Rued Langgaard is a sort of transplanted Danish Scriabin, although largely unsuccessful in his attempt to develop his own music. Insektarium for piano solo remains interesting, as do most of his titles (Hel-Sfarenes--"Hell Spheres", "Music from the Abyss", etc.). Alexei Stanchinsky is one of my favorites, although I am having great difficulty in collecting all of his extant score in book form. If anybody has any information on this, please contact me by clicking on my name and sending me an email with said information. Also, if anyone can direct me to Alexandrov score, I'd be very grateful. It seems to me that most composers are somewhat obscure, other than a handful of the overplayed to redundancy. Many of them have composed some wonderful pieces; I find it very striking that some of these composers were exceptionally consistent with their musical quality; if only they had acted in a different social way or perhaps even through in some popular compromises today, some of the "What's that" names might be as well known as many of the popular classics today. |