunday, January 25, 1998 - 11:43 pm: |
By Christopher Berg on Monday, January 26, 1998 - 08:55 am: |
Jicotea: I am MOST interested in your analysis about "rhythmic cycles" in Quintet -- which (since I cannot play the piece anywhere near up 2 speed yet) I certainly cannot HEAR. Can you feed me some info on specifics of this? Thanks... |
By Sorabji on Monday, January 26, 1998 - 10:29 am: |
In college I spent days and days and days listening to the OC over and over and over, and at some point I was in a correspondence of sorts with the archives in England. The arrival of Ogdon's OC and his late recording of the Busoni Fantasia Contrapuntistica were major events for me. After I played a Sorabji piece or two in New York I became friendly with Don Garvelmann who might, if I could lure him into this website, tell some highly interesting stories about the composer. |
By Jicotea on Tuesday, January 27, 1998 - 12:03 am: |
The "cycles" were perceived not by me but by the pianist in the case (and the most enthusiastic participant) who has long since been translated to another plane (at best). My copy of the score went west (or possibly south) with him. I do recall having had pointed out to something truly hairy in rhythmic terms, but no details come immediately to mind. |
By Christopher Berg on Tuesday, January 27, 1998 - 10:32 am: |
This to Sorabji: (tongue in cheek): I accept your apology. Yes, Ogdon is amazing, isn't he. If only they'd tuned the piano for the O.C. recording. It really gets excruciating at times. Have you ever seen the BBC film VIRTUOSO, with Alfred Molina playing Ogdon. It's devastating, and very, very well done. (One of the characters is meant to be, I think, Ronald Stevenson.) I hope to invite you both (and all others) to a performance of the Sorabji Quintet in the fall. But please: STRING PLAYERS??? HELP! |
By Sorabji on Wednesday, January 28, 1998 - 11:12 pm: |
Was reminded last night of my passing interest in José Vianna Da Motta. Maybe he deserves another thread in this forum.. |
By Jicotea on Thursday, January 29, 1998 - 08:57 am: |
By C Berg on Friday, January 30, 1998 - 10:07 am: |
I guess you guys don't know any string players? too bad... |
By Sorabji on Friday, January 30, 1998 - 10:21 am: |
I refused, and never saw him again. And no, I don't know any string players offhand, but could keep eyes and ears open. |
By Jicotea on Friday, January 30, 1998 - 06:32 pm: |
"You wouldn't like it." I will fish around among the better NYC freelancers. Is a recording a possibility? I need bait. |
By R.C. on Saturday, January 31, 1998 - 12:08 am: |
By C. Berg on Saturday, January 31, 1998 - 10:13 am: |
And I lamented the lack of response from you and Jicotea about string players. And that's what I did yesterday. |
By C. Berg on Thursday, February 5, 1998 - 11:30 pm: |
By Jicotea on Friday, February 6, 1998 - 09:40 pm: |
That Ravel concerto...benign?...hardly. I hear in it, or read into it, irony, foreboding, even menace. Yes, I mean the G major, the two-hander, with its superficial reflections of then-current jazz and pop. The left-hand cto is even fuller of these elements. |
By C. Berg on Saturday, February 7, 1998 - 10:40 am: |
I have never heard a single one of his pieces live in America (or anywhere else for that matter), and I've been looking to for about thirty years. Benign was perhaps not exact -- but, I don't think that piece (Ravel in G) has much menace at all -- just lots of energy. The left-hander yes, but this one -- I don't see it. |
By Jicotea on Saturday, February 7, 1998 - 11:36 am: |
By Sorabji on Saturday, February 7, 1998 - 06:28 pm: |
When I think of black humor in music I think mostly of Mahler and maybe Alkan. But that finale to Beethoven 7 is usually performed as such upbeat, heroic music. I wonder how it would sound had Sorabji himself conducted it. There is, somewhere out on the net, an extremely well-done midi arrangement of Ravel's G Major Concerto, which is also one of my all-time favorite pieces. That and maybe the Saint-Saens Intro/Rondo. Delius turned into a senile monster in his old age, as I remember reading. Growing up in Florida, though, I was always intrigued by any composer who would write a "Florida" suite. Sorabji also had a lot of really pissed off things to say about those harmlessly occult essays by Cyril Scott in which Scott talks about Devas and Adepts haunting the souls and influencing the works of great composers. Sorabji's manner of attack really does make me wonder what he had to be so defensive about. Maybe it was the fact that he never had to earn a living. He would have had a home on Usenet. A psychologicasl analysis of Sorabji's writings might be pretty interesting. I read such an analysis once of Charles Ives' writings; all I remember of the "analysis" is a section in which the indications he wrote into his scores were taken to task for possibly indicating repressed homosexuality. In some of his scores he wrote stuff like "Don't play this like a sissy-boy." That's the only example I can think of right now, but it was an interesting approach. |
By Jicotea on Saturday, February 7, 1998 - 07:01 pm: |
By Sorabji on Saturday, February 7, 1998 - 08:35 pm: |
By C. Berg on Sunday, February 8, 1998 - 11:36 am: |
The suggestion about analysis of Sorabji's writings is interesting. But it would be necessary to read the entire (mostly unpublished) jottings, which includes, among other things, a paean to "fine large penes" (no closet homo, he) to do them any kind of justice. I do think you guys (or was it only Mark?)are off-base when you suggest he may have been jealous -- bitter and angry, yes, but Sorabji jealous of Cyril Scott? or "Blue Serge Prokofiev" -- don't make me laugh! (And, don't forget, he was the first to puncture the inflated -- and ridiculous -- reputation of that hopelessly cynical Soviet jokester Shostakovich.) It is always pleasant to read unkind words about Charles Ives. Thank you, Mark. |
By Schissel on Sunday, February 15, 1998 - 03:58 am: |
Usually I find his music wonderful. The opening to In a Summer Garden, especially. |
By C. Berg on Wednesday, February 18, 1998 - 12:47 pm: |
So, yes, please, keep looking for and/or thinking about possible string players. Not the ones who "[I] wouldn't like it", please (to quote Mark). Thanks! |
By Jicotea on Thursday, February 19, 1998 - 02:52 am: |
Delius = root canal work. Feh. I was the user of the traditional kosher restaurant waitperson phrase, "You wouldn't like it." Credit where due, please. |
By C.Berg on Saturday, February 21, 1998 - 12:06 pm: |
By Dave on Saturday, February 21, 1998 - 10:08 pm: |
By Sorabji on Saturday, February 21, 1998 - 11:46 pm: |
my page-turner reported back that he really really and i mean really had to go to the bathroom all the time he was sitting there and turning my pages for the Ives. after the show i know he peed for almost 10 minutes straight. nowadays i think i have the thing memorized. The latter might be on tape, the former certainly is not. I can't believe anyone would make much of an effort to hear even one of Sorabji's Frammenti on tape. i also did the Hothouse thing somewhere in the middle of Ohio. no tape there, either. tapes tapes tapes. one thing about musicians these days is they always have to have it on tape. |
By C. Berg on Tuesday, February 24, 1998 - 10:56 am: |
But I would -- possibly because I know nothing about them from experience -- like to hear some Frammenti. Possibly better on my own piano in my own quarters. |
By C. Berg on Tuesday, February 24, 1998 - 10:56 am: |
But I would -- possibly because I know nothing about them from experience -- like to hear some Frammenti. Possibly better on my own piano in my own quarters. |
By C. Berg on Saturday, March 14, 1998 - 08:28 am: |
By Jicotea on Monday, March 30, 1998 - 06:34 pm: |, at the beginning of a thread on Sorabji. Be nize to the visitors, won't you? Lots of people are going to be reading this! |
By Sorabji on Friday, April 3, 1998 - 11:07 am: |
Since Monday, that link to this page drew exactly 5 visitors. And I think 2 of them may have been the same person. Way to drive that traffic, man! |
By Jicotea on Saturday, April 4, 1998 - 10:08 pm: |
By Sorabji on Sunday, April 5, 1998 - 12:07 am: |
after rummaging through hundreds of "YOU MUST READ THIS" and "THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE" and "AMAZING!! MARKETING!! SECRETS!!" nonsenses I gave up. it really made me mad, too. I'M AN ANGRY MAN!!! this site (and other sites i've done) has shown up in lé usenet at various times, and that self-described mighty force has never drawn more than a dozen visitors, none of whom were anything more than curiosity seekers who "clicked here" exactly once. and that, in a nutshell, is why i don't visit the place any more. though i did buy this swank newsreader program the other day, in case I'm overtaken by the urge to consult the artificial intelligence or classical music newsgroups for illiterate, hyperspastic marketing detritus. |
By R.C. on Sunday, April 5, 1998 - 12:13 pm: |
{{Greetings Jicotea!}} Is yr site up & running yet? C'mon -- whatcha waitin' for, man? I'm dying to browse around & find some terribly obscure stuff to buy. (And pls. do post some sample sound files!) Then once I've listened to it/I can come back here & post some inane remark that cranks everybody up & gets the sparks flying again. The only classical I've listened to lately was from a very cool PBS series earlier this week: "Yo-Yo Ma: Inspired by Bach." I was in heaven watching him play. The ice skating didn't do much for me/but the dances that Kenny G look-alike choreographer created were fabulous! He really captured the humour that comes thru in some of the suites. In my humble opinion. For those who are interested/the PBS series continues this week with a collaboration btwn Yo-Yo & director Atom Egoyan ('Exotica', 'The Sweet Hereafter'). Which looked kinda lame in the previews. But I'll watch just to see/hear Yo-Yo play. |
By Jicotea on Monday, April 6, 1998 - 03:32 am: |
You're welcome to your opinion of the newsgroups, mark, although in riffling through the wonders of I notice you have gathered unto yourself a significant portion of "illiterate, hyperspastic" regular posters.That seems to be a net characteristic, the young being able to operate terminals without actually putting much thought into what they are, um, putting out. I can't speak for the alt.ngs because I don't hang out there, but one thing that cannot be done by any individual poster or group in is manipulate the newsgroup into a single opinion or direction. (I see people trying this on daily). Whereas, you are running people around your site like toy trains, or trying to. These Kiddies haven't got an effing clew, fingering their versatile nexuses and whinging about the reverses life hands them. Is this manipulative? U betcha bippy. R.C.: U will B among the 1st to know when my site is up. Promise! I will have my own domain, not be hung on the ~end of a thorn. |
By Sorabji on Monday, April 6, 1998 - 09:57 am: |
I was expressing frustration at having spent 45 minutes in an AI newsgroup (which used to be my favorite low-key and even highbrow newsgroup) wading through over 300 messages, about 85% of which were "YOU MUST READ THIS TWICE!!!" crap. If Usenet is your tribe then have a blast. I spent over a year in there and never got much out of it, but maybe I didn't try hard enough. But it would never occur to me to stomp through and say rude things about the people there. Maybe as I get older... |
By C.A.Scott on Wednesday, May 27, 1998 - 05:13 pm: |
For the few who actually read these messages, please take note that there will take place in NEW YORK CITY an ALL-SORABJI CONCERT at Merkin Concert Hall on December 6, 1998 at 6 p.m. Concert will feature world premiere of Sorabji's Piano Quintet No. 1 (1920) (a modest work of some 20 minutes' duration) as well as the U.S. premiere (and second performance anywhere, I believe) of his Piano Sonata No. 2 and a performance of the 3 Fetes galantes. All works from the early '20s. Tickets will be available at the Merkin box office a few weeks before the performance. It is hoped that the concert will be recorded live for CD release. |
BTW: I was told by Mark-Andre Hamelin that Kevin Bowyer was in *very* poor health a few years ago while in the process of trying to get the Second Organ Symphony into shape. I can just imagine what the work is like (reading the score of the First Organ Symphony, as corrected by Mr. Bowyer, while he traverses its strange terrain, gives one a great respect for Bowyer's sense of purpose!) |
Symphony #2. Am very sorry to hear about Bowyer- but- hope this is .not. permanent :(... few have done more for Sorabji's music it seems to me. (Not none, of course- consider Hinton's and Rapoport's labors for one thing- but few.) Anyone who can take a large-scale Sorabji score and begin editing it into shape right now will be doing future would-be Sorabji-playing pianists a .big. favor, by the way... imo... |
Not sure if that helps much, though... | There you´ll find a lot of very fascinate classic-midifiles for download. |
Douglas Madge and Michael Habermann So we have 3 oc's to compare. Still prefer JO tho. And... I have the score. 252 pages no less. Can't say I'm up to the Passacaglia, but the Adagio is not impossible. Even tried the Introit, but Rh gets tired very quickly. If only I could read my MS of the Sinfonia Brevis |