
sorabji.com: Obscure Classical Composers: Henselt
By Sorabji on Sunday, February 8, 1998 - 07:13 pm:
    Still obscure?

    I was unable to uncover my copy of his big fat huge F Minor piano concerto today (maybe it is back home in Florida). That outrageous arpeggio thing in the middle of the 1st movement leaves me without a thing to say, and that is not particularly a positive thing, nor is it necessarily a negative thing in this case.

    I remember Henselt for having the courage , or maybe it was just self-pity, to admit very late in life that he had not lived up to his promise, and that in fact he had squandered his talents and was a tremendous disappointment to those who had followed his career.

    If he is known for anything (besides that bizarre arpeggio moment in the F Minor Concerto) he is known for his florid left-hand writing.

By Golden Boy on Monday, February 9, 1998 - 12:41 am:

    have you tried contacting Flatt's and Sharp's in Evanston IL via mail order...they have a phenomenol collection...i's dig up the info more for ya..

By Sorabji on Monday, February 9, 1998 - 10:28 am:
    I always used to say "Flarps and shats." And "augminished and demented."

    Can't remember hearing of that company as a mail order house, though.

Lex on Monday, July 14, 2003 - 09:57 am:

    Is anybody reading these messages today? Maybe mr. Sorabji is checking his email in heaven?
    Maybe he's chatting with mr Henselt in person right now? Off course mr. Henselt will play his magnificent concerto up there for everybody who loves real romantic music, or maybe everybody can play this music by himself in heaven, something I allways wanted very much while being alive, but helas! that music is to difficult for normal mortals on earth!